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Jen-boulden-environment-jenb-tv. Drop the eco-pessimism – you can make a greener world - opinion - 03 July 2014. After six years cleaning up England's environment, the Environment Agency's outgoing chair is in no mood for surrender TOO often, we portray climate change and its consequences as a nightmare. But people don't like listening to nightmares. They don't want to believe in nightmares; they want to believe in hope. They want to believe in something different, something better. We need to articulate the debates and discussion around climate change in that context. Policy-makers don't make the environment and climate change real for people, mattering to their everyday lives and their everyday experience.

But talk to them about their own little patch of environment – about the river at the bottom of their village, or the landscape that surrounds where they live, or the urban streetscape and the way in which it is fashioned – and they become really passionate. Can we link that passion for the local environment with the general principles that surround its management?

Profile Promoted Stories. Save Our World. What is Environmental Science? Definition and Scope of the Field. Interview with Environment Agency Chief Executive Dr Paul Leinster. MAN.