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Philip Dorrell's Home Page. 11 podcasts that will make you a better software engineer – Sleep Easy Software. These podcasts are sure to make you a better software engineer.

11 podcasts that will make you a better software engineer – Sleep Easy Software

Sandromancuso/Gilded-Rose-Kata. ESA/Hubble. Trello. ByteBuffer. Java.nio.ByteBuffer is the cornerstone of the nio new I/O package.


It is also used for high performance conversions of byte[] to char[] and back. Surreal Worlds Digitally Painted by Gediminas Pranckevicius. Conceptual artist and illustrator Gediminas Pranckevicius posesses an imagination to covet.

Surreal Worlds Digitally Painted by Gediminas Pranckevicius

While most of his digital painting is centered around character design, his larger landscapes seen here are rich in detail, creating impossible but ingenious juxtapositions of water, land, and haphazard architecture. You can see more of his work over on Facebook, and all of these are available as prints via INPRNT. Perfekt Angelknoten binden.

Data Mining

Benjamin Darfler. Ling. Puzzle. Worksheets - Test your knowledge! Worksheets - Test your knowledge! WritingSystemsOfTheWorld.png (PNG Image, 2276 × 1405 pixels) Blog Gamification. Fia. Miriada X. E-Learn. Advocats. El Blog de Pistas y consejos para inquilinos y caseros. Pedro Hernández del Olmo, Abogado. Thor's Cave. Pienso, luego ya tu sabes. Os presento una selección de la obra del Sr. Bloger De Niro: Fary y Alexander. Banca Ética – Información y difusión. Sintetia, observatorio global de economía. Optical Illusions and Visual Phenomena. Dns - Compra online precios precio comprar dns. D-Link DNS-323, NAS con Bittorrent.


Untitled. Eudaimonia Suite On thinking further about my lifelong philosophy project, I've come to see it as a six-part suite on the theme of eudaimonia.


Just I have likened my set of Yes arrangements for solo electric bass to a Bach Cello Suite, so the six books I'm writing on the philosophy of happiness might comprise a kind of suite: Coordinadora de Ràdios Lliures de Catalunya. How Google Tests Software. How Google Tests Software James Whittaker of Google Last week I attended a fantastic and fascinating QASIG talk by James Whittaker of Google.

How Google Tests Software

The talk was about how test engineering is done at Google, but it really wasn’t about testing at all. It was about quality. As James points out, people care about quality. Major Kong Rides the Bomb.


Design. Storage. Music. Cog. Tango. DIYs. How-To Guides/Manuals: Featured Documents. Hack. Nots. AntiVirus. Lifehacks. Montessori Apps. Computer Science meets Social Science. Ciutadania 4.0. Cocina. BCN. Portatil. SLOW FOOD BCN. Center for Celtic Studies. The Center for Celtic Studies provides interdisciplinary, international educational opportunities for UWM students.

Center for Celtic Studies

Our program includes on-campus instruction by UWM and visiting international faculty, as well as study-abroad options in Ireland, Great Britain, and Europe. We provide a wide range of course and research topics relating to cultures-both historical and modern—that share Celtic influence: the early Continental Celts and the Breton, Cornish, Galician, Irish, Manx, Scots, and Welsh peoples. Students can concentrate their studies on the Celtic languages, both spoken and written, or they may choose to investigate the broader themes of the Celtic world, such as art, archaeology, literature, history, folklore, music and myth.

The Celtic world offers a dynamic forum for the combined study of language, culture, politics, education, and the arts. Página web enfocada a la resolución de PACs PECs de la UOC. New book - Individuals and Interactions: An Agile Guide. Ken Howard and Barry Rogers have written a book that focuses on the first value from the Agile Manifesto - "We value Individuals and Interactions over Processes and Tools".

New book - Individuals and Interactions: An Agile Guide

The title of the book is "Individuals and Interactions: An Agile Guide". The authors present a set of tools and techniques to assist teams and team members in their quest to create more effective collaboration and communication environments.


Top 10 Ways to Speed Up Your Computer's Boot Time. Etc. Job. Cine. ¿Vives de alquiler? Te interesa hacer la declaración de la renta. Hace unos días os comentábamos que ya se podía solicitar el borrador del IRPF del ejercicio 2008.

¿Vives de alquiler? Te interesa hacer la declaración de la renta

A nivel fiscal, una de las principales novedades que trae esta declaración es la posibilidad de deducirse las cantidades pagadas en concepto de alquiler de vivienda habitual. Para que esta deducción sea efectiva hay que proceder a realizar la declaración de la renta, o incluir en el propio borrador los datos de dicha deducción en la casilla 706. En el borrador no va a aparecer reflejada esta deducción.

La cantidad que nos podemos deducir es el 10,05% sobre las cantidades pagadas en concepto de alquiler, con el límite máximo de 9.015 euros. Supongamos que yo pago de alquiler al mes 800 euros: 800*12 = 9.600 euros. Como existe un límite de 9.015 euros, sólo me deduzco el 10,05% de 9.015 euros, es decir 906 euros.


D-Build. Layer Styles. Angry Birds. Citilab Projectes. ToRead. Prog. Expos. Search. Soft. Digart. Web. · Make a free invoice PDF online. Maths. AI. PLC. Pearltrees. Podcasts. Interactive graphics for data analysis. I got a copy of Martin Theus and Simon Urbanek’s Interactive Graphics for Data Analysis a couple of years ago, whence it’s been sat on my bookshelf.

Interactive graphics for data analysis

Since I’ve recently become a self-proclaimed expert on interactive graphics I thought it was about time I read the thing. Which is exactly what I did last weekend at the Leeds Festival (in between rocking out). It’s a book of two halves, and despite the title the interactivity isn’t really the focus. The book is actually a guide on how to do exploratory data analysis. The first half of the book works like an advanced chart chooser, explaining which plots are useful for which types of data, and what types of interactivity they can benefit from. The really big takeaway that I got is that exploratory graphics have different priorities to publication graphics. It is this last point that the authors claim interactivity is most useful for. Click a bar in the histogram and the the corresponding points in the scatterplot are highlighted.