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8 Good Language Translation and Dictionary Apps for Students. Estas son las 23 mejores aplicaciones de Android para amantes de las ciencias. Si eres un apasionado de las ciencias es probable que te guste llevar en el móvil algunas aplicaciones tanto para aprender como para utilizar de referencia en tu día a día, además de divertirte con ellas si se tercia.

Estas son las 23 mejores aplicaciones de Android para amantes de las ciencias

Nosotros hemos escogido algunas aplicaciones científicas de diversos campos, algunas de ellas enfocadas al aprendizaje, otras como aplicaciones de referencia y otras pensadas para que pases un buen rato mientras juegas o aprendes. Por más que queramos siempre nos quedará mucho por aprender y estas aplicaciones nos ayudarán a que sea más sencillo introducirnos en cualquier campo científico que antes nos era ajeno. Usando apps en la Educación. Todo Apps. 362 Posts de Apps de uso educativo y M-Learning. iPad in Education. App Remote Mouse. Varias App en mi iphone @morreducation. Slated: Traduce Mensajes en Tiempo Real. Plickers, una gran herramienta para la evaluación formativa. Plickers es una herramienta web, que permite a los profesores recogen retro-alimentación en tiempo real de estudiantes utilizando cualquier dispositivo.

Plickers, una gran herramienta para la evaluación formativa

Todos van a utilizar sus tarjetas con números y alfabetos en ellos. Esta herramienta nos permite recopilar datos para utilizar en tus evaluaciones formativas. Puede utilizar encuestas, múltiples preguntas, preguntas de verdadero / falso y muchos más. Así se obtienen datos de los estudiantes, también se puede ver junto con ellos una instantánea de grupo en un gráfico. Lo bueno de esta aplicación es que los estudiantes pueden usar cualquier ordenador o dispositivo móvil. Una vez creada la clase, añadir sus estudiantes escribiendo sus nombres, así la herramienta genera una tarjeta que se asignará automáticamente a cada nombre que escriba. Apps for Elementary - Early Math. Top 5 Free Education Apps: App Advent – WHS 132. Podcast: Play in new window | Download 1. iTunes U: iTunes U is the best way to create and experience courses on iPad.

Top 5 Free Education Apps: App Advent – WHS 132

The iTunes U app gives you access to complete courses from leading universities and other schools — plus the world’s largest digital catalog of free education content — right on your iPad, iPhone, or iPod touch. Whether you’re majoring in molecular biology at a university, taking Spanish in high school, or just interested in European history, you now have a valuable tool to help you learn anytime, anywhere. 2. Elevate – Brain Training: Elevate is a brain training program designed to improve focus, speaking skills, processing speed, memory, math skills, and more. The more you train with Elevate, the more you’ll improve critical cognitive skills that are proven to boost productivity, earning power, and self-confidence. 3. Students can use it as a tool to learn Math, while parents can use it to quickly check their kid’s homework. 4.

Pequeños Lectores para iPhone, iPod touch y iPad en el App Store de iTunes. 5 apps para incrementar tu concentración y memoria. POR: Julio Vélez Si eras gamer desde niño o adolescente, habrías pagado lo que fuera por contar con este argumento: recientes estudios han comprobado nuevamente que los videojuegos agilizan la mente, especialmente los que están diseñados para mejorar reacción, memoria, concentración y otras características que la ajetreada vida cotidiana merma en nuestro cerebro.

5 apps para incrementar tu concentración y memoria

ScanWritr: docs scanner, PDF. Xodo is the ultimate PDF Reader and annotator.

ScanWritr: docs scanner, PDF

And it’s free... no ads or in-app purchases! Powerful, fast, and optimized for phones and tablets, Xodo PDF Reader is faster than Adobe Acrobat on most complex PDFs. • PDF View & Navigate • Annotate & Comment • Sign & Fill Forms • Automatic fast sync with Dropbox & GDrive • Organize & Manage. DeCuentos: La aplicación que te cuenta cuentos desde el móvil. DeCuentos es una aplicación para el smartphone que permite visualizar tanto historias clásicas como modernas en formato video.

DeCuentos: La aplicación que te cuenta cuentos desde el móvil

El Centro Internacional del Libro Infantil y Juvenil (CILIJ) de la Fundación Germán Sánchez Ruipérez ha desarrollado este recurso digital gratuito para promover la importancia de la narración oral entre los más jóvenes. Así, la aplicación, destinada sobre todo a los alumnos de Primaria, encaja perfectamente en tus clases de Lengua. 4 Coding Apps For Kindergarten and Elementary School. 15 Of The Best Educational Apps For Improved Reading Comprehension. Reading comprehension is a matter of decoding, reading speed, and critical thinking about the text, all of which can improve with tiered practice.

