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OpenHAB. Entrevista con Mero Aymà, 'marketing manager' de @Cetemmsa. Lunes, 1 de diciembre del 2014 - 18.43 h Mero Aymà, responsable de márketing de Cetemmsa.

Entrevista con Mero Aymà, 'marketing manager' de @Cetemmsa

Diary of a Mad Crafter. I’m in the process of making a flower girl dress for the daughter of my cousin who’s getting married this April (can’t wait for the wedding!!!!

Diary of a Mad Crafter

) and it involves […] Read Article → OpenHAB - empowering the smart home. MicroFlight episode 5 - More Install Magnetic Actuators. Make Conductive Ink. Conductive Ink from Jordan Bunker There are so many cool projects out there that use conductive ink, but where to get the ink?

Make Conductive Ink

Now you can DIY that part, too! Jordan Bunker of Pumping Station: One in Chicago embarked on this chemistry project and documented the UIUC process into easy-to-follow instructions. Conductive inks have a myriad of different interesting applications. Search results for: 'iteaduino' Open Source Automation - Automation software for the home and more. Product Problem Support, Troubleshooting Help & Repair Solutions – Fixya.


Orlando's Community Lab / Hackerspace. Solar Charging Handbag. ArduPi Webcam Tankbot. This is my first robot project though I have been working with Microcontrollers and Embedded Linux for a little while. As of writing (3/1/13) this is still very much a work in progress, but most of the hardware construction has been completed. This robot will provide a remotely controlled, mobile platform for a pan/tilt webcam. It is based on the excellent Tamiya Tracked Chassis Kit with the Dual DC Motors connected to the Arduino Motor Shield R3 via the Screw Terminal. The Pan/Tilt function is provided by two Tinkerkit Servos which also allows them to be connected to the Motor Shield without taking up additional pins. The webcam is connected via USB to the Raspberry Pi and streamed to an online server using MJPG-Streamer and an Edimax wifi dongle.



Aplique hiedra espiral. Raspberry Pi + Arduino - niltoid.niltoid. The Raspberry Pi kind of looks like an Arduino replacement as far as it’s physical appearance.

Raspberry Pi + Arduino - niltoid.niltoid.

At first glance, it’s specs are much more impressive for the same price point as an Arduino. However, it is by no means an “Arduino killer”. You could certainly swap out one for the other in some simple use cases. However the two devices have very different capabilities, and I find that they actually complement each other quite well when combined. WiringPi. Raspberry Pi Face Recognition Using OpenCV. About a year ago, I created a Wall-E robot that does object and face recognition.

Raspberry Pi Face Recognition Using OpenCV

It uses Arduino as the controller and need to communicate with a computer that runs the face detection program to track the target. Raspberry Pi face recognition has become very popular recently. The Raspberry Pi - Arduino Connection. Arduino and the Raspberry Pi. I got a PI!

Arduino and the Raspberry Pi

So I got a raspberry pi. It took almost 10 weeks to arrive, but it was definitely worth the wait. For those who don’t know, the Raspberry Pi is a cheap $35 computer that includes processor, memory, and a sd card slot for the hard drive. Embedded Pi. Why do we launch Embedded Pi?

Embedded Pi

It was a year ago when Raspberry Pi was launched in UK, received huge coverage worldwide. However, it has its own limitation to interact with outside environment. Raspberry Pi to Arduino shields connection bridge. Article Index Go to Index1.

Raspberry Pi to Arduino shields connection bridge

The Shield. 8 Digital pins.Socket for wireless modules.RX/TX pins.i2C pins (SDA, SCL).SPI pins (SCK, MISO, MOSI, CS). Can be used also as GPIO.8 channel analog to digital converter.Switch to enable external power supply. UDOO: Android Linux Arduino in a tiny single-board computer by UDOO. UDOO is a mini PC that could run either Android or Linux, with an Arduino-compatible board embedded.

UDOO: Android Linux Arduino in a tiny single-board computer by UDOO

UDOO is a powerful prototyping board for software development and design, it’s easy to use and with a few steps you can start using it and creating your projects with minimum knowledge. UDOO merges different computing worlds in one; each world has its strengths and weaknesses, and all of them are useful today in education as well as Do-It-Yourself (DIY) and rapid prototyping endeavours. » Tutorial para conectar un Arduino con Raspberry PI por puerto serie.

Un artículo imprescindible para conectar los dos más importantes dispositivos del mundo Open Source como son RaspberryPi y Arduino.

» Tutorial para conectar un Arduino con Raspberry PI por puerto serie.

Vamos a llevar a cabo una comunicación serie entre ambos dispositivos, veremos que archivos debemos modificar en RaspberryPi para que esto sea posible, como solventar un punto de conflicto como son los niveles de tensión y todo esto lo hacemos como siempre, seguido de varios ejemplos y un pequeño documento que podéis descargar . Raspberry para torpes. Adafruit Learning System. DIY Drones. Airfoil. Examples of airfoils in nature and within various vehicles. Though not strictly an airfoil, the dolphin fin obeys the same principles in a different fluid medium. Introduction[edit] Streamlines around a NACA 0012 airfoil at moderate angle of attack Lift and Drag curves for a typical airfoil Supersonic airfoils are much more angular in shape and can have a very sharp leading edge, which is very sensitive to angle of attack.

