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Carsonified. Carolineinckle’s Weblog. The Growing Life | Alternative Productivity, Anti-Hacks for Living. Marc and Angel Hack Life - Practical Tips for Productive Living. Awake At The Wheel | Blogging | Self-Improvement | Marketing. I’ve always been a big believer in two concepts. One, that each voice counts. And, two, that just as we benefit from the gifts of society, we are similarly beholden to give back in some way, no matter how small, no matter how immediate. Today is the first-ever Blog Action Day, where thousands of bloggers will unite to speak on the same topic–the environment–to their individual communities and, in doing so, unite all into a single worldwide community that numbers in the millions.

I must confess that, while I care deeply about our environment, until I saw Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth, I never really understood the urgency to take charge. But, with a 6-year old daughter who’s future I care dearly about, Gore’s message really hit home. Within a week, I switched our home utilities over to green-power (wind & water), installed compact flourescent lightbulbs (CFLs) and purchased carbon credits to offset my family’s personal carbon footprint. Thanks, as always for your wonderful energy! Productivity501. David Seah. Freelance Folder.

The Cranking Widgets Blog. Blog post frequency. 200: As in The Committee of 200, a group of highly successful and highly influential female professionals. Last week, I was a guest speaker at The Committee of 200's (C200) annual conference outside of Dallas. Have you ever heard of the C200? Probably not - membership is by invitation only for women who either own businesses larger than $15 million or wield corporate responsibility over a budget larger than $250 million. Those aren't easy things to do, regardless of gender.

I heard some powerful stories while in Texas and was impressed by the close bonds within the community. Earlier in the week, I attended the Web 2.0 Expo in New York. Eric Mack On-Line. Do you ever find yourself unable to make a decision about whether or not to move forward on something? Have you ever asked yourself, "self, why did I waste my time in that way? " I've done both. Many times. As I continue to do research in high performance knowledge work and personal knowledge management, I've collected a number of tools and methods to help me make smarter decisions about what to do or not do. Today, I'd like to share one of those tools with you. I call it my opportunity decision matrix, When I was in graduate school and trying to run my consulting business and launch a software company and be a loving husband and father to my four daughters, I hit a wall.

My good friend, Michael, gave me some sage advice that helped a lot. Here's how this works: First define the "opportunity". Question #1. Question #2. I have since expanded into an this 2x2 opportunity decision matrix: For example, at a particularly busy point in my life, I got invited to speak at a conference. Thank you IBM.