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How to Optimise your Twitter Strategy. From Corporate to Personal: A Breakdown Of The Four Types of Twi. Brands often ask how they should position their persona on social media profiles and accounts, this guide should be a helpful breakdown. This post is inspired by Michael Brito, one of Intel’s social media strategists who presented on this topic with me at Stanford a few weeks ago. There are different purposes for different needs, so my standard breakdown is designed for you to weigh out the pros and cons as you make your decision. From Corporate to Personal: The Four Types of Twitter Profiles 1) Pure Corporate Brand 100% corporate branded with primarly corporate related content.

These accounts, which are often sporting the proper brand name of a company are used often to provide corporate news, deals, and support. 2) Corporate With Persona Estimated with about 80% corporate brand and 20% personal brand this account may be a corporate branded account, although it’s clear there’s an individual participating. Love to hear from you, what profile types does your company use? Why People Use Twitter. What drives people to tweet? According to the “Consumer Internet Barometer” from TNS and The Conference Board, 41.6% percent of Internet users who used Twitter did so to keep in touch with their friends.

In addition, 29.1% used it to update their status, 25.8% to find news and stay updated, 21.7% for work purposes and 9.4% for research. Men and women both used Twitter primarily to keep in touch with friends. Secondarily, men were interested in finding news and women in updating their status. Users under age 35 were more interested in broadcasting their status than their senior counterparts. The average Twitter user interacted primarily with friends and family. Next-most-popular were celebrities, bloggers, TV shows, co-workers, brands and journalists. More women interacted with friends, family and celebrities than men, but men were more likely to follow bloggers. 7 Secrets to Tweeting Your Corporate Culture. Sharlyn Lauby is the president of Internal Talent Management (ITM) which specializes in employee training and human resources consulting.

She authors a blog at I admit I’m a Twitter addict. I enjoy the flurry of tweets and the variety of information my followers share with me. But even though I like the variety, it’s still important for me to feel some sort of connection to the people and companies I follow. On the people side, the way I connect is by getting to know someone’s personality. It’s the same if I’m following a company. Where the person is offering personality, the company is successfully tweeting their corporate culture. But if all you’re doing is sending out auto-tweets, I’m not sure either of us is getting the full benefit of your presence on Twitter. 1.

I’m not talking about chronicling the 42 year history of your firm 140 characters at a time. Another historic moment is when an organization grows and expands, especially in the current economic climate. 101 for Business — A Special Guide. Welcome to Camtweet! Share live video on Twitter. Search Local Twitter Users.

Tweets (10) - mnegrini - GeoChirp - Twitter Application | Twitte. Twitter for Beginners: 5 Steps for Better Tweeting. Twitter is immensely useful as a utility for joining in the global conversation and sharing thoughts, opinions, information, and media. But for new users, there's also a fairly steep learning curve. For many people new to Twitter, the site doesn't immediately "make sense" and it can be a bit daunting. But there are things those users can do to make the service more useful from the get go. Below are five steps for new users to take in order to make the Twitter experience more enjoyable from the beginning. STEP ONE: Find People You Already Know I joined Twitter later than most early adopters, but once I finally became a Twitter newbie in early 2008, it was much easier to jump into the conversation when I was following some people I already knew — people who I was sure were already talking about things I was interested in and would value my input.

Another way to find friends is to check out the Twitter Facebook app and see if any of your friends on Facebook are also on Twitter. Twitcam \ Stream Live on Twitter. Twitter for Business FAQ. Sharein: Link Sharing With Sophisticated Influence Tracking. This post is part of Mashable’s Spark of Genius series, which highlights a unique feature of startups. If you would like to have your startup considered for inclusion, please see the details here. The series is made possible by Microsoft BizSpark. Name: Sharein Quick Pitch: Sharein is a simple bookmark tool that helps you to share links to email, Facebook and Twitter from the browser.

Genius Idea: Whether it's great content, funny videos, or just can't-miss-this web finds, the nature of Twitter and the popularity of retweeting has proven that we like to share links with our friends and followers. Sharein, a just launched service with a super smart bookmarklet for your browser, makes it incredibly simple to share and track the things you find on the web with anyone via email, Twitter, or Facebook. As with all bookmarklets, all you need to do to start sharing is drag the Sharein tool to your browser (though there is a Firefox Plugin you can use instead). Sponsored by Microsoft BizSpark. BingTweets.

The Inside Numbers on Twitter. Tweet Scan - Microblog Search. Why Brands ABSOLUTELY DO Belong on Twitter. Lon S. Cohen is a writer and social media strategist. He is @obilon on Twitter. A Mashable article by Dr. Mark Drapeau was passed around on Twitter this Friday, calling for a ban on brands on Twitter. 1. Drapeau said that Twitter was for people to talk to people and not brands to project their message. Fundamentally, I agree with what Drapeau says about the spammy Twitter accounts that are used just to get one more silly site link out there by an SEO company or brands that totally misunderstand and therefore misuse Twitter. 2. The debate did not rage on Twitter so much a simmer, mostly with brands themselves coming to their own defense. Look, I am a centrist. 3. Like snowflakes, no two Tweeple (as some call Twitter users) are alike. In the end, we follow who we follow for our own reasons.

Twitter Tips for Brands in 140 Characters So what's a brand to do? Brands have to be more than just faceless organizations online. Creative Ideas for Brands on Twitter Coca Cola Sam Adams. 40 of the Best Twitter Brands and the People Behind Them. We all know brands are using Twitter — whether or not you want them around. Some of them don't quite get the medium and just tweet self-serving links or marketing speak, but you won't find any of those brands here.