15 Of The Best Educational Apps For Improved Reading Comprehension

(See 50 apps for struggling readers.) So below, in an order of general complexity, are 15 apps for improved reading comprehension, ranging from word and sentence fluency, to recall, to critical thinking skills, to reading speed. By the nature of reading and literacy progress, most are indeed for K-5 and SLP, but the latter apps, especially Reading Trainer, Compare Twist, and Enchanted Dictionary, can be used through high school in the right context. Let us know on our facebook page what we missed. 15 Of The Best Educational Apps For Improved Reading Comprehension 1. Price: $2.99 Primary Audience: K-3 Idea: Focusing on non-fiction texts and assessment, with the ability to create your own lessons (text + assessment). 2. Price: $7.99 Primary Audience: K-5 and SLP. Applying iPad Apps in the Classroom: Goal? Language Proficiency! By Nicola Work, Ph.D, Assistant Professor of French, Department of Global Languages and Cultures, University of Dayton.

Applying iPad Apps in the Classroom: Goal? Language Proficiency!

With the growing interest in using iPads for teaching, the inclusion of technology as part of the 21st century skills, and the availability of iPads in classrooms, it becomes more and more important to create language lessons that make effective use of the device. 6 Good iPad Apps to Enhance Kids Mathematical Thinking. Best Learning Tools for Kids to Learn Computer Coding on iPad. We have posted several lists of Learning Tools for Kids on iPad.

Best Learning Tools for Kids to Learn Computer Coding on iPad

Today we continue on the lists, adding Best Learning Tools for Kids to Learn Computer Coding. Computer programming is becoming a more and more essential skill for today’s kids. Even if they are not planning to become a computer programmer, it is important for them to know how computers work and be more comfortable when interacting with digital machines. I am glad to see many organizations recognize the need and developed fascinating tools teaching young children programming. Amazingly, many of these learning tools are free, some even have free lesson plans to go with these programs.

Best Math Learning Tools for Kids on iPad and Other Tablets. We started putting together Best Learning Tools on iPad and other Tablet series.

Best Math Learning Tools for Kids on iPad and Other Tablets

Today we have best math learning tools on iPad and other tablets. There are many math apps available, we have put together 45 math game apps for kids grouped by age and learning objectives. However, in this learning tool post, we only include math apps that can be used as teaching and learning tools, apps that explain math concepts behind the numbers, not just practice app. 9 Free Essential Learning Tools for Kids on iPad and Other Tablets. Now many families have iPads or other tablets for kids to use at home. More and more schools are using iPads as study tools at school.

Best Storytelling Learning Tools for Kids on iPad and Other Tablets. I like storytelling activities and storytelling learning tools. Storytelling helps kids develop oral language skills, boost thinking skills, creativity, and imagination. While learning to put a story together, kids in fact gain skills in better listening and reading. Also storytelling helps kids express their emotions and feelings that many times are hard to do. Top 60 iPad Apps for Teaching STEAM Organized by Grade Level.

44 Apps That Will Make You More Productive. Top 4 iPad Apps for Making Presentations and Slideshows. October 11, 2014 If you ask me about the best iPad apps for creating and sharing presentations and slideshows the five listed below are what I would highly recommend for you. Yes this is a personal view and I know there are tons of other apps out there that can be used for this purpose, but from my own experience of app reviewing and based on my actual use , the apps I have handpicked for you have all the features you need to create a powerful and visually appealing presentation.

Check them out and as always leave us a comment if you have other suggestions. Enjoy 1- Haiku Deck. The Best 4 iPad Note Taking Apps for Students and Teachers. Apps for Dyslexia 2. 8 Excellent iPad Apps to Enhance Students Reading Comprehension Skills. September 30, 2014 After posting about web based tools to enhance students reading comprehension skills, I received a couple of emails asking about iPad apps on reading comprehension.

So I went ahead and compiled these popular apps that I believe are really must have. These apps target different areas related to improving kids reading and literacy. They provide practice on key comprehension skills such as developing word awareness, sequencing, sentence fluency, and reading speed. Have a look and share with us if you have other suggestions to add to the list.

Enjoy. Subtext supports teachers in their Common Core instruction and helps students move closer to college and career readiness by encouraging them to analyze what they read, articulate what they think, and make connections between texts and the outside world. 5 iPad Apps for Learning About Art and Art History. One of the great things about the iPad in a classroom is that it enables students to pinch and zoom to see artworks in more detail than they would find in most text books. The following five apps allow students to do that and more. The Life of Art is a free iPad app that provides its users with an interactive introduction to four artifacts from The Getty’s Life of Art exhibit. The Life of Art app displays a lidded bowl, a silver fountain, a side chair, and a wall light. All four items are ornately decorated while also being functional. An Excellent Free Graphing Calculator for Your iPad – Desmos. Desmos is a free graphing calculator that originally launched a few years ago as a web app before becoming an iPad app (the web app still works too).

