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Enough With This Basic Income Bullshit – Welcome to TheFamily. The Tech Bias Against Politics I see four reasons why Silicon Valley sees nothing but basic income as the preferred solution to our mounting social problems.

Enough With This Basic Income Bullshit – Welcome to TheFamily

First, Entrepreneurs in general, especially when they’re young, well-educated white men from privileged backgrounds, have no reason to have any familiarity with the complicated and unattractive world of the social state. This is true in every country. Second, there’s a myopia that is specific to the US: the social state there is designed so that only the poor, the old and the unemployed are eligible for social benefits.

The First Blockchain-Based Universal Basic Income Experiment Just Launched. A New UBI With the growing popularity of blockchains, it’s no surprise that they have a new, very useful application, i.e. a global distribution of wealth.

The First Blockchain-Based Universal Basic Income Experiment Just Launched

Recently, the Grantcoin Foundation, a U.S. based nonprofit organization, implemented a universal basic income (UBI) program that uses blockchain-based digital currency. Basic Income grants (in the form of the digital currency Grantcoin) are distributed quarterly by Grantcoin. January 31, 2016, Grantcoin distributed digital currency to 1,132 applicants from around 79 countries around the world. Why we should all have a basic income. Cognitive bias cheat sheet. Data Science Statistics 101. Statistics can often be the most intimidating aspect of data science for aspiring data scientists to learn.

Data Science Statistics 101

Gain some personal perspective from someone who has traveled the path. By Jean-Nicholas Hould, Learning statistics can be a daunting journey for aspiring data scientists that are not coming from a quantitative field. Whether you are a computer science undergrad, a developer in seek of a career change or a MBA graduate, it seems that the statistical part of data science is often the most intimidating one. As a business school graduate, it was for me. Statistics are a serious discipline, some people spend their live studying them. Start Simple. Why a bunch of Silicon Valley investors are suddenly interested in universal basic income. Basic income is having a moment.

Why a bunch of Silicon Valley investors are suddenly interested in universal basic income

First Finland announced it would launch an ambitious experiment to see if it would work to give everyone in a given area is given a set amount of cash every year from the government, no strings attached. Now the Silicon Valley seed investment firm Y Combinator has announced it wants to fund a basic income experiment in the US. Un rapport préconise la création d'un revenu universel en France. VIDÉO - Le Conseil national du numérique (CNNum) a présenté ce mercredi matin 20 pistes pour anticiper les mutations du monde du travail à l'heure du numérique à la ministre du Travail Myriam El Khomri.

Un rapport préconise la création d'un revenu universel en France

«Les institutions, les pouvoirs publics et les partenaires sociaux doivent prendre la mesure de la transformation numérique et agir en conséquence», a déclaré ce mercredi la ministre du travail, Myriam El Khomri, lors de la remise du rapport sur «l'emploi et le travail à l'heure du numérique». Commandé il y a un an et réalisé par le Conseil national du numérique (CNNum), le document présente 20 recommandations, assez générales, destinées à alimenter les projets de loi de Myriam El Khomri sur le travail et d'Emmanuel Macron sur les «nouvelles opportunités économiques».

Favoriser le cumul d'activités, consolider la protection sociale des travailleurs «uberisés» sont autant de pistes proposées dans ce rapport pour faire face aux mutations de l'emploi à l'heure du numérique. Labor supply effects of winning a lottery. Economic theory provides ambiguous predictions about the effect of wage increases on the allocation of time between leisure and work.

Labor supply effects of winning a lottery

On the one hand, a wage increase makes the individual richer, lowering the preferred hours of work. This is why Finland is able to implement the basic income experiment. In the last couple of days BBC, Forbes, Independent, Mashable, Telegraph, Time and Quartz among other media outlets have have written about Finland’s experiment with basic income on a national level.

This is why Finland is able to implement the basic income experiment

However, none of the articles uncover the reason why Finland can pull off such ambitious policies in an age where so many government are left powerless with even smallest of changes in the way society works. The bigger change is buried under the stream of international news regarding the world’s largest basic income trial. With a closer look, one can see that basic income is only a tip of the iceberg. During the past year, Finland has explored possibilities on how to reform some of its policy making functions with and idea to move from speculative to evidence-based and experimental. Enter experimental politics. Modeling basic income - does it add up? - Data4America. Data and math can’t always separate truth from fiction.

Modeling basic income - does it add up? - Data4America

But even in the face of uncertainty, they can often separate plausible from ridiculous. For example, if you say we should eliminate the income tax and pay for it by cutting defense spending by 50%, I can collect the data, add up the numbers, and ask you what you’re going to do about the other $1 trillion in lost revenue. Basic income is a system where the government directly gives money to all its citizens, rather than somewhat indirectly through complicated welfare programs. The idea is that removing the overhead and inefficiencies inherent in welfare programs and putting more money in the pocket of the poor could be very beneficial. Beyond that, there are many questions. Methods. Dutch city plans to pay all citizens a ‘basic income’, and Greens say it could work in the UK. It’s an idea whose adherents over the centuries have ranged from socialists to libertarians to far-right mavericks.

