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New Practicumulata

Programming Is the New Literacy. Power will soon belong to those who can master a variety of expressive human-machine interactions.

Programming Is the New Literacy

Credit: Laura Morris Designs Already, various thinkers about the future have proposed a number of candidates for the designation "twenty-first-century literacy. " That is, what are the key skills humans must possess in order to be considered literate? Some writers assume that the definition of literacy will continue to be what it always has been: "The ability to carefully read and write a contemporary spoken language. " Others specify that the term will apply only to fluency in one or more of the languages spoken by the largest numbers of people, those certain to be important over the next nine decades of the century; candidates include Spanish, English, or Mandarin Chinese. Seem strange? Education Online.

New Practicontinuum

Project Polymath: Catalyzing Interdisciplinary Education for a New Renaissance. Scientific Research 101. Introduction to Scientific Research You might be a student with a homework assignment, someone who is searching for answers to a health question, or someone who is intrigued by a research study mentioned in the newspaper or on television.

Scientific Research 101

Honestly there could be a thousand reasons why you want to learn how to read scientific research. Independent of your age or education, you have the capability to understand scientific research studies. Historia: Game-Based Learning for Middle School History. Jason Darnell: Somewhere down the line learning became not fun.

Historia: Game-Based Learning for Middle School History

Science Toys. Science Kit for Kids. Myers-Briggs (Personality) Type Indicator (MBTI) Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Instrument (MBTI) Quick Facts Used by 89 of Fortune 100 companies to maximize individual and team effectiveness from entry to executive levels. Student Learning and the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. This file discusses briefly (1) the four dimensions underlying the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), and (2) several teaching approaches that will appeal to different MBTI profiles.

Student Learning and the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

The 126 item Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), Form G, is the most reliable method for assessing student learning style. The MBTI provides data on four sets of preferences. These preferences result in 16 learning styles, or types. A type is the combination of the four preferences. JTE v7n1 - The Relationship Between Psychological Type and Professional Orientation Among Technology Education Teachers. ? L’outil de veille idéal… ? What is a Visual Practitioner? - IFVP Community. Welcome to our site and welcome to the world of "visual practitioning".

What is a Visual Practitioner? - IFVP Community

If you've managed to find us, chances are you have some inkling about who we are and what we do. Perhaps you are a practitioner yourself, or perhaps you have worked with one of our colleagues. Or perhaps you have stumbled across this site as you've surfed the web looking for interesting 'graphic' resources. "So", you may be asking, "just what is a visual practitioner anyways? " In a funny way, we as a group have been asking this question for many years, and continue to do so. We are an informal community of like-minded individuals - bound together by our strong beliefs in the power of "visual thinking" … knowing innately that a picture is truly worth a 1000 words, we come together to share our experiences, trade resources, support and encourage each other, and, year by year, raise the profile of our unique and growing profession. Augmented reality app makes Japanese newspaper more engaging for kids.

Institute for Economics and Peace. The Global Peace Index (GPI) is the world’s leading measure of national peacefulness.

Institute for Economics and Peace

Now in its seventh year, it ranks 162 nations according to their ‘absence of violence’. The GPI is developed by IEP under the guidance of an international panel of independent experts with data collated and calculated by the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU). Patent Tutorials and FAQs. The basics and not-so-basics of intellectual property (IP) are generally not very well understood by the general public, although the consequences of IP can be far-reaching.

Patent Tutorials and FAQs

In particular, the scientific research community is becoming more involved in IP activities but often without understanding the constraints of IP. This area of the Patent Lens aims to acquaint the reader with some basic information on intellectual property concepts, but more importantly, to provide instructional material that is pragmatic. Tuts+ The Hacker's Ethics. The idea of a "hacker ethic" is perhaps best formulated in Steven Levy's 1984 book, Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution.

The Hacker's Ethics

Levy came up with six tenets: Access to computers - and anything which might teach you omething about the way the world works - should be unlimited and total. Always yield to the Hands-On imperative! All information should be free. Mistrust authority - promote decentralization. PHRACK, recognized as the "official" p/hacker newsletter, expanded on this creed with a rationale that can be summarized in three principles (" Doctor Crash ," 1986). [1] First, hackers reject the notion that "businesses" are the only groups entitled to access and use of modern technology. [2] Second, hacking is a major weapon in the fight against encroaching computer technology. [3] Finally, the high cost of equipment is beyond the means of most hackers, which results in the perception that hacking and phreaking are the only recourse to spreading computer literacy to the masses:

Internet search techniques. SlideBook. Flip Books & Magazines. Magazine. Tests. Designing Teaching and Learning Tools. Designing teaching and learning tools is something we do every day at the Exploratorium when we create our own exhibits in our on-site workshop.

Designing Teaching and Learning Tools

But the tools we create for teaching and learning go far beyond our exhibits. Our teaching tools—including digital resources as well as publications—support educators around the world, in both formal and informal learning settings, who want to provide learners with opportunities to engage in first-hand investigations of scientific materials, phenomena, and ideas. They are essential tools for changing teaching practices and for providing learning opportunities.

A community of thousands of educators regularly use the teaching and learning tools we create. Many of these resources are listed below. Websites: Smaller sites within our main website are full of rich science content for educators and learners. Les Bookmarklets ou comment modifier la page d'un site depuis la barre d'adresse. Building Educational Confidence and Affinity Through Online Induction Activities. Why do we choose to learn online? While this infographic covers the ‘Profile of an online student‘ the stats that interested me the most are those below, about why they chose to study online: Reasons include:

Why do we choose to learn online?

Mind Tools - Management Training, Leadership Training and Career Training. 100 Amazing How-To Sites at Rated Colleges. Posted by Site Administrator in Online Learning May 7th, 2009 Learning new skills and expanding your knowledge doesn’t have to cost you an arm and a leg. There are loads of free resources on the Web that can help you find instructional videos, tutorials and classes to learn a wide variety of skills from fixing basic car problems to speaking another language. With 100 sites to choose from, you’re bound to find something here that will help you learn just about anything you could want.

General Tutorials These sites offer a wide range of tutorials and videos. Around the House. Beyond Intractability Affiliates. Printer-friendly version Find out how to become a Beyond Intractability / CRInfoAffiliate and learn more about the advantages of doing so. Listed below are projects that are currently contributing significant content to Beyond Intractability and CRInfo. This content is easily accessible through special, "Affiliate" sites created for each project (see links below), and through our various Search, Browse, User Guide, and Educational tools. Silvopasture: Establishment and management principles for pine forests in the Southeastern United States. Leave No Trace Master Educator. How to Extract DNA from Anything Living. Top 40 Useful Sites To Learn New Skills.

The web is a powerful resource that can easily help you learn new skills. Search Funded Research Grants and Contracts - Details. How to create video storytelling that actually tells a story. NewEd Resources. Health ReferencEd. Technology blogs. Testy. WORD! Rhapsodos. Copyright Patent. Go Team! LEGO My LEGO.