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Why Twitter Loves Sponsored Tweets. Bogus Twitter accounts promising verification dupe thousands of hopeful users (updated) It was a good run for fake Twitter account @privateverified, which was just suspended after earning more than 22,000 followers in under 24 hours by pretending to issue the blue check marks that denote verified Twitter accounts. Its first tweet, "#RT if i Should Verified Your Accounts," got 6,440 retweets and 693 favorites, mostly from users who probably would not qualify for the elite designation. The account tweeted excerpts from Twitter's official policy and entreated users to retweet it in order to be verified: "If you are a singer, band, artist, musician, producer, model, on air personality. Retweet if you want your account verified!

" The account also broke character a few times, tweeting, "I think everyone should be verified because we're all actually us. Tweet @privateverified and tell them we deserve a little blue check mark! There's plenty of pent-up demand for verification @privateverified Verify me!! UPDATE: This appears to be something of a trend. Twitter CEO Shows Off New Way to Share Videos in Tweets. How To: Get Your Twitter Account Suspended Or Banned | BuzzEdition. Seems the person in charge of Twitter’s suspension button has been a little trigger happy lately. You have all seen the messages of panic flow through the streams just as I have. With all the spammers still busy tweeting away, the Twitter staff must have something that is triggering these suspensions.

Makes you wonder what each suspended user was doing that caused the death of their account. Could you be nearing the dreaded suspension? Something you may be doing right now could be digging your Twitter grave. Here I present a few reasons that could be the end your Twitter fun. 1. Are you spamming people with links? No matter what the reason, it’s against Twitter Terms of Service to repeatedly spam users like this and you can be suspended. Keep in mind the users contacted in this graphic have been spammed and are not spammers. 2. Photo Source Churning people by following and unfollowing is against Twitter Terms of Service and will land you a suspended account once the pattern is revealed.

Explaining when I was 13 to a 13 year old. Twitter Tip: What is a hashtag (#) on Twitter? Lucy asks me a question on Twitter My Twitter buddy @LucyBakerMakeup asked me a question about hashtags (see above) so here’s a quick #101. Twitter Hashtag 101 A hashtag groups tweets together on a particular subject. When you add a ‘#’ directly in front of a word (or acronym) on Twitter – a link is automatically created. This is called a hashtag. Hashtags are user generated. You can use a hashtag to follow or search tweets on a topic of interest. Social media for social good using a Twitter hashtag You can add a hashtag to your message so it reaches more people – your tweet is seen by your followers and anyone following the hashtag.Often users will use a hashtag to add context or irony to a message, #fail and #justsayin being examples of this.

Useful tip from Francisco Rosales Sounds good. Hashtags are not an official feature of Twitter. Make it short, memorable and appropriate. What else you should know… Andy Mabbett, aka pigsonthewing | …from Birmingham, England. Twitter has 100 percent participation by new Senate - The Hill's Twitter Room. 9 Twitter Basics You May Not Know via @BadRedheadMedia. 9 Twitter Basics You May Not Know How long have you been on Twitter?

I’ve been on Twitter for, well, going on four years now. From the beginning, I sensed the enormous marketing potential with the platform, and that has only grown over the years. In the last two years, I’ve published three books and started my own social media and author marketing consultancy. Being on Twitter for not only myself, but also marketing authors who hire me, has given me quite a bit of insight in what to do, and what not to do. Tweeps can be a finicky lot, so here are some insider do’s and don’ts. Let’s deconstruct some tips and tricks. 1) Why are you there? 2) Be active. In addition, I promote other authors multiple times throughout the day. Besides, accounts marked as inactive (usually if you haven’t tweeted in 30 days or more) will show up as inactive on Twitter following/unfollowing services like ManageFlitter or Tweepi, and you’ll start losing followers. 4) Keywords: What are your main topics of interest?

On Twitter, Human-Powered Artificial Intelligence. Twitter has done a lot to change the way people share news, watch live television, and even how they protest. Along the way it’s had to deal with scaling problems as well as the challenge of tracking how users connect with each other, and how to then instantly—or at least very quickly—deliver the right tweets to the right streams.

To do this, Twitter has built some impressive tools, such as Scalding, Storm, and FlockDB. Now, as it attempts to sell ads and make money operating its popular service, Twitter faces a problem that has for decades vexed people who deal with computers: How do you get a machine to understand what people are saying or typing? Not just recognizing the words (although in speech-recognition programs that can still be tough), but to understand that when they are talking about “cancer,” they might be referring to either a disease or an astrological sign. The answer is that it doesn’t. From the Twitter post: Also from GigaOM: Can LTE-Broadcast Dam the Mobile Video Deluge? Twitter reduces calculus jitters at Memphis Catholic High. Photo by Mike Brown December 18, 2012 — (from left) Memphis Catholic principal Nick Green works with three of his five calculus students Sydney Stewart, Zoe Dickey and Tia Brown, all 17, in his office during their class period. Green uses iPad apps and Twitter to help reinforce and deliver lessons to his students.

