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Chihuahuan Desert. The Chihuahuan Desert encompasses one of the most biologically diverse arid regions on Earth. This ecoregion extends from within the United States south into Mexico. This desert is unique, as it has been sheltered from the influence of other arid regions such as the Sonoran Desert by the large mountain ranges of the Sierra Madres. This isolation has allowed the evolution of many endemic species; most notable is the high number of endemic plants; in fact, there are a total of 653 vertebrate taxa recorded in the Chihuahuan Desert.

Moreover, this ecoregion also sustains some of the last extant populations of Mexican Prairie Dog, wild American Bison and Pronghorn Antelope. Severe conservation pressures are on the Chihuahuan Desert. Location and general depiction Near Coahuila, Mexico. The Chihuahuan Desert stretches from the southeastern corner of Arizona across southern New Mexico and west Texas to the Edwards Plateau in the USA. Biodiversity characteristics Mammals Birdlife Reptiles Arthropods. References. Top 10 Free Genealogy Websites For A Free Ancestry Search. A few years ago, during a family reunion, I learned for the first time that my granduncle on my father’s side had fought and died in World War II. The story of his demise sparked a personal interest toward my own family history. So, I did what I always do when I have something to research – I first turned to the Internet. I quickly discovered that while there are certainly free genealogy websites out there, the truly valuable or unique ones where you can do a free ancestry search are few and far between.

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Percentage of same-sex marriages performed in Iowa in the past year that have been between people from out of state. Number of Wisconsin households expected to apply for federal assistance to help pay their energy bills after the state's ban on disconnecting utility customers in the winter ended Tuesday. Percent of people age 20 to 24 who are employed in the Washington, DC, area -- down from 72 percent in 2000 and portraying a national trend.

American FactFinder. The Blended Librarian - Home. Evaluating Information Found on the Internet - Library Guides at Johns Hopkins University. According to Twitter, the site has more than 140 million active users, with over 340 million Tweets per day. This means that one billion tweets are sent every three days. More and more people get news and information from news media, but it's important to remember that fast does not always mean accurate. How to identify credible information on social media can be challenging. Rumors and misinformation can spread quickly through social media outlets such as Twitter or Facebook. Some of the criteria used to evaluate Internet sources, such as being skeptical, asking questions, looking at the quality of the source of the information, still apply in social media.

Storyful recently added four case studies that show how they verified online videos and other content for clients. "At Storyful, we interrogate content shared on the social web in a style not dissimilar Barber’s grilling of dignitaries of media and politics. Print This Page. Home > Research Help > General Research Help Topics > Evaluating Internet Information > Information counterfeits Information and Its Counterfeits: Propaganda, Misinformation and Disinformation If counterfeiters put pictures of their family members on their handiwork, nobody would be fooled. What constitutes a good fake is how well it resembles the real thing.

This document will help you be able to distinguish real information from its three lookalikes, or counterfeits: propaganda, misinformation and disinformation. Understanding the counterfeits will enable you to become a much more critical consumer of information. Information This is probably what you're looking for when you use the Internet for academic purposes.

For example, "8,000,000" and "9%" are not information; they are bits of data. Information should always be accurate and either free of bias or making note of its own bias. Propaganda Propaganda is a commonly misused term. Misinformation Urban legends, unlike Mr. Disinformation. Research Institute | Research. R E S E A R C H C O N F E R E N C E S The Institute organizes and hosts annual research conferences, providing opportunities for international experts from across disciples to address specific research topics related to handedness. The Development of Handedness in Children (pending funding) R E S E A R C H F E L L O W S P R O G R A M Each year, the Institute invites a senior researcher (as Research Fellow) to to conduct collaborative research for a period of 1 to 3 months. As funding allows, travel expenses and stipends will be provided. Each year, the Institute invites a graduate student or professional (as Intern) to to conduct collaborative research for a period of 1 to 3 months.

Interns may alternatively help prepare educational materials. HRI has begun to establish international bureaus in collaboration with colleagues around the world. C O P Y R I G H T No part of this website may be reproduced in any format without prior written permision. . ( forthcoming, pending funding ) gauche! US Government Spending Breakdown: Federal, State, Local for 2013 - Charts.