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Eingebrannte Linsen - Rezept - 136 Creepy Wikipedia Articles. Earth album alpha - a slicker google maps + flickr mash-up. The 15 Best Speculative Fiction Books of 2010. - Wissenschaft, Kultur, Politik. Awesome Robo! We're a throw-away society, when we're done with something we forget about it and never return. Sewer systems, train lines and other underground locations are left to rot as we build bigger and better things on top, because who the hells cares about the history of our cities?

This new short documentary series, Crack The Surface, follows a crew of urban explorers who revisit these ignored locations and showcases the beauty of the underground world. It's amazing to see places that you wouldn't normally see, or even know of, it's something totally unique and shows the evolution of our industrialized society in a hands-on and dangerous way. If you have about 20 minutes to spare, I highly recommend you give this first part a watch, it's fantastic. Also, the groups outlook on responsibility and liability is f***ing awesome as well, because "even if the they[owners of the property] may be liable, you would be a b***" if you were to sue them.

The Top 10 Best Science Fiction Books. Before the comments fill up with “Why didn’t you include this” and various slights against our personal and professional integrity, this is just a list of ten great science fiction novels, not in order, and by no means the top ten ever produced. ‘Ten of the best’, not ‘the ten best’. That being said, please post up your own favourites, as we’re always looking for new things to read. 10. The Moon Is A Harsh MistressPublished: 1966 Author: Robert Heinlein Awards: Hugo (1967), Nebula (1966), Prometheus, (1983)Buy it on Amazon Heinlein’s elegantly constructed novel evokes some of the finest traditions in science fiction, with a near-future setting on the mongrel colony of Luna, which is preparing its revolution against the tyrannical rule of Earth.

Although much of the novel doesn’t make the strictest sense in a sociological, political and creative way, it’s still one of the greatest works of SF. 9. . | Kindle Edition 8. 7. . | Kindle Edition 6. . | Kindle Edition 5. . | Kindle Edition 4. 3. 2. 1. Craig Harrison (sniper) The L115A3 Long Range Rifle.

Schmidt & Bender 5-25x56 PM II LP telescopic sight, similar to the sight used by Harrison, and its adjustment controls Seen at 5x zoom Seen at 25x zoom The P4 stadiametric rangefinding reticle as used in the Schmidt & Bender 5-25x56 telescopic sight. The small red figure in the images is the silhouette of a man standing at a range of 2,475 m (2,707 yd). Craig Harrison (born 1975) is a Corporal of Horse (CoH) in the Blues and Royals RHG/D of the British Army, and holds the record for the longest confirmed sniper kill in combat, at a range of 2,475 m (2,707 yd).

In November 2009, Harrison consecutively struck two Taliban machine gunners south of Musa Qala in Helmand Province in Afghanistan at a range of 2,475 m (2,707 yd) using a L115A3 Long Range Rifle.[3][4][5][6][7] In a BBC interview, Harrison reported it took about nine shots for him and his spotter to initially range the target successfully. Longest recorded sniper kills.