(Mike Brown/The Commercial Appeal) For years, cellphones have been verboten at Memphis Catholic High. Expect a policy rewrite, based on what's happening in calculus. "Typically, phones aren't allowed, but they are here because they can get videos on their phones," said Nick Green, longtime Catholic High math teacher now pulling double duty as principal. In the background, his voice spills out of tablets and smartphones at a work table in his office where three seniors are reviewing calculus problems he scribbled out late the night before on ShowMe, a whiteboard app that lets him draw theorems with his finger on his tablet or phone screen while narrating the lesson.

50 Twitter Fun Facts. Twitter Backer Hints At Profits. Why the AP Selling its Own Sponsored Tweets is Good for Twitter. Taking on Twitter over hate speech - Inside Story. Watch Out CNN: New Twitter Search Capabilities Will Rule Breaking News. The Alot is Better Than You at Everything. As a grammatically conscientious person who frequents internet forums and YouTube, I have found it necessary to develop a few coping mechanisms. When someone types out "u" instead of "you," instead of getting mad, I imagine them having only one finger on each hand and then their actions seem reasonable. If I only had one finger on each hand, I'd leave out unnecessary letters too!

If I come across a person who seems to completely ignore the existence of apostrophes and capital letters and types things like "im an eagle and im typing with my talons, so dont make fun of me cuz this is hard," I like to imagine that they actually are an eagle typing with their talons. It would be a hassle if you had to hop in the air and use your feet to karate-chop two keys simultaneously every time you wanted to use the shift key to make a capital letter.

Also, eagles lack manual dexterity, so I can understand why they'd want to leave out apostrophes. Eagles are all about efficiency. Social Media Marketing and Hashtag Heaven—The Heart of Twitter. A Social Media Marketing Tool Hashtags can give you a bit of Twitter heaven if you have the right tool. Every once in awhile, I discover a resource online that I can’t resist sharing. If you use Twitter in your social media marketing, you should get a kick out of First off, “hashtags” are tags embedded in individual tweets, each starting with the “hash” or “pound” (crosshatch) symbol, “#.” At the website, you start by typing in the desired hashtag—a subject of interest to you and your enterprise—click “search,” and up pops a diagram of your hashtag with the ten most popularly related hashtags. Here’s a full list of the resources you get: For social media marketing, is a wonderfully unique tool. How to Use This in Your Social Media Marketing First of all, by following those who tweet often about your desired hashtags (topics), they may return the favor and follow you back.

Engage with the people you follow. About Rod "Carl" Martin Jr. 6 Ways To Kick-Start Your Twitter Efforts In 2013. It’s a brand new year, with a 12-month clean slate: the perfect opportunity to assess your social media presence and evaluate what needs a little sprucing up. Need a place to start? We’ve got a few suggestions for ways to kick your Twitter efforts into high gear in 2013.

No matter your goal – gain followers, tweet more regularly, get more retweets, get your various Twitter accounts organized – we have a tip to help you out. 1. Perfect your Twitter bio. 2. 2013 is the year of the visual – embrace it. 3. 4. 5. 6. Those are our 6 tips. (Kickboxer image from Shutterstock) The Twitter Glossary.

Twitter: Five predictions for 2013 | If there was one thing you could say about Twitter's 2012, it was that it wasn't boring. Over the course of the year, the service became bigger than ever, hosted major events like a Q&A with President Obama and another with Pope Benedict XVI , and became an essential tool for those looking for information about everything from Hurricane Sandy to the civil war in Syria. But 2012 was also contentious for Twitter. The microblogging service put new restrictions on what it would allow third-party developers to do, and then had to deal with a rebellion by those same developers. And it went to war with former ally Instagram over photo-sharing dominance. Now it's almost 2013, and the slate is wiped clean. Will this be a good year for Twitter? Here are five predictions for Twitter in 2013. 1. Still, when everyone can access all their tweets -- hopefully early in the year -- it will be a big thing for a lot of people. 2. 3.