A laminar flow wing has a maximum thickness in the middle camber line. Schemes have been devised to define airfoils — an example is the NACA system. Engranaje. La principal ventaja que tienen las transmisiones por engranaje respecto de la transmisión por poleas es que no patinan como las poleas, con lo que se obtiene exactitud en la relación de transmisión.

Historia[editar] Molde chino para fabricar engranajes de bronce (siglos II a. C. a III d. How to Build a Robot Tutorial - Society of Robots. Learning Resources. How to Build a Robot Tutorial - Society of Robots. Introduction to Gears No good robot can ever be built without gears. As such, a good understanding of how gears affect parameters such as torque and velocity are very important. In this tutorial I will first talk about the basics of gears, how to use them properly along with simple equations, and then I will go into specific types of gears. Mechanical Advantage, Torque vs. Rotational Velocity Gears work on the principle of mechanical advantage. This means that by using different gear diameters, you can exchange between rotational (or translation) velocity and torque. As with all motors, by looking at the motor datasheet you can determine the output velocity and torque of your motor.


Automaton. Astro Teller has an unusual way of starting a new project: He tries to kill it. Teller is the head of X, formerly called Google X, the advanced technology lab of Alphabet. At X’s headquarters not far from the Googleplex in Mountain View, Calif., Teller leads a group of engineers, inventors, and designers devoted to futuristic “moonshot” projects like self-driving cars, delivery drones, and Internet-beaming balloons.

To turn their wild ideas into reality, Teller and his team have developed a unique approach. It starts with trying to prove that whatever it is that you’re trying to do can’t be done—in other words, trying to kill your own idea. As Teller explains, “Instead of saying, ‘What’s most fun to do about this or what’s easiest to do first?’ Maxwell's wheel pendulum. Freetz. AVM - Home Network with FRITZ! - DSL, LTE, Cable, WLAN, DECT and Powerline. FRITZ! Box is AVM's versatile solution for secure Broadband-Access from multiple PCs. A router with an integrated modem, FRITZ! Box offers many options, including USB and LAN ports, WLAN with wireless encryption activated out of the box, and extensions to connect your accustomed phones.

RHex robot uses leaping ability to do 'Parkour' (video) It's easy for a robot to perform in a sterile lab environment, but only a select few devices -- like Boston Dynamics notorious AlphaDog -- have proven themselves in the wild. However, the University of Pennsylvania's X-RHex Lite has also made that leap, as it were, and a new video shows just how talented it's become. In it, the droid puts all of its running, jumping and grabbing talents together to perform flips, chin-ups and even Parkour-like moves over campus obstacles. The researchers hope it'll perform rescue missions or research in tough environments one day, but until then, gaze in awe at the video after the break. Raspberry Pi - Order Pad. Board Only Raspberry Pi Model B 512MB RAM * Please note the Raspberry Pi does not come with the SD card included. SoC Broadcom BCM2835 (CPU, GPU, DSP, and SDRAM) CPU: 700 MHz ARM1176JZF-S core (ARM11 family) GPU: Broadcom VideoCore IV, OpenGL ES 2.0, 1080p30 h.264/MPEG-4 AVC high-profile decoder Memory (SDRAM): 512 Megabytes (MiB) Video outputs: Composite RCA, HDMI Audio outputs: 3.5 mm jack, HDMI Onboard storage: SD, MMC, SDIO card slot 10/100 Ethernet RJ45 onboard network Storage via SD/ MMC/ SDIO card slot.

Linux Embedded Devices Comparison: Yun, BeagleBoard, Rascal, Raspi, Cubieboard & pcDuino. Awaiting for the new release, Arduino Yun, I think it's very interesting to know more about the new linux devices in the market. There are a lot of emerging ones and many of them agree in the same feature: to be Arduino-compatible. Index_es. How-To Geek - For Geeks, By Geeks. How to do anything. No Puedo Creer » Gadgets, noticias, inventos y regalos para frikis y geeks. ¿Y si nos fabricásemos el jabón en casa?

Para votar este post conéctate con Facebook. Demystifying PID Control with a look at the new Arduino PID library. OpenWrt. XBee Buying Guide. XBee Buying Guide Welcome to the wireless world of XBee. Wireless Sensor Networks Research Group. Pickles - Pickles. Free Educational Software. Product - Hackberry A10 Developer Board. Nace Gooseberry, el primer competidor directo de Raspberry Pi. DesignSpark - Home. Steve On Java - JavaFX » JavaFX on Raspberry Pi – 3 Easy Steps. JDK 8 (with JavaFX) Developer Preview for ARM —

Notifications in the cloud. Con la Raspberry Pi el límite lo pones tú: aprende qué puedes hacer (II) Register interest for your @Raspberry_Pi. . Ingeniería del Software - Puigros. APC. Hardkernel. Radios caseras de Dave. How to Make a Crystal Radio in 10 Minutes. Radios de Galena. Main Page/es - Qi-Hardware. OpenPICUS. Storage For Open Source. Qué es Obsoletos. Brief. An ARM GNU/Linux box for $25. Take a byte! Podcast - JavaHispano Podcast - 132 - Introducción a Arduino (Entrevista a BricoGeek) Willow Garage. Decoration.


Tricks. Make A 3D Paper City! Arduino.