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American Atheists. Stuff that will probably offend you.

Secular humanism

Celebrity Atheist List. Robert Green Ingersoll. You must acknowledge that you have read the following disclaimer in order to view documents in the Historical Library. The Historical Library contains writings written before 1970, only. For material written during or after 1970, please refer to the Modern Documents section of the Secular Web Library. This Historical Library is provided for those doing research into the history of nontheism. It is not intended to be--and should not be used as--a source of modern, up-to-date information regarding atheistic issues. Those looking for modern critiques of theism should go to the Modern Documents section of the Secular Web Library. All of the Historical Library authors are dead--and in many cases have been so for several decades.

To acknowlege that you have read and understand the Historical Library Disclaimer and that you will not contact us about any Historical Document in our Library, enter the word "yes" in the box and click . Supporting Civil Rights for Atheists and the Separation of Church and State | American Atheists.