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WikiLeaks: The US Strategy to Create a New Global Legal and Economic System: #TPP, #TTIP, #TISA... You Won't Believe What the Government Is Using Your DNA For, and They Even Admit It! It's Wicked and It's Sickening! (Videos) (Before It's News) Just a few days ago, Mike Adams of reported that the White House admits to staging a fake vaccination operation in order to gather DNA from the public.

You Won't Believe What the Government Is Using Your DNA For, and They Even Admit It! It's Wicked and It's Sickening! (Videos)

(NaturalNews) The White House has officially admitted that fake vaccination programs have been used by the United States as a cover for covertly stealing DNA samples from the public as part of the so-called “war on terror.” The aim of the scheme, carried out in the Middle East, was to use DNA analysis to identify suspected terrorists who would then be targeted to be killed by the United States. Mike Hudema sur Twitter : "Earth on brink of 6th mass extinction unless we do something about it #climate #cdnpoli #solar. The Earth stands on the brink of its sixth mass extinction and the fault is ours.

Mike Hudema sur Twitter : "Toting panels on donkeys, #Maasai women lead a #solar revolution #climate #solutions #cdnpoli. Toting panels on donkeys, Maasai women lead a solar revolution. Popular Resistance sur Twitter : "25,000 Quebec protesters want tougher stance on #climate and pipeline regulations! Quebec City Climate-Change March Draws 25,000. Revolution or WWIII? The Petrodollar Scam. Dave Hodges - The Commonsense Show When the present gun control dance concludes, America could soon be doing a waltz with a different partner, World War III, as the globalists completely condition us to be absolutely submissive to their desires.

Revolution or WWIII? The Petrodollar Scam

If we surrender our guns and capitulate to the globalists, tens of millions of Americans will die from starvation, targeted genocide and world war. There is, however, another alternative, we could decide to enter into the tried and true ”three stage plan” of revolution. Killing America. Preston James Its Purpose is to destroy America and Fold its remains into a NWO Globalist One-World Government System.

Killing America

But it’s not over yet and things are not going so well for the Banksters. They are about 13 years behind schedule. And until recently most Americans knew nothing about it. Msarroub. Les liens secrets entre les jésuites ,les Rothchilds et le Vatican. (Note: quand l'auteur de l'article ou Eric Phelps Jon parlent de "juifs" il faut bien comprendre qu'ils ne se réfèrent pas aux hébreux, mais bien aux sionistes) Lorsque vous volez le Vatican, comme le cardinal l'a fait à la Loge PII, ils l'ont tué lui (Calvi), et ils ont pendu l'autre gars, en commençant par la juridiction d'amirauté, à leur premier pont sur la mer.

Les liens secrets entre les jésuites ,les Rothchilds et le Vatican

En ce début d’année la mafia sioniste fait feu de tout bois. L’année 2013 commence bien mal pour celles et ceux qui rêvent de paix et de liberté dans le monde.

En ce début d’année la mafia sioniste fait feu de tout bois

La mafia sioniste mondiale au pouvoir en occident entend au contraire intensifier sa main mise par l’intermédiaire du mondialisme. De l’affaire Cassez aux élections israéliennes en passant par la judiciarisation de twitter la mafia sioniste est au travail pour notre plus grand malheur! Rosa Koire – Behind the Green Mask: U.N. Agenda 21 « blomblad i vinden. Activist, speaker, and blogger, Rosa Koire is a forensic real estate appraiser specializing in eminent domain valuation.

Rosa Koire – Behind the Green Mask: U.N. Agenda 21 « blomblad i vinden

Her research into and fight against redevelopment led her to UN Agenda 21 and was the genesis to co-found the Santa Rosa Neighborhood Coalition, Democrats Against UN Agenda 21, and the Post Sustainability Institute. She has been speaking and inspiring groups nationally to take action. … “funny money” is made out of thin air by a small ruling elite- and this tiny ruling elite is the driving force behind UNs Agenda 21 – a call for reduction of the human population from the present 6.6 billion down to about 1 billion people, that is, by 8. Agenda 21 is the United Nations’ Agenda for the 21st century that was unveiled at the 1992 U.N.

… “funny money” is made out of thin air by a small ruling elite- and this tiny ruling elite is the driving force behind UNs Agenda 21 – a call for reduction of the human population from the present 6.6 billion down to about 1 billion people, that is, by 8

Conference on Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro- the so-called “Rio Earth Summit.” 179 nations have agreed to implement Agenda 21 policies, so the policies are now being implemented worldwide. In America, it is being implemented by all federal agencies and in every county. Shaw asserts that Agenda 21 is a global/local program intended to wrest sovereignty from individuals and existing political structures and invest power and control in the United Nations. Who Really Controls the World? By Prof.