We've handpicked 40 of the best brands experimenting with the micro-blogging platform, and asked them a few short questions about how they're using Twitter. If some of their responses seem short, well that's because they are. I asked each brand correspondent to answer our queries in 140 characters or less. Most of them got the point, a few rambled on a bit too long, and only asked me if "u" was acceptable in lieu of "you. " Smart brands use Twitter in meaningful ways, and most of them use their brand name as a way to make sure customers can find and recognize them. And if you're a brand that didn't make our list, let us know why your tweets deserve consideration in the comments. Cars Who cares what a car company has to say in 140 characters or less, right? Chevrolet Ford Honda. - Filter your embedded Twitter feed and block Twit. 5 Steps for Successful Social Media Damage Control. Sharlyn Lauby is the president of Internal Talent Management (ITM) which specializes in employee training and human resources consulting.

She authors a blog at . I spent many years of my career in the hospitality business and the first rule of thumb when dealing with customers was, "if a guest had a positive experience, they'll tell 3 people and if they had a negative experience, they'll tell 10. " That same idea holds true in the new media world, except the numbers have grown exponentially. Instead of it being 3 people – it’s 3,000, or instead of 10 – it’s perhaps 100,000. The numbers aren’t meant to scare you. But what should you do when something goes wrong? Our goal, of course, hasn’t changed – work to increase the number of positive comments written about your company, product, or service and take care of those who have negative experiences. Minimize the damage Before we even talk about how to fix what goes wrong, let’s talk about the positives. 1. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. CoTweet™ - How business does Twitter.

Twit Truth - Who's really using twitter. Graphin' Your Stats. Ten Companies Twitter Should Consider Acquiring Next. If you were a little blue bird, with a good pile of money and a whole lot of hype, what would you buy to spice up your nest? There are so many little services being built on top of Twitter that we wouldn't be surprised to see some more of them acquired by the company soon. That would mean more features for everyday users and more usefulness for features loved by loyal early adopters. Twitter has acquired two other companies so far, that we know of. Search engine and sentiment analysis service Summize became Twitter's own search engine and Values of N sold its assets so engineer Rael Dornfest could be brought into the company. Here are ten other startups we think that Twitter should consider acquiring next.

Is Twitter in a position to make more acquisitions? Some of these we think are likely acquisitions, some less so. Quite Likely, if It Hasn't Happened Already Could Happen... Tweetmeme is another fast growing Twitter analytics service that tracks sharing on the service. Longer Shots. Breakdown: 3 Ways Brands Are Earning –and Buying– Followers on T. Update: July 6th, I added a 4th way, as I recently met a developer this weekend who showed me the scripts he created to quickly auto follow thousands of folks. Companies who don’t have iconic brands with millions of adoring fans, often have to resort to other ways to get the attention of the market. This isn’t evil, nor is it uncommon, it’s just business, and was here before the web, and will be afterwards. Don’t get mad or emotional about it, let’s break it down to understand how it’s going to work, if you’re a concerned user, use this post to figure out how to beat it. If you’re a marketer, figure out what works –and throw away what doesn’t.

Breakdown: How Brands Are Buying –and Earning– Followers on Twitter As a result, we’re seeing some of the same method applied to the web and email as to the social space. Here’s three examples (again in outline form) that I saw this week. Hope this breakdown is helpful, it’s important to look under the covers and analyze. 10 Ways to Find People on Twitter. Twitter is all about facilitating conversations, but until you're following some people, it's just a blank page.

Once you find people to follow and talk to, however, Twitter becomes exceptionally useful. You can share thoughts, ask questions, get updates about news, music, brands, and businesses, and discover helpful links and information. Finding good people to follow, especially for new users staring at a blank page the first time they log in, can be a bit daunting, though.

Thankfully, there are a number of ways you can find people on Twitter. Here are ten sites you can use to locate "tweeps" to follow. People Search 1. 2. 3. 4. Directories 5. 6. 7. Recommendations 8. 9. 10. BONUS: Mr. Blablabra - O que o Brasil anda twittando? Twitter Guide Book – How To, Tips and Instructions by Mashable. 50 Ideas on Using Twitter for Business | We really can’t deny the fact that businesses are testing out Twitter as part of their steps into the social media landscape. You can say it’s a stupid application, that no business gets done there, but there are too many of us (including me) that can disagree and point out business value. I’m not going to address the naysayers much with this.

Instead, I’m going to offer 50 thoughts for people looking to use Twitter for business. And by “business,” I mean anything from a solo act to a huge enterprise customer. Your mileage may vary, and that’s okay. Oh, and please feel free to reblog this wherever. 50 Ideas on Using Twitter for Business First Steps Build an account and immediate start using Twitter Search to listen for your name, your competitor’s names, words that relate to your space. Ideas About WHAT to Tweet Instead of answering the question, “What are you doing?” Some Sanity For You You don’t have to read every tweet. The Negatives People Will Throw At You Twitter takes up time.

Twitter research report: How businesses are using short messages. A New Way to Mute the Backchannel: ParaTweet for Live Events. If you've ever been to a conference or some sort of large event, you've probably seen a live Twitter stream in action. Up on a big screen in a prominent place, often the stage itself, the live stream tracks the relevant hashtags or keywords about the event, be it a conference, a panel, a meetup, or some other sort of heavily-tweeted gathering.

But sometimes there's an issue with displaying the raw, unfiltered tweets in this way: they can be disruptive. All it takes is one Twitter user trying to be funny - or, worse, a troll saying something rude - to take the discussion off course. Now there's a new solution to deal with this problem: Paratweet. Paratweