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Twitter Reading Level: How Smart Are Your Tweets? 10 Reasons to Educate Elementary Students about Social Media. Laptop It is always interesting to me, to find out that more and more of our younger students are becoming involved with the Internet and Social Media.

10 Reasons to Educate Elementary Students about Social Media

Due to their developmental age, most students have some kind of difficulty with self-management throughout childhood. But, this is to be expected with children. They simply lack the maturity, brain development, and personal experience to understand how to manage themselves in every situation in real life, let alone online. With person-to-person interactions, students have Parents, Teachers, & other Educators (we hope), who are helping to appropriately guide them throughout each day. Universities, Students Still Trying to Find Best Fit for Social Media on Campus. By Reginald Stuart When students at Grambling State University began campaigning for leadership positions in the university’s Student Government Association (SGA) one year ago, they approached university officials about using social media as part of their campaign strategy.

Universities, Students Still Trying to Find Best Fit for Social Media on Campus

The request made Grambling administrators realize there were no institutional guidelines or policies about using this latest wave of evolving media. With student, faculty and administration input, a social media policy was developed in time for students to stage their multimedia campaigns without breaking the university’s code of conduct or, more importantly, offending fellow students, faculty or administrators. Grambling is among a growing number of institutions taking a serious look at social media, having seen it evolve quickly over the past decade as the instant communication vehicle for students, teachers and administrators. Facebook as required reading: NJ bill would teach teens social media savvy  Slate : Facebook just made a significant...

Facebook trending topics: Twitter-like feature focuses on news. Image courtesy of Facebook When Facebook added hashtags last year and almost no one used them, you might have thought the social network would give up on trying to become more like Twitter.

Facebook trending topics: Twitter-like feature focuses on news.

You'd have thought wrong. Today it doubled down on its bid to rival Twitter as a hub for real-time public conversations about the news, adding a "Trending" section that highlights topics your friends and others are talking about at any given time. This is not a minor change: Facebook has placed the section at the top right of its main news feed, which is prime real estate on the page. It's the clearest signal yet that the company is serious about becoming a destination for news, not just a place to share photos with your friends and family. The challenge to Twitter is obvious from the first line of Facebook's press release about the new product:

What should a networked educational leader tweet about? Study: Women Love Social Media More Than Men (Unless It's LinkedIn) Women use every major social media channel more than men—except for LinkedIn—according to a Pew Research study released today.

Study: Women Love Social Media More Than Men (Unless It's LinkedIn)

Pew found that 76 percent of online U.S. adult females use Facebook, compared to 66 percent for online males, while fairly similar women/men percentage splits exist for Twitter (18 percent/17 percent), Instagram (20/17) and Pinterest (33/8). Indeed, one-third of women are now using Pinterest. But then there's LinkedIn: the researcher said 24 percent of Internet-using men employ the site compared to 19 percent of women. Every major platform, Pew says, has experienced an uptick in users compared to December 2012, as 73 percent of online consumers now utilize at least one social media channel and 42 percent use multiple ones. Digitally savvy Beaverton High School builds its name locally and internationally.

Beaverton High School’s Social Media Team has it down to a science.

Digitally savvy Beaverton High School builds its name locally and internationally

They know that moms of students use Facebook between the hours of 7 a.m. and 9 a.m. and love to share stories about their kids. They also know that Beaverton High students prefer the photo-centric Instagram over Facebook. (Now that their moms and dads use FB, it’s no longer cool.) Both sides still tweet, but adults tend to use it for business whereas kids will tweet anything. 11 amazing Twitter chats for educators. Students get lesson in 'going viral' - News. Middle school and high school students in Iredell-Statesville Schools will soon be handed either a laptop or tablet device as part of the $20 million federal IMPACT grant.

Students get lesson in 'going viral' - News

But first, they’re getting a lesson in staying out of trouble online. Each school in the district has been asked before the end of the year to prepare students for the technology roll-out by teaching digital safety and ethics. At North Iredell Middle School (NIMS), a video posted on the school’s Facebook page is providing an example students can easily understand. The video, which shows staff members and asks people to share and like in an effort to go viral, has been shared nearly 200 times since Tuesday and been seen by more than 10,000 people. Comments have been left by people in Scotland, Brazil, Norway, the Philippines, California and several other states as the video makes its way around the Internet.

I-SS is planning to give students the wireless technological devices that are a part of the grant in February. Philadelphia Orchestra CEO: Our pop-up concert was packed, thanks to Twitter. When its concert at Carnegie Hall was canceled due to a strike, the Philadelphia Orchestra decided to hold a spur-of-the-moment performance at the Kimmel Center this October.