Who Really Controls the World?

Dr. MUJAHID KAMRAN— West Point Defines "Domestic Enemies" to Prepare Troops to Take On Americans. Soldiers and police in America take an oath to defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic.

West Point Defines "Domestic Enemies" to Prepare Troops to Take On Americans

But knowing who is a domestic enemy of the Constitution can be confusing to a young grunt. So a West Point think tank decided to broadly define what a domestic enemy may look like to ensure soldiers follow orders when the time comes. In a study recently published by the West Point Combating Terrorism Center entitled, “Challengers From The Sidelines: Understanding America’s Violent Far-Right,” Arie Perliger, the author of the study, attempts to present a picture of an America infested with dangerous “Right Wing” domestic terrorists lurking in the shadows and waiting to launch an attack on government establishments, agents, and minorities. In the study, what Perliger defines as the “Far-Right” is actually a mixture of race hate groups with ordinary militias, anti-abortion activists, Libertarians/Anarchists, and “conspiracy theorists.” Anger over plans to add fluoride to all drinking water in England and Wales - despite proven health effects on brain and body.

So why would the authorities who supposed to be serving the interests of humanity put this stuff in the drinking water supply, then?

Anger over plans to add fluoride to all drinking water in England and Wales - despite proven health effects on brain and body

To protect teeth? What - like this? And this? But don't worry coincidence theorists - it's all a coincidence. Phew, that's settled then. At least 50 African children paralyzed after receiving Bill Gates-backed meningitis vaccine. Bill and Melinda Gates have been on a crusade for at least the past decade to vaccinate every single child on the planet. And one of their primary geographical targets has been the continent of Africa, where poor sanitations and lack of clean water have created conditions in which diseases like meningitis and malaria run rampant.

Multiple vaccine doses have resulted in up to 145,000 child deaths in past 20 years. The recommended childhood vaccination schedule has changed dramatically over the years, with children now receiving upwards of 30 vaccines, including multiple combination vaccines, before the age of six. And in many cases, doctors and nurses administer half a dozen or more vaccines all at once during a single visit to make sure children get all these shots and to save time.

But according to data compiled from the government's Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS), as many as 145,000 children or more have died throughout the past 20 years as a result of this multiple vaccine dose approach, and few parents are aware of this shocking fact. In a study recently published in the journal Human & Experimental Toxicology, researchers evaluated the overall number of hospitalizations and deaths associated with vaccines administered between 1990 and 2010, and compared this data to the number of vaccines given at one time to individual children. Le déclin de la classe ouvrière française et l'immigration. Le déclin de la classe ouvrière française et l’immigration. MALI. Clefs pour comprendre la guerre impérialiste contre le Mali (eva R-sistons) Sur SOS Crise Clefs pour comprendre la guerre au Mali Par eva R-sistons.

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb: Who’s Who? Who is Behind the Terrorists? Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) from the outset in 2007 had established a close relationship to the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG), whose leaders had also been trained and recruited in Afghanistan bu the CIA. The LIFG is supported covertly by the CIA and Britain’s MI6. The LIFG was directly supported by NATO during the 2011 war on Libya, “providing weapons, training, special forces and even aircraft to support them in the overthrow of Libya’s government.” (Tony Cartalucci, The Geopolitical Reordering of Africa: US Covert Support to Al Qaeda in Northern Mali, France “Comes to the Rescue”, Global Research, January 2013) .

British SAS Special Forces had been brought into Libya prior to onset of the insurrection, acting as mlitary advisers to the LIFG. What goes around comes around: Gladio awakens in Greece. By Richard Cottrell Contributing writer for End the Lie Greek coat of arms (Image credit: Wikimedia Commons) Bombs in the shadow of the Parthenon, a popular opposition leader attacked because he is ‘soft’ on terrorism, the State Department – that renowned hero of Benghazi Gate – issuing statements on political terrorism as a means to wreck democracy. Note: be sure to check out Richard’s latest articles “Benghazi-Gate: What exactly is the FBI hiding?” And “The destruction of ex-King David: Jerusalem Crumbles“ Laurent Louis : TOUT SIMPLEMENT EXTRAORDINAIRE, HISTORIQUE, GRANDIOSE. Israel Complicit in Global State Terrorism. Israel Complicit in Global State Terrorism Rogue state government runs Israel by Stephen Lendman Israel threatens world peace and security.