Recently, the Desmos iOS app was updated with some good features for students. First, Desmos is now properly formatted to work in landscape and portrait mode on iPads and iPhones. Second, you can now take pictures with the app to insert them into your graphs. Third, and most important to me and first-time uses of the app, a guided tour of the app’s features are now built into the app. In many cases using Desmos is a good alternative to purchasing expensive TI-84 Plus (or whatever the latest model is) calculators. Two Great Periodic Tables of Educational iPad Apps. August 27, 2014 Today as I was wading through my Twitter feeds I came across a link to the periodic table of iPad apps created by ICTEvangelist.Upon checking this work I learned that it is inspired by a relatively similar work done by Sean Junkins which I have featured in an earlier post in this blog.

Different as they are, both of these periodic tables provide an interesting collection of educational iPad apps you could probably consider using with your students.These apps are arranged under different categories and each of these categories has a unique colour code to help you identify apps belonging it. The labelling of the categories in these two periodic tables slightly differ from one another with ICTEvangelist tending to repurpose his work for UK-based educational settings. iPads & Common Core: Beyond Basics to Practical Classroom Uses. iPads and common core on Pinterest. Three iPad Apps for Creating Multimedia eBooks. One of my favorite things about iPads and the web in general is the ease with which anyone can create a multimedia product.

Teachers can create and organize multimedia reference materials for students and students can create multimedia products to show off their ideas. The following three iPad apps allow you and your students to create multimedia ebooks. Story Creator is a free iPad app that makes it easy to create narrated picture books on your iPad. To create a narrated picture book on Story Creator start by inserting a picture as your book’s cover. To create a page just tap the “+” icon and import a picture, draw a picture, type some text, or do all three.

Little Story Maker is a great little app that adults and children can use to create their own custom books on their iPads. Book Creator allows anyone to create their own books using images, text, videos, and audio recordings. 7 herramientas gratuitas para crear presentaciones en el iPad. iPad Apps for Multiple Intelligences. 36 Core Teacher Apps For Inquiry Learning With iPads. 36 Core Teacher Apps For Inquiry Learning With iPads The interest in inquiry-based learning seems to ebb and flow based on–well, it’s not clear why it ever ebbs. In short, it is a student-centered, Constructivist approach to learning that requires critical thinking, and benefits from technology, collaboration, resourcefulness, and other modern learning skills that never seem to fall out of favor themselves. Regardless, St Oliver Plunkett Primary School has put together two very useful images that can help you populate your iPad–or classroom of iPads–with apps that support both inquiry-based learning (the second image below), and a more general approach to pedagogy based on Apple’s uber-popular tablet (the top image).

The original pdf for the first file can be downloaded here. 101 aplicaciones gratis de 2014 imprescindibles para Android - Dotpod. Las aplicaciones para Android cambian constantemente y esto obliga a muchos a reciclar apps todo el tiempo, ya sea cambiando de una que deja de desarrollarse por otra paga o gratis, o por qué no, por una más moderna que acaba de salir al mercado. Todo Apps. 362 Posts de Apps de uso educativo y M-Learning. 5 Mejores Aplicaciones para Grabar la Pantalla de Android. Este es un compilado de una lista de aplicaciones que se pueden descargar para grabar la pantalla de su Android. Las 50 mejores aplicaciones para Android del 2014. Como lo hizo el año pasado, este año la revista Time volvió a realizar una recopilación de las mejores apps para Android y también, al igual que el año pasado, les traemos esa lista con las 50 mejores aplicaciones para Android del 2014. Esta vez además del nombre, el enlace y el precio de las aplicaciones, para que no pierdan tiempo averiguando de que se trata cada una de las apps, le he agregado la categoría de la tienda Google Play en la que se encuentra la aplicación, como así también que tarea cumple.

Este año solo 3 aplicaciones son de pago, el resto es gratis. ScanWritr: docs scanner, PDF - Android Apps on Google Play. 5 aplicaciones sencillas para crear contenidos visuales atractivos. Teaching Coding in Class: 17 Apps to TryLearning. 4 Coding Apps For Kindergarten and Elementary School. Three iPad Apps for Creating Multimedia eBooks. 10 apps para profesores 3.0. Magic Plan App. 27 Apps that have changed my Teaching and Learn... EISD Standard Apps-Fall 2013-Wish List. Appstronomía. Google Sky Maps la conocida app de Google para observar el cielo. De código abierto y donado por Google. También nos puedes encontrar: (Google Plus) Mapa estelar apuntar con tu Dispositivo Android hacia el cielo y el Mapa Estelar te dirá exactamente lo que estás viendo.Empleando la más moderna tecnología GPS, un preciso Universo 3D, y todas las posibilidades de alta tecnología de los Dispositivo Android, Mapa Estelar calcula –en tiempo real– la posición actual de cada estrella y planeta visibles desde la Tierra.

Hubble Space Center es una aplicación que ayuda a entrar en el mundo del Telescopio Espacial Hubble. Aquí puedes navegar a través de gran número de imágenes espaciales de la Hubble Gallery, leer las últimas noticias Hubble, conocer algunos datos interesantes sobre el Telescopio Espacial Hubble. Telescope Flashlight. aplicación con luz roja para no deslumbrarte al mirar al cielo. No es una aplicación oficial de la NASA.