Philadelphia Orchestra CEO: Our pop-up concert was packed, thanks to Twitter

It had six hours to get the word out. The Orchestra alerted the media and took to Twitter with the hashtag #PhilOrchFreePopUp. The Kimmel Center was packed by showtime, said Orchestra president and CEO Allison Vulgamore. Uber kicks off the holidays with Christmas tree deliveries. Uber passengers may be getting a faint whiff of pine trees in their next ride.

Uber kicks off the holidays with Christmas tree deliveries

That's because the car service is kicking off a promotion to deliver Christmas trees to customers' doorsteps. To promote its service, Uber has teamed up with The Home Depot to deliver on-demand Christmas trees in 10 US cities for one-day only. On Thursday, people will be able to open their Uber smartphone app, click on "UberTree," and have a freshly cut Christmas tree and stand at their home or office within minutes. "Instead of spending your weekend wrestling with a tree from the not-so-near farm or slushy street corner, kick back, pour yourself an extra glass of eggnog and watch your app as Uber takes care of the heavy lifting," Uber wrote in a blog post.

The car service warns that users should expect high demand, so it's a first-come, first-serve kind of deal. This isn't the first time that Uber has dabbled in on-demand delivery. Facebook Has Transformed My Students' Writing—for the Better - Andrew Simmons. The Internet has ruined high-school writing.

Facebook Has Transformed My Students' Writing—for the Better - Andrew Simmons

Write the line on the board five hundred times like Bart Simpson. Remember and internalize it. Intone it in an Andy Rooney-esque grumble. I've heard the line repeated by dozens of educators and laypeople. I've even said it myself. Thankfully it is untrue. Hey, Kids! Your Twitter Is Showing! Although I use Twitter every day for a steady stream of information, articles, advice, and positive communication, I see many students using Twitter as a form of instant messaging system, constantly sharing impulses, ideas, and complaints, usually without filtering very much.

Hey, Kids! Your Twitter Is Showing!

I have a hunch that most students don’t realize how public their tweets really are. Thunder Bay students learn to text with a critical eye - Thunder Bay. The students at Algonquin Avenue Public School in Thunder Bay aren't allowed to have their cell phones on in class, but they’re learning how to effectively use them. The Education Quality and Accountability Office reports that more than half of Grade 6 students in Thunder Bay read text messages and emails every day. A Grade 6 teacher at the school says she is not surprised by the outcome of the EQAO survey. "These kids are growing up with technology around them,” Martine Engel said.

“Most families have one, two or more devices in their home, whether they're cell phones or iPod ... so, it doesn't surprise me at all that that's the bulk of their reading. " Engel uses examples of text messages to teach literacy "When the kids are texting, they're using short forms all the time.

Twitter Unveils Emergency Alert System. Twitter on Wednesday announced Twitter Alerts, a new system that enables public institutions and NGOs to send out emergency alerts via text message and push notifications in times of crisis. Users can sign up to receive emergency notifications from specific accounts, and will receive a text or push notification when that account sends a tweet it labels as an alert. In addition to the texts and notifications, 'alert' tweets will appear alongside an orange bell icon in the Twitter stream. "Twitter Alerts [is] a new feature that brings us one step closer to helping users get important and accurate information from credible organizations during emergencies, natural disasters or moments when other communications services aren’t accessible," explained Gaby Peña, a product manager at Twitter, on the company's blog.

Twitter already has more than 70 participants for the new system, including The American Red Cross, FEMA, and global non-profits like the World Health Organization. How Teachers Can Stop Being Scared Of Twitter. November’s EdTechTeacher’s iPad Summit (which, by the way, I found through Twitter) completely amazed, overwhelmed, challenged, and inspired me. I left feeling empowered about the 1:1 iPad environment in which I was teaching and excited about the possibilities of technology inside and outside of my classroom.

My Twitter Addiction I also left the conference with a mild addiction to Twitter. Mild as in I stopped taking notes within the first 5 minutes of the keynote when I realized that I could just tweet the links for great resources, apps, articles, images, videos… And went from following one or two people to dozens of the brightest stars in the edtech realm – including the EdTechTeacher staff and some pretty amazing teachers I met at the conference. Like I said, it was a *mild* addiction. It’s A Conversation. Google+ Introduces Embedded Posts. Google+ introduced a couple of new features on Monday, including a new tool that allows bloggers and content creators to embed public Google+ posts on other sites.