Françafrique (2010) – Patrick Benquet. Zoos humains (2002) – Pascal Blanchard & Éric Deroo. La France casse du touareg au Mali – Partie 3. New World Order fails to disrupt Syria, and Iran – Refocus now back on Africa. “We at the New World Order’s Operational Base (UN) certainly know how to depopulate and take your resources” The Old Mare at it again as she sucks in yet another US puppet !! Don’t you think she looks reasonably well since that tragic air crash in Iran last month that killed a top US Navy Seal? Now doubt readers have had a gut full of the western Al Qaeda propaganda and past references to Bin Laden (a known CIA agent) and how quickly they chop and change from supporter rebel fighters to force a regime change and then going against rebel fighters when they so happen to be Islamic!!

La France homme de main de l’USraël en Afrique. Be a Proud Conspiracy Theorist, You're in the Majority. It seems that the establishment media has intensified their attack on "conspiracy theorists". Mali: les dessous impérialistes d'une intervention franco-américaine. America : Freedom to Fascism. Mise en ligne le 15 nov. 2011. The Executive Order - HAARP - Natural Disaster Connection. Weather Warfare: Beware the US Military’s Experiments with Climatic Warfare. Attali : une gouvernance mondiale pour éviter la troisième guerre mondiale. The Sandy Hook Shooting - Fully Exposed. GLADIO - Le scandale des armées secrètes de l'OTAN (Vidéo 54'36. America Is Being Systematically Transformed Into A Totalitarian Society.

The Age of the Siege: Nazi Military Tactics Revisited. Toutes les vidéos de rikiai sur Dailymotion. Nuke Free Now. Europe's Five "Undeclared Nuclear Weapons States" Beyond Treason: The True Story of Depleted Uranium. Iran 'fends off new Stuxnet cyber attack' Why the Bankers Created The War On Terror. The Destabilization of Pakistan. “Wiping Countries Off the Map”: Who’s Failing the “Failed States”

Psychiatry: The True Shadow Government - Ron Paul in VIDEO YOU HAVE NOT SEEN! Pakistan and the “Global War on Terrorism” Three Ways Obama Carried Bush’s Tyrannical Torch, in Just One Week. “I Have a Drone”. Obama’s “Military Dream” Is Backfiring. After Sandy Hook: how psychiatrists will become policemen. The Horrific New World Order Master Plan that has full UN approval. Codex Nutrition Committee Chooses Malnutrition. The Coming Water Wars. « La république mourra dans l’opprobe »… que voyons-nous ? Every human emotion now classified as a mental disorder in new psychiatric manual DSM-5. Le marketing de la folie - Sommes-nous tous fous ?

Big Pharma Testing Oxycontin on Children as Young as 6. Top 10 Legal Drugs Linked to Violence. Modern Wheat Really Isn’t Wheat At All « Talesfromthelou's Blog. Georgia’s war against the poor: The southern state is emptying its welfare rolls at the same time that poverty is soaring. The New World Order is now in panic mode as its financial infrastructure is cut off!! The New World Order is now in panic mode as its financial infrastructure is cut off!! Will America Ever Grapple with the Atrocities It Committed in Vietnam? The New World Order is now in panic mode as its financial infrastructure is cut off. Navi Pillay Targets Syria. Targeting Mali. 27 Science Fictions That Became Science Facts In 2012.

Nikola Tesla The Secret Movie – Unlimited Free Energy Forever. Hitachi Develops World's Smallest RFID Chip. Gouverner par le chaos - « Ingénierie sociale et mondialisation » La privatisation de l’eau en Europe… Depopulation by Food. Flashback: The Genetically Modified Rice Made with Human Genes. Vers la fin du mondialisme? La déconfiture morale de l’Occident. Magic Mushrooms and the Origin of Christmas – Is Santa a Mushroom? Les origines du New Age : L’Esprit de la Maçonnerie. Jessimay. Robotic Arm Controlled By Your Mind.

Killer Robots Are Coming – AI Experts To Determine Their Threat Toward Humanity. The little-told story of how the U.S. government poisoned alcohol during Prohibition. Are We Any Safer Now that the U.S. Intelligence Community Has Come Out of the Shadows? Council on Foreign Relations Plan for Global Governance in 2013. Après l’Irak et l’Afghanistan, les drones envahissent le ciel américain. Des drones dans le ciel européen en 2016 ? Manipulation de l'esprit/Mind control - Signal2012. Tavistock institute. Israel's Long Arm. US Attempting “Regime Change” in Malaysia: Fact or Fiction? FBI Documents Reveal Secret Nationwide Occupy Monitoring. 33 Conspiracy Theories That Turned Out To Be True. Everything We Tell Ourselves About America and the World Is Wrong. 2013: A TERRIFYING VISION OF AMERICA.

What to expect from Science in 2013. Engelhardt, Apocalypse When? Evil Purpose of the US Government Exposed (by Canada)