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Why the U.S. President Needs a Council of Historical Advisers - The Atlantic. It is sometimes said that most Americans live in “the United States of Amnesia.”

Why the U.S. President Needs a Council of Historical Advisers - The Atlantic

Less widely recognized is how many American policy makers live there too. Speaking about his book Doomed to Succeed: The U.S. -Israel Relationship From Truman to Obama, the American diplomat Dennis Ross recently noted that “almost no administration’s leading figures know the history of what we have done in the Middle East.” Neither do they know the history of the region itself. In 2003, to take one example, when President George W. The problem is by no means limited to the Middle East or to Bush. To address this deficit, it is not enough for a president to invite friendly historians to dinner, as Obama has been known to do.

Famous people who may never have existed. You know the story of David and Goliath.

Famous people who may never have existed

It turns out David wasn't just a one-sling wonder, as he grew up to become King David, a pretty big deal in the Bible. But it's possible that King David wasn't real, meaning he didn't take down a giant with a single rock, a huge blow to underdogs everywhere. According to King David: A Biography by Steven McKenzie (via the New York Times), a 1997 issue of the Chronicle of Higher Education explained that, outside of the Bible, nobody talks about King David.

As P. China is struggling to keep control over its version of the past. THE Chinese Communist Party likes to describe threats to its grip on power in barely comprehensible terms.

China is struggling to keep control over its version of the past

Over the past three decades, it has struggled against the menace of “bourgeois liberalisation” (leaving many wondering whether there is an acceptable proletarian kind) and fought against “peaceful evolution” (exceedingly dangerous, for some reason, unlike “reform and opening up”). The Mystery at the Heart of Great Photographs. Photo “There is nothing as mysterious as a fact clearly described.”

The Mystery at the Heart of Great Photographs

The fact that versions of this observation have been attributed to two very different street photographers, Garry Winogrand and Lisette Model, underlines its wisdom and its mystery. It helps explain why attempts to stage photographs — to create fictions — only rarely work as powerfully as the kind of quotations from reality that we get in documentary photographs. Larry Sultan once said he “always thought of a great photograph as if some creature walked into my room; it’s like, how did you get here? Earth - Why ancient myths about volcanoes are often true. Story has it that many hundreds of years ago, Tanovo, chief of the Fijian island Ono, was very partial to a late afternoon stroll.

Earth - Why ancient myths about volcanoes are often true

Each day he would walk along the beach, watch the sun go down and undoubtedly contemplate this paradise on Earth. The Movie "Gladiator" In Historical Perspective. 10 Historically Inaccurate Movies. No on­e really complains when Disney waters down the grisly Grimm fairy tales with family-friendly overtones.

10 Historically Inaccurate Movies

But although Disney has a reputation for putting its own spin on those tales, the company fueled the ire of critics when it rewrote history. This happened in 1995, when Disney released its own version of the Pocahontas story. In the Disney film, a romance emerges between the Native American girl, Pocahontas, and the British settler, John Smith. Historiography: TOK in History. Transform your history classroom.

Historiography: TOK in History

ActiveHistory provides entertaining, educational award-winning interactive simulations, decision-making games, self-marking quizzes, high-quality worksheets and detailed lesson plans for teachers and students. Useful Links. Digital-dark-age-could-leave-historians-with-no-records-of-the-21st-century-10043516. Technology could mean that our lives are lost to history, according to experts.


20 Fotos históricas en blanco y negro restauradas en color. Los miembros de un grupo en reddit, llamado ColorizedHistory, comparten su pasión por la historia y se dedican a recoger fotografías históricas a blanco y negro, para darles darles vida a través del color y mostrarnos cómo se verían estas imágenes si fueran captadas en nuestra época.

20 Fotos históricas en blanco y negro restauradas en color

Aunque esta técnica de colorización quizá pueda parecer simple para muchos, es maravilloso ver cómo estos artistas digitales se unen para interpretar cada una de estas imágenes históricas en blanco y negro, que a veces olvidamos de que la vida en ese entonces también se vivió en los mismos colores vivos que nos rodean hoy en día. ¡Disfruten! 1. Niño abandonado sosteniendo un animal de peluche. Londres 1945. Jean-Baptiste Michel: The mathematics of history. The Power of Memory in the Civil-Rights Movement. The Best Resources For Teaching “What If?” History Lessons. (NOTE: Sometimes the embed function from Authorstream doesn’t work very well.

The Best Resources For Teaching “What If?” History Lessons

If that’s the case, you can see the student examples of PowerPoint presentations at the Authorstream site by just clicking on the student’s name below the slides). I’m a longtime fan of “alternate history,” and last year was thrilled to read about how some teachers applied that concept in their classes. Wow! History's most iconic photos in colour. VJ Day in Times Square Abraham Lincoln Anne Frank Bikini Atoll Thich Quang Duc – The Burning Monk.