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Sexisme & industrie musicale

How female corpses became a fashion trend. Marc Jacobs 2014 ad campaign featuring Miley Cyrus.

How female corpses became a fashion trend

And a dead girl, it seems. Photograph: David Sims/Marc Jacobs For once it's not the image of Miley Cyrus herself that is controversial. It's the woman lying next to her. In a new advertising campaign for Marc Jacobs, Miley and two female models pose on a moonlit beach, Miley sitting up, staring moodily into the middle distance, a woman standing behind her, while another lies on the sand. This ad campaign was released a day after the latest cover of US magazine Entertainment Weekly, which shows the two stars of upcoming film Gone Girl lying on a gurney. This isn't the first time dead women have been used in fashion or entertainment, of course.

How the Media Affects Your Daughter and What You Can Do to Help. Feminist Frequency. How the Media Failed Women in 2013.

Sexisme, TV & cinéma

Real men like Josh Groban. I recently accompanied my wife to the Oct. 11 Josh Groban concert at EnergySolutions Arena.

Real men like Josh Groban

I attended the show of my own choice. I even bought the tickets and surprised her with them on her birthday. I have no one to blame but myself. This may seem like a bizarre way to describe a concert I enjoyed thoroughly. Groban is a remarkable musician and singer, but I was pleasantly surprised by what a great entertainer he is, too. So he was funny, he sang beautifully, and a good time was had by all. Yet I received word the next day that I need to "forfeit my man card" for being a Josh Groban fan. I should have known.

Pub & commerce

It’s Time to Retire “Boob Plate” Armor. Because It Would Kill You. It’s Time to Retire “Boob Plate” Armor.

It’s Time to Retire “Boob Plate” Armor. Because It Would Kill You.

Because It Would Kill You. Nord Female Armor Concept Design for Skyrim - Deadly? Never mind the chainmail bikinis—what about those awkward breast plates in armor that we see frequently in fantasy artwork and at the Ren Faire? Whenever women complain about this convention, they are usually shot down for trying to erase women’s true bodies, for insisting that women make themselves more “male” in order to appear strong and capable. Repair Her Armor. ...1 month ago throwdownyourhat submitted:

Repair Her Armor

Female Armor Sucks. PSA: Your Default Narrative Settings Are Not Apolitical. Image taken from tumblr.

PSA: Your Default Narrative Settings Are Not Apolitical

Recently, SFF author Tansy Rayner Roberts wrote an excellent post debunking the idea that women did nothing interesting or useful throughout history, and that trying to write fictional stories based on this premise of feminine insignificance is therefore both inaccurate and offensive. To quote: “History is not a long series of centuries in which men did all the interesting/important things and women stayed home and twiddled their thumbs in between pushing out babies, making soup and dying in childbirth.History is actually a long series of centuries of men writing down what they thought was important and interesting, and FORGETTING TO WRITE ABOUT WOMEN. It’s also a long series of centuries of women’s work and women’s writing being actively denigrated by men. Writings were destroyed, contributions were downplayed, and women were actively oppressed against, absolutely.But the forgetting part is vitally important.

Livre jeunesse : fille ou garçon ? Fille ou garçon, c'est pas pareil.

Livre jeunesse : fille ou garçon ?

Au travers de collections et séries certains éditeurs jeunesse tendent à montrer que les filles et les garçons ne lisent pas les mêmes livres, surtout lorsqu'il s'agit de romans. Il suffit de parcourir les stands des principaux éditeurs jeunesse du Salon du livre 2009 pour le constater... La segmentation du livre jeunesse par sexe est un phénomène qui ne date pas d'hier. Au milieu des années 50, en Belgique, Gilbert Delahaye créé l'héroïne Martine pour Casterman, Henri Verne Bob Morane pour Marabout et la Bibliothèque verte (Hachette Jeunesse) édite Alice, créée par un collectif d'auteurs américains regroupés sous le pseudonyme Caroline Quine.

La véritable nouveauté réside plutôt dans la systématisation de cette segmentation garçon-fille, accompagnée d'un développement de séries très marketées, qui par leur nombre de tomes, assurent une bonne visibilité de l'éditeur en rayon. Princesses et chevaliers. Pendant plusieurs jours, j'ai cru que les affiches de la manif pour tous étaient des fakes diffusés pour discréditer ce mouvement.

Princesses et chevaliers

En fait non, aussi incroyable que cela me paraisse, elles ont bien été mis en ligne sur leur site. Celle-ci par exemple.

Sexisme & jeux vidéos

What if dude superheroes posed like lady superheroes. Comic Book Illustrator Tony Harris Hates Women (Cosplayers) The Hawkeye Initiative. Marvel markets sexism with Avengers T-shirts. Just saw Marvel’s sexist T-shirts on the Huffington Post (there’s some link to Reel Girl but I can’t find it?)

Marvel markets sexism with Avengers T-shirts

Marvel’s T-shirt for boys. Marvel’s T for girls. Argh! This sexism, by the way, goes beyond the specific imagery of a superhero. “Be a hero” translates to “act, take risks, make choices. See the difference? The insidious problem with this stereotyped gender casting is that women are constantly sidelined and marginalized, remarkably, in the roles they play in their own lives. And I tried to remember any case in the course of my reading where two women are represented as friends…They are now and then mothers and daughters.

Ridiculously sexist “Avengers” T-shirts. Des hommes posent comme des pin-ups. Le photographe Rion Sabean a fait poser des hommes en mode pin-up.

Des hommes posent comme des pin-ups

Le résultat ? Des men-ups bien sûr ! Les pétasses, l’abêtissement et les éditeurs. Si j’ai des héroïnes, elles sont comme Louise Michel, ou Frida Kahlo, ou une de ces chieuses comme les cons aiment appeler les femmes qui se laissent pas monter sur les pieds par eux. Bon, tout le monde ne peut pas être Louise Michel, je vous le concède. Mais entre Louise Michel et Pénélope Bagieu, il y a tout de même un putain de monde, bordel, alors pourquoi les éditeurs s’acharnent-ils à publier des greluches décervelées qui causent de leur dernière jupe à la con ? Ça fait un sacré bout de temps que je fulmine en voyant la énième coconne à sortir un bouquin sur ses talons et ses recettes de cupcakes dont tout le monde se branle.

Les blogs "girly" et le long combat des femmes. . Les filles dans la BD.