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AMIDE: a Medical Image Data Analysis Tool. Binary RPMs The binary RPMs are currently built for Fedora Core. If you're using an RPM based, non-Redhat distribution, these packages probably won't work, but are worth a shot. If these packages don't work, try rebuilding the source RPM's. First, download the needed binary .x86_64.rpm packages Installation/Upgrading should then be (as root): rpm -Uvh *.rpm Building from Source RPMs This "should" work on RPM based Linux distributions.

Download the needed .src.rpm packages. Rpmbuild --rebuild xmedcon-*.src.rpm rpm -Uvh /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/x86_64/xmedcon-*.x86_64.rpm rpmbuild --rebuild volpack-*.src.rpm rpm -Uvh /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/x86_64/volpack-*.x86_64.rpm rpmbuild --rebuild dcmtk-*.src.rpm rpm -Uvh /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/x86_64/dcmtk-*.x86_64.rpm rpmbuild --rebuild amide-*.src.rpm rpm -Uvh /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/x86_64/amide-*.x86_64.rpm Note, that on older distributions, there's not a separate "rpmbuild" command. Building from Source. LIVE COMPONENTS | Just another weblog.

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