How can it do that? 4. Can it? 5. Could Twitter be that social network? Study: 75 Percent Of The World’s Heads Of State Are Now On Twitter. Researchers: Algorithm Can Tell If You're Lying on Twitter. Social media can be a tremendous force for good during an emergency. News agencies and local governments can disseminate urgent alerts in an instant, providing valuable information to a distraught public. Unfortunately, as services like Twitter are user-driven and unfiltered, plenty of errant info can spread like wildfire too. Someone’s pants are on fire here, as this totally untrue tweet went out during the London Riots of 2011. Carlos Castillo, Barbara Poblete and Marcelo Mendoza claim to have developed an algorithm that can sniff out truthful news tweets and identify bogus ones. Bigfoot is Related to Modern Humans, Research Team Says Scientists claim that five-year-long research has culminated in a positive link between Bigfoot and modern humans.

A lot has been made of Internet Addiction Disorder over the last few years. Credible tweets… Non credible tweets… are more likely to have question marks and exclamation pointstend to use first- and third-person pronouns. Find Out Who Doesn't Like You Anymore on Facebook, Google+, Instagram, Pinterest, Tumblr, and Twitter. Find Out Who Doesn't Like You Anymore on Facebook, Google+, Instagram, Pinterest, Tumblr, and Twitter Offensive pictures, depressing tweets, political statuses, and just plain old dumb comments are only a few of the reasons why people unfriend or unfollow others on social media sites. Sometimes it's just social spring cleaning, other times there's no reason at all. Personally, when I find out that someone unfriended me, I simply don't care. Then I realize that I'm lying to myself and I ever so slowly let the hurt in, until it ends with me crying in the shower.

Okay, maybe it's not quite that soap-opera-worthy, but sometimes it does bother me because, damn, I'm a great person! Why would someone want to unfriend me? When someone unfriends me, I want to know ASAP! Who Unfriended You on Facebook? The most popular social media tool in the world actually has a really easy way to find out if anyone unfriends you. Who Unfollowed You on Twitter? Twitter is also very simple to check for unfollowers. What To Say On Twitter When Everyone's Watching. Many of the executives we work with are terrified of social media. They've either experienced the dark side of it personally or heard horror stories from their industry peers: tales of vicious comments on an influential blogger's website, incorrect and damaging rumors on Twitter, or an embarrassing, secretly filmed video uploaded onto YouTube. Those potential hazards are real. But executives tend to focus disproportionately on the downsides of social media and not nearly enough on the potential upsides.

Their focus on the risks leads them to adopt a head-in-the-sand strategy of neglecting social media, which rarely works in the long term. Social media offer today's communicators a tremendous advantage over their predecessors. Think back for a moment to the turn of the 21st century, when journalists were still the primary gate keepers of information. To be sure, those reporters remain critical allies today. But the traditional media's influence is waning. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Gizoogle. Top 10 Best Uses of Twitter in 2012. Twitter reaches half a billion accounts — More than 140 millions in the U.S. The 20 Most Unforgivable Twitter Spelling Mistakes Of The Year. Top 20 Twitter Tools for Twitter Users. Twitter acts against child sex abuse accounts. Photo Upload Issue. 100 Perfect Twitter Accounts for Teachers! Top 10 Twitter Trends of 2012 ~ HootSuite Social Media Management. Twitter @CapsCop | Grammar Nerds Take On Twitter Natives. Simone Bernstein: Why Every High School Student Should Have a Twitter Account.

Social media hoaxes: Could machine learning debunk false Twitter rumors before they spread? Photo Album. What to do if your Twitter account is 'hacked' - and how to avoid it in the first place ← Twitter ← Scott Matthewman. Six Ways In Which Twitter Eclipses Facebook. Lidl, Belgium Supermarket, To Buy 10,000 Christmas Dinners For Poor After Offer Goes Viral On Twitter. Twitter rolls out profile header pictures to all users this week. Twitter SMS bug lets hackers tweet via other users' accounts | Security & Privacy. @verified/US Congress sur Twitter. Why I love Twitter and barely tolerate Facebook — I.M.H.O. @BBCNews/Leveson Report sources sur Twitter. Twitter CEO Dick Costolo: Users Can Download Their Entire Archive By Year-End; Now Sees 1B Tweets Every 2.5 Days. Wwnorton : We're excited to be part of...

Twitter Fiction Festival. 9 Simple Tips For Connecting With Your Students On Twitter. Five-Minute Film Festival: Twitter in Education. Twitter's New Image Search Takes Aim At Instagram. 8 Tips for Using Twitter to Promote Your Small Business. Stories: #twitterstories: Map reveals... Can the US military fight a war with Twitter? Effective Brand Marketing on Twitter: How to Rise Above the Noise? Retelling history, 140 characters at a time | Internet & Media.

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How to search old tweets: 10 tools, 20 features. Social-i | pearltrees.