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Upper Body Workout for The Everygirl. Remember those '80’s workout videos, complete with leg warmers and repetitive bicep curls and a hot pink leotard? Thankfully, lifting weights has been updated since then, because strength training is vital to good health. Not only is it a great way to tone your muscles, but working out with weights will strengthen your bones, too. Ladies, it’s time to pick up the dumbells and use those muscles. Start by keeping a few light free weights around your house and adding in several exercises a few times a week.

Doing so will boost your energy level and mood, protect your bone health, and define your muscles. There was an old myth that lifting weights will bulk you up, but we promise that is not the case. Muscle mass keeps your metabolism at peak performance. The following six compound exercises are quick and easy, perfect for those days when you can’t make it to the gym. Start with 3lb or 5lb weights. Tones upper back and back of arms. Tones front of arms and shoulders. Tones front of arms. Throwing a Basic Pot on The Potter's Wheel Tutorial | Step By Step Illustrations. SLAB BUILT POTTERY AND MOLD MAKING. [Serious] Is there an easy, unbiased way to read up on each presidential candidate to better understand where each candidate stands? : AskReddit. No. 37: Big Wedding or Small? Set I 1. Given the choice of anyone in the world, whom would you want as a dinner guest? 2. Would you like to be famous?

In what way? 3. Before making a telephone call, do you ever rehearse what you are going to say? 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Set II 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. Set III 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. Continue reading the main story. Check for airline refunds | Yapta. Secrets to getting the cheapest airfare.

The days are getting cooler and shorter, which means the winter holidays are right around the corner. It's time to start planning your holiday vacations! If fact, October is the best time to find the cheapest airfare for holiday travel. The travel website Kayak crunched last year's numbers and found that Thanksgiving airfares jumped 17 percent after October. Christmas and New Year's Eve fares went up 51 percent and 25 percent, respectively. Yikes! So, what can you do to make sure you don't overpay for your holiday airfare this year? Let's start with Google's Flight Search. Google Flight Search is fast and easy to use, but maybe you want more search options. You can search for flights on a specific airline, for example. Timing is everything when shopping for cheap airfare. Speaking of timing, did you know that airfare prices go up and down depending on the day of the week? Airlines are constantly having big sales. Most folks don't know that several major airlines offer airline refunds.

The Best Free Online Photography Courses and Tutorials. Basics of Photography: The Complete Guide. Here I made you this {DIY Linen Spray} | tixeretne. Ask your mom and she will tell you that the most treasured Mother’s Day gifts are the ones you made her when you were a kid. You know, the crappy crayon pictures of you and her together, construction paper flowers, and those ‘adorable’ fill-in the blank cards that read something like; My mom’s the best because she always maks my lunch.

My mom’s job is cleaning the house, and her favourite hobby is making me diner … etc. Yes, that is a direct quote from my life from when I was a self-centered little prick (a.k.a. a child). Yet my mom loved it and even though I am grown up now and can afford to buy my mom flowers and brunches and hallmark cards, she still likes the handmade gifts the best. This year I’m giving my mom a bottle of my home-made linen spray. What You Need Distilled water (mine is from Loblaws)Witch hazel (mine is from WalMart)Essential oil (mine is from New Directions Aromatics)Plastic 8 0z. bottle (mine is from Nature’s Garden)Label and a pen What You Do Happy Mother’s Day!

A Marriage Agreement and Other Essays: Four Decades of Feminist Writing - Alix Kates Shulman. Pre-pregnancy contract: Signing on the dotted line to avoid household conflict. Illustration by Robert Neubecker I’ve been wavering on the subject of motherhood for what seems like decades. Like Ruth Graham, who wrote of her fear of parenthood on Slate not long ago, when I contemplate jumping the gap between not-mom and mom, I see only catastrophe.

