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Canterbury Tales

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The Canterbury Tales ("California Dreamin" by the Mamas and the Papas) Law & Order: The Wife of Bath's Tale. Women don't want to hear what you think. Women want to hear what they think - in a deeper voice. - Bill Cosby at BrainyQuote. Americans make the pilgrimage to Vatican for glimpse of white smoke and new pope – Miguel Marquez reports. Inside the hajj: The world's largest annual pilgrimage. By Sarah Brown, CNN (CNN) – Millions of Muslims began the Hajj pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia on Sunday, which represents one of the largest annual human gatherings on the planet. The Hajj is one of the five pillars of Islam, a journey every Muslim is expected to take in his or her lifetime if the person is physically and financially able. This year, the Saudi Arabian city of Mecca is hosting more than 2 million Muslims, about 1 million fewer than last year, according to the Associated Press.

Our iReport team has asked pilgrims who have performed the Hajj about how the experience changed them - and for their advice to those undertaking the pilgrimage for the first time. The result is a mix of spiritual and practical life lessons that transcend Islam. 1. iReporter Amir Abdul Latip from Brunei said the Hajj taught him a patience that’s carried over to his life after the pilgrimage.

Read more about Latip’s Hajj experience CNN Explains: What's the Hajj? 2. See images of Hassoun’s visit to Mecca in 2011. Herd boys travel miles for education - Video.