Users who wish to highlight a Google+ post within a news story or on a personal blog can do so by clicking the "Embed post" tab from the drop down menu in the post's upper righthand corner. Users can then copy and paste the available line of code to embed the post, including text and photos. Once a post is embedded on another site, it should still be fully interactive, according to a Google+ blog post, meaning users can +1 a post, comment, or follow the post's author from the embed. "We want to make it easy to expand your audience across the web," wrote Seth Sternberg, Director of Google+ Platform. Infographic: The Social Media Facts Of 2013. Click image to view entire infographic Click image to view entire infographic Presented by the team at Twist Forum, this infographic is a quick summary of what’s going on in the top five social media networks this year.

While some statistics capture snippets of online activity on each network, other tidbits —like the fact that you have only 10 seconds to grab someone’s attention with a YouTube video—may help social media managers reach their target audience. Scroll down to view the rest of this infographic, or view it in its entirety here. 7 Ways Teachers Use Social Media in the Classroom. Millennials live and breathe on social media, so teachers are learning how to incorporate the medium into the classroom successfully. In doing so, teachers not only encourage students to engage actively in the material, but they also provide online communities for students that might not exist for them in real life. 2013′s Complex Social Media Landscape in One Chart. 10 Little-Known Twitter Tools For Connected Educators. There’s an array of Twitter tools that make the rounds on the ol’ edtech circle.

We chat about Hootsuite , , and quite a bit. But there are a lot of little-known Twitter tools that don’t see the light of day on sites like Edudemic. Facebook Finally Gets Hashtag Support. 8 Great Twitter Accounts for Students to Follow. Putting together a list of 10 Inspirational Student Blogs recently was such an eye-opener to the fantastic ways students are using the internet, I couldn’t resist delving deeper and checking out some of the ways they are using social media too! Kindergarten ClassTweets With Meteorologist. Twitter Just Became Every Mobile App’s Best Friend. Twitter is not just about 140 characters anymore. Ever since it introduced Twitter Cards, it’s been expanding the scope of a Tweet to include photos, videos, music, article extracts, and more. How Should Social Media Be Taught in Schools?

Twitter to fight hacking by boosting login security. Facebook privacy settings get reworked once again. Get ready -- Facebook is making changes to how users access its privacy settings, again. Why Students Should Use Twitter. I must admit I was skeptical and originally questioned the validity of Twitter. Facebook Launches Prevent Bullying Page. New Tech Institute students use social media to share views on debate.

Michael_Levin: What Your Kids Are Really Doing Online. Students warned to think before posting on social media sites - Twitter Is Finally Going To Let You Download All Your Old Tweets. The “I” in T-E-A-M: Social Media and Collaboration. Share Web pages in Chrome for iOS via Facebook, Twitter, and G+ Attention Nonprofits! The New LinkedIn News Feed Design Has Arrived. Facebook Now Lets You Edit Comments. Facebook Finally Lets Page Admins Schedule Posts, Have Different Roles. Facebook vs Pinterest (Infographic) Online Reputation, Google Ranking, Personal Branding. BrandYourself: Control Your Google Results at

Lessons Learned in Dakar. 6 Things on Your LinkedIn Profile That Shouldn't Be on Your Resume. 'I Care' Facebook Button Shows Support For Causes. Which Social Network Should You Use. Maryland Bans Employers from Asking for Facebook Passwords. Social Media & Tech / Social Economics: How is Social Data Valued. Infographic: 5 Questions and Answers about Facebook Marketing. The Role of Social Media for Libraries, Part I. New Facebook App Suite Turns Brand Pages Into Crowdsourcing Hubs. How To Cite A Tweet In Academic Papers. The 14 C’s of Content Marketing. The Sad State of Social Media Privacy [Infographic] The Key to Social Media Success is Understanding Your Audience.

10 Little Known Social Media Tools You Should Be Using. #EdTech Resources / Personal Learning Networks for Educators: 10 Tips. Building Leads with Twitter Video. 3 Viral Videos Showing How Sesame Street Owns Social Media. Social Media & Tech / Social Media Tools and Resources We Like to Share for 2012. Social Media & Tech / 10 Content Ideas that Generate Engagement on Social Media.

Social Media & Tech / It's about relationships! EmpowHER Media Launches New Social Media Channels for Marketing to Women. Social Media Is NOT Free – You’re Being Penny Wise And Social Media Foolish! The Power of a Comment. Clean up ALL Your Applications Privacy Settings in 2 Minutes. 2012 Social Media Marketing Survey.

5 Best Practices for Digital Marketers in 2012. Do You Have A Personal Learning Network? Why Social Media Can and Is Changing Education. Social Media In Classrooms: A Case For Why It Belongs. Social Media Monitoring, Analytics and Alerts Dashboard. EC&I 831.

Turn Your Data Into Infographics: Five Cool Tools. How We Fail Young Students with Facebook. Social Media Scholar to Discuss Using Twitter to Improve College Student Engagement and Grades.