The physical changes, the financial challenge, the increased difficulty of travel—having a baby seems like saying goodbye to my freedom. On the other hand, I’m 36, and if I ever were fancy-free, I’m not now. I don’t have a super-active nightlife, and I already pack little survival Ziplocs of nuts and carrots wherever I go. I’m willing to allow that being a mom might strip me of some independence, and the bright little faces of my nieces are a good argument that there would be ample compensation. Rebecca Onion, who runs Slate’s history blog The Vault, is a writer and academic living in Ohio. What I most worry about is that motherhood might make me hate my darling husband. So what’s the solution? The Politics of Housework. Liberated women-very different from Women's Liberation!

The first signals all kinds of goodies, to warm the hearts (not to mention other parts) of the most radical men. The other signals-HOUSEWORK. The first brings sex without marriage, sex before marriage, cozy housekeeping arrangements ("I'm living with this chick") and the self-content of knowing that you're not the kind of man who wants a doormat instead of a woman. That will come later. On the other hand is Women's Liberation-and housework. Here's my list of dirty chores: buying groceries, carting them home and putting them away; cooking meals and washing dishes and pots; doing the laundry digging out the place when things get out of control; washing floors. So ensued a dialogue that's been going on for several years. "I don' t mind sharing the work, but you'll have to show me how to do it.

" "We used to be so happy! " "We have different standards, and why should I have to work to your standards? "I hate it more than you. 1. 2. 3. 33 Amazingly Useful Websites You Never Knew Existed. 50 Unexpected Wreaths You Can Make Out Of Anything. 14 Floral Arrangement Hacks That Are Simply Divine. How To Cheaply And Easily Make Your Own Flower Arrangements. 18 Helpful Diagrams To Solve All Your Clothing Woes. Non-toxic Home Cleaning & Care: Natural, Green, Eco-Friendly Solutions.

Make sure to keep all home-made formulas well-labeled, and out of the reach of children. All-Purpose Cleaner: Mix 1/2 cup vinegar and 1/4 cup baking soda (or 2 teaspoons borax) into 1/2 gallon (2 liters) water. Store and keep. Use for removal of water deposit stains on shower stall panels, bathroom chrome fixtures, windows, bathroom mirrors, etc. Or use a citrus-based natural all-purpose cleaner. Another alternative are microfiber cloths which lift off dirt, grease and dust without the need for cleaning chemicals, because they are formulated to penetrate and trap dirt. Air Freshener: Commercial air fresheners mask smells and coat nasal passages to diminish the sense of smell Bathroom mold: Mold in bathroom tile grout is a common problem and can be a health concern.

Carpet stains: Mix equal parts white vinegar and water in a spray bottle. Chopping block cleaner: Rub a slice of lemon across a chopping block to disinfect the surface. 21 Incredibly Important Diagrams To Help You Get Through Life. 9 Books Scarier Than Any Horror Movie. There is nothing better than a good ghost story. It might be tempting to pop in one of your scarier movies when you want to get into the Halloween spirit, but there are plenty of novels sure to keep you up for just as many nights. Just be careful if you read these titles in a public place.

You might mistake the woman who just wants your extra chair as your book's monster. And no one wants to go viral as "shrieking girl in Starbucks. " Image: Flickr, Maguis & David Molly Horan Molly Horan was an editorial intern at Mashable. 36 Life Hacks Every College Student Should Know.

Belly Dancing

Food. Your First Ukulele Chord. A chord can be described in a number of ways, and I will describe them in more and more detailed and mathematical ways as you progress through UkeSchool. Here in the beginner's lessons, we can think of a chord as 4 notes, one note for each string, all played at the same time. The first chord you are going to learn is called the "C" chord, also known as the "C Major" chord.

A chord diagram is a simple drawing of the instrument, with markers for the finger postions required to make the chord. At UkeSchool, you can click on any chord chart with your mouse, and it will play the chord for you! Try it! We also have colour in our chord diagrams - in this case, the 'gold' colour means the 'ring finger' - that shouldn't be too hard to remember. To play the "C" chord as shown in this chord diagram, you simply press the end of your ring finger down on the "A" string between the second and third "fret", those metal bars that go across the neck. Rprnts.omelas.pdf (application/pdf Object)

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