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Portable/Nomadic Shelters

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Tiny Homes From Vans & Campers

QR Hobo Codes: Secret-Symbol Stencils for Digital Nomads. QR Hobo Codes: Secret-Symbol Stencils for Digital Nomads Article by Urbanist, filed under Street Art & Graffiti in the Art category.

QR Hobo Codes: Secret-Symbol Stencils for Digital Nomads

This project tackles what is probably the last place anyone expect to find a digital-age intervention: the centuries-old tradition of the mobile and homeless communicating via shorthand markers, left to denote different risks and advantages to illicit living spaces. From its creators at Free Art & Technology: “These stencils can be understood as a covert markup scheme for urban spaces — providing directions, information, and warnings to digital nomads and other indigenterati.

House Of 3 Tents: Affordable Cabin Home. When Glen and Gerry bought property in Northern California, they wanted first to live on the land to determine the best place to site their home.

House Of 3 Tents: Affordable Cabin Home

They found a company that makes tent cabins and erected three. They’re not of the camping variety, but more semi-permanent fabric shelters sold by Sweetwater Bungalows. The living/dining room tent was an A La Carte option where they paid $5200 for a DIY setup: this includes the shell and rain fly and eave and awning system. The couple had to find their own lumber for framing the 14 by 20 foot room. They cut holes in the fabric to fit french doors and the salvaged windows they’d found. The bedroom and guest bedroom tents are smaller (12 x 14), but large enough to fit standard beds and completely floored with plywood.

The couple converted an old shed (left on the property by the previous owner) into a plywood clad bathroom, complete with composting toilet. Constructing Cardboard Geodesic Domes. This site was designed in response to people asking us how we made our domes and who were interested in making their own.

Constructing Cardboard Geodesic Domes

The design was borrowed from a 1973 edition of Popular Science and was improved upon to meet the rigors of the Black Rock Desert. These domes have served as an effective shelter against wind, extreme heat and, once painted, rainfall. The largest of the three domes in the picture opposite measures approximately 12' 7" in diameter and is about 6' 3" high at its center.

We recommend building the largest one. All the measurements throughout this web site relate to the largest size. Feel free to contact us with any questions or comments about dome construction or the outline of this web site. If making a cardboard dome isn't the thing for you, visit these friends of mine, DomeGuys International who make geodesic domes professionally.

If you've found this site helpful, please consider giving a donation to help defray the costs of keeping it up. Historic Shepherds Huts. A quick note to say that the excellent site dedicated to shepherds' huts - Historic Shepherds Hut ("a web based archive dedicated to record survivors and the forgotten part they once played in our country's rich agricultural past") - is heading to a new location at because of hosting problems.

Historic Shepherds Huts

They're still in the process of moving everything across but it's worth changing your bookmarks now as they are also planning to expand the site to deal with lots of new huts which have come their way as a result of recent media coverage. Incidentally, if you have a shepherd's hut for sale, please do contact Shedworking - there were many, many disappointed readers who were very interested in the last one we advertised (including the editor of a wellknown national magazine) that I'm sure you'd find a buyer quickly. Our Monday posts are sponsored by garden2office, the Swedish garden officespecialists.Click here for more details. Tiny Wheeled House Instructions.


Hexayurt Project: Free Hardware Housing For All. Hexayurt Playa - Appropedia. - Project Home - Burning Man Construction - Assembly - Plans - Mass Evacuation - Rapid Deployment - Materials - Infrastructure - Informatics - Education Concept - Research Agenda - Press - Contact - Events All Hexayurt Project materials on this page placed into the public domain in accordance with this legal statement and by adding to these pages your release your edits under those terms.

Hexayurt Playa - Appropedia

Newsflash: we now have fire test data on R-MAX / Tuff-R. . Please read the Hexayurt Safety Information before building your hexayurt The Hexayurt Project won the Participate! Treehugger / Current.TV / Burning Man prize for eco-nifty Burning Man stuff. Join us for the 5th Annual Black Rock City Hexayurt Happy Hour, Burning Man 2013. Student Converts School Bus Into Mobile Home & Drives Around Country. For his final project, graduate architecture student Hank Butitta bought an old school bus on Craigslist for $3,000. 15 weeks and $6,000 of improvements later, Hank and his two friends were ready to embark on a 5,000 mile (8,046 km) journey across the United States.

Student Converts School Bus Into Mobile Home & Drives Around Country

The 225 sq. ft mobile home features reclaimed gym flooring and dimmable LED lighting. Using the 28 inch wide windows as a modular guide (the aisle is also 28 in. wide), the bus is divided into four primary zones: bathroom, kitchen, seating, and sleeping. The space can be configured in a variety of combinations, depending on need. Portable Cardboard Toilet.