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統計解析に使えるデータセットまとめ. HERI. NORC. NORC multidisciplinary project teams include members with expertise and experience in theses and other research topics: Substance Use1/14 Substance use remains a stubborn problem, exacting enormous health and productivity costs, threatening family and community stability, and adding to an overburdened criminal justice system. NORC brings exceptional sensitivity and objectivity to the unique challenges of substance use research to provide insight and support effective decision making for substance use issues and programs.

Read more Special Populations2/14 The complex challenges of studying special populations—minorities, veterans, children, the disabled, prisoners, the elderly—requires cultural competency and advanced research methodologies. Poverty3/14 ​When public housing was demolished in major cities, what happened to the families who lived there? Children and Youth4/14 ​When, and why, do things go wrong for the most vulnerable young people? Health5/14 Criminal Justice6/14 Education7/14. World Values Survey. ICPSR. General Social Survey. The GSS contains a standard 'core' of demographic, behavioral, and attitudinal questions, plus topics of special interest. Many of the core questions have remained unchanged since 1972 to facilitate time-trend studies as well as replication of earlier findings. The GSS takes the pulse of America, and is a unique and valuable resource.

It has tracked the opinions of Americans over the last four decades. Trends The GSS is widely regarded as the single best source of data on societal trends. Cross-National Data Cross-national data are collected as part of the International Social Survey Program (ISSP). American National Election Studies. Pew Research Center. Gallup.