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Rotten Tomatoes News. Movie Guide | Anime Movie Guide. Movie Count: 63 Do you have feedback, questions, movie suggestions or review copy offers? You can contact us at *protected email* I’ve spent more time than I care to think about watching anime movies in my life thus far. I’ve seen both astoundingly spectacular and horrifically terrible anime movies. I’m giving you the full benefit of my anime experiences in the form of this list of mini-reviews.

You’ll find the best (and only the best) anime movies in existence organized below according to studio, director and release date. To ease the navigation of this guide, here are some anchor links to take you straight to the individual studios: Studio Ghibli | Studio Madhouse | Katsuhiro Otomo | Production I.G. | Makoto Shinkai Shinji Aramaki | Fumihiko Sori | Keiichi Hara | A-1 | Tin House | Studio 4°C | Bones | Brain’s Base Gainax | Shaft | AIT | Square Enix | Gonzo Pre-Ghibli Studio Ghibli was officially formed in 1985. Hayao Miyazaki Isao Takahata Miyazaki loves planes. Watch Movies with no limits. Weird Films list.

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