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The Principles of Design

In: Columns > Design in Theory and Practice By Joshua David McClurg-Genevese Published on June 13, 2005 Starting with the Basics This column is about Web design—really, it is—though it may at times seem a bit distant and distracted. The Elements and Principles of Design: A Designer’s Toolbox. Every designer is different.

The Elements and Principles of Design: A Designer’s Toolbox

We all have our individual strengths, tastes, opinions, and preferences. But what great designers all share is an understanding of the elements and principles of design. Consider the aptly equipped builder tasked with building a home. Despite the fact he has the correct tools for every situation he could encounter, he is only comfortable using a handful of them. He does the best with what he understands, but many of his otherwise useful tools lay in the toolbox unused and/or misunderstood.