Dutch city plans to pay all citizens a ‘basic income’, and Greens say it could work in the UK

It was first proposed by Thomas Paine in his 1797 pamphlet, Agrarian Justice, as a system in which at the “age of majority” everyone would receive an equal capital grant, a “basic income” handed over by the state to each and all, no questions asked, to do with what they wanted. It might be thought that, in these austere times, no idea could be more politically toxic: literally, a policy of the state handing over something for nothing. But in Utrecht, one of the largest cities in the Netherlands, and 19 other Dutch municipalities, a tentative step towards realising the dream of many a marginal and disappointed political theorist is being made. The politicians, well aware of a possible backlash, are rather shy of admitting it. The idea also hopes to target “revolving door clients” – those who are forced into jobs by the system but repeatedly walk out of them.

Resilience – A new voluntary tax system » Bitnation. By Johan Nygren In contrast to other tax-systems, Resilience has no problem with crypto-currencies, since it uses consumer-producer feedback loops instead of top down coercion.

Resilience – A new voluntary tax system » Bitnation

The consumers seek out and give positive feedback to companies that pay high dividends, and filter out those that do not want to pay dividends. The consumers, by seeking out companies that pay high dividends, act as miners in the global market, driven by the incentive basic income as a reward. Think of it as turning the traditional taxation system upside down. Facebook Co-Founder Giving Millions Directly To The Poor, No Strings Attached. Resilience — a fully voluntary wealth sharing network. Resilience — a fully voluntary wealth sharing network Johan Nygren, drop-off, natural born creative What if there’s a revolution looming around the corner, yet to be discovered ?

There are many transformative technologies coming online this year. Vitalik Buterin, the young prodigy who sort of grew up with the Bitcoin technology, has launched the first decentralized computer. Ethereum marks the beginning of a new paradigm. There is no doubt that these transformative technologies will change everything. Enter Resilience. Why decentralised organisations require a new type of welfare system (literally) The urge to decentralize and autonomize has informed social movements since the 1970s. The language of “decentralized autonomous organization” (DAOs) appeared among the swarms of activists in the late-1990s counter-globalization movement.

How Finland's Exciting Basic Income Experiment Will Work. Could Finland become the first country in the world to introduce a universal basic income? It's quite possible: The Finnish government likes the concept, and it's putting serious resources behind a national experiment. Starting in 2017, up to 100,000 Finns could get up to 1,000 euros a month, in lieu of other benefits.

These lucky souls won't have to work. They won't have to prove they're in poverty to get the money. The Cryptocurrency-Based Projects That Would Pay Everyone Just for Being Alive. For a policy proposal that has an approximately 0 percent chance of being passed by the US Congress right now, universal basic income is an uncommonly hot topic.

The idea that every body should receive a paycheck simply for being alive is fast becoming a darling of several factions: tech investors who expect millions of jobs to be automated out of existence, libertarians who see it as a way to avoid the inefficiencies of the traditional welfare state, and certain lefties who have embraced it as part of a way to separate government benefits from work. Dylan Matthews of Vox has produced a string of primers on the subject, and The Atlantic recently profiled a Reddit-famous basic income advocate. Yet the idea goes against everything Republicans are supposed to believe about no free rides, as well as Democrats' preference for welfare programs designed from on high. This may not be such a dead end for the concept as it seems. Could Cryptocurrencies Bring The World a Universal Basic Income?

Could cryptocurrency bring a basic income to the people of the world, relieving them of their day-to-day quest for survival, and leaving them to ponder more philosophical questions about their existence and reaching new heights of productivity? Some in the cryptocurrency space believe so. A Big Idea Whose Time Has Yet to Arrive: A Guaranteed Annual Income. There is little talk today among thought-leaders in Canada of a guaranteed annual income, or GAI, as an efficient and effective way to combat poverty—despite mounting evidence of rising social inequality and never-ending concerns about social exclusion.

The Conference Board’s recent analysis under How Canada Performs highlighted growing income inequality among Canadians. Socially Responsible Digital Currency. Finland plans to give every citizen a basic income of 800 euros a month. Something Is Happening: Basic Income Create-A-Thons Are Here — Basic income. Finland to pay every citizen $1,100 per month and scrap all other benefits in effort to reduce unemployment rate. Finland’s government is drawing up plans to pay every citizen a basic income of euros 800 ($1,165) each month, scrapping benefits altogether. Under proposals drafted by the Finnish Social Insurance Institution (Kela), the tax-free payments would replace all other benefit payments, and would be paid to all adults regardless of whether or not they receive any other income.

While it may sound counterintuitive, the basic income is intended to encourage more people back to work in Finland, where unemployment is at record levels. At present, many unemployed people would be worse off if they took on low-paid temporary jobs due to loss of welfare payments. More than 10 per cent of Finland’s workforce is unemployed, rising to 22.7 per cent among younger workers. What If Everybody Didn't Have to Work to Get Paid? Circles - Universal Basic Income - Ethereum. Bitnation Announces a Decentralized Application for Basic Income Based on Bitcoin 2.0 Technology and Voluntary Fees. The Decentralized Application (DApp) will be hosted on the Bitnation core platform - Bitnation Pangea - after its release in 2015.

Why We Won’t Be a Part of the Bitnation Crowdsale (3 letters from the former Bitnation team) Could Cryptocurrencies Bring The World a Universal Basic Income? Basic Income articles, projects and other links - Chat General - Freicoin Alliance.