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Applicazioni Educative: Videotutorial italiano. Guida Gratuita ad H5P, il Futuro Standard per... - Tecnologie Didattiche. Interactive presentation software. LOOPY: a tool for thinking in systems.


Home. Il social learning con edmodo - versione 3. Risorse Web 2.0 per una classe mlearning. Cremit. Il lavoro di mappatura nasce con l'intento di fornire ad insegnanti di ogni ordine e grado delle Schede di agile consultazione a supporto della scelta di applicazioni Web 2.0 che - in buona parte dei casi gratuite - ben si prestano ad essere adottate nel lavoro con la classe: facilità d'uso autorialità socialità possono essere infatti considerate le "marche d'uso della didattica 2.0" (Rivoltella, Ferrari, "A scuola con i media digitali", 2010).


Le Schede, organizzate in categorie relative alla funzione assolta dai diversi applicativi, vogliono offrire spunti metodologico-didattici ed esempi concreti di utilizzo; si riserva inoltre spazio ad una sintetica descrizione delle specifiche tecniche, fornendo rimandi ad eventuali tutorial che possano guidare i docenti nelle prime sperimentazioni. Ecco le schede divise per categoria: 15 Ways to Use Verso App. My first impression of Verso was that it would be a great way to introduce a lesson cycle.

15 Ways to Use Verso App

But as my students and I worked with the app, I realized that it can do so much more. Here's a list of activities that support building authentic literacy skills. But first, a quick note on establishing expectations for responses and comments. 1. Visual Analysis Analyzing images is a critical skill. Provide a link to an image in Google Drive or Images and prompt learners to describe what they see and to explain what makes them say that. 2. Using evidence to support understanding is key to comprehension and constructing arguments. Link a reading selection in the content area (at the top), and prompt learners to share a short part that interests them. The nature of a text summarization is to build meaning in whatever order learners choose. 3.

Make sure to establish an expectation for commentary. Take the data a step further by downloading a CSV to edit in Google Sheets as a class. 4.

Da provare

Visme by Easy WebContent. Presentation tools and collaborative platforms. 8 Great Free Flipped Classroom Resources. This cool tool lets you take any video on YouTube and deliver it in a private mode to whoever you choose to share it with, but its real power comes from the ability to create a quiz, supporting links, and “dig deeper” content that you can associate with the video (you can review the responses online).

8 Great Free Flipped Classroom Resources

Screencast-O-Matic: When you’re ready to give screen casting a try, Screencast-O-Matic was one of the first screencasting tools to be published that’ still around. It works with both the Mac and the PC, and requires no installation. There’s a quick demo video on the home page. You can record and host 15 minute clips for free, and create unlimited clips if you have the Pro version, available for just $15 a year. PowerPoint’s Voice Annotation Function: Many teachers use PowerPoint slides as a part of their lecturing process.

Wikispaces: If you don’t have somewhere to deliver your content, a Wiki is a great place to start.