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Access to Insight. Buddha's Light Publishing · Buddhism in Every Step. Long-Distance Training Program. White Wind Zen Community's Long-distance Training Program was established in 1995 to support the practice of students living more than an hour's commuting distance from Dainen-ji, the monastery founded by Ven.

Long-Distance Training Program

Anzan Hoshin roshi, located in Ottawa, Canada. Since that time, people living all over the world have joined the Sangha of students studying and practicing under the direction of Roshi's Lineage. Formal Introduction to the Practice The training provided to long-distance students is based on the structure and standards of training presented at Dainen-ji. Those living near the monastery begin practice by attending an Introduction to Zen Workshop. Establishing Contact The practice of Zen is experiential and instruction is based on your actual experience of doing the practice. Your full name.A telephone number and area code so that we can contact you if there is a lapse in communication due to computer or server problems.Where are you writing from? Enrolment Cost Weekly Newsletter. Buddhism of Wisdom & Faith: Pure Land Principles and Practice. Free Literature. Dhargyey Buddhist Centre. Diamond sangha. Diamond Sangha Robert Aitken Roshi and his wife Anne founded the Diamond Sangha in 1959 in Hawaii.

Diamond sangha

This lineage now has thirty-seven teachers world-wide including Ross Bolleter Roshi in Perth; Mary Jaksch Roshi, Glenn Wallis Sensei and Arthur Wells Sensei in New Zealand . Glenn Wallis Sensei though based in Dunedin, New Zealand, is currently overseas. Diamond Sangha teachers lead retreats in the USA, Chile, Argentina, Australia, Saudi Arabia, New Zealand, England and Germany.

As the lineage has roots in both the Soto and Rinzai schools of Zen, Diamond Sangha teachers offer both Koan study, and Shikantaza ('just sitting'). Diamond Sangha is a lay lineage, not a monastic lineage, with the ideal of bringing to our practice the joy and pain of everyday life, the great 'monastery without walls'.

Diamond Sangha in Nelson We welcome all meditators and interested parties, whatever their background , to join us at the Maitai Zendo in Nelson. . The Meditation Course: a 12 week on-line Buddhist meditation course. Vipassana Fellowship Meditation Course An established online course in Mindfulness Meditation as found in the Serenity and Insight traditions of early Buddhism.

The Meditation Course: a 12 week on-line Buddhist meditation course

Please join us for one of our 12 week courses: April 2014 (12 week course: 5 Apr - 27 Jun) - Course startedSeptember 2014 (12 week course: 6 Sept - 28 Nov) - Applications open next weekJanuary 2015 (12 week course: 10 Jan - 3 Apr) Vipassana Fellowship's online meditation courses have been offered since 1997 and have proven helpful to meditators in many countries around the world. The main text is based on a tried and tested format and serves as a practical introduction to samatha (tranquility) and vipassana (insight) techniques from the Theravada tradition of Buddhism. Comments from participants Participants in our September 2013 course wrote: "This course has been very helpful to me in establishing a daily practice. " - D, USA "I have learned much and my meditation practice has benefitted greatly... " - C, Australia "Wonderful course. Zen Koans -

Plum Village. Dharma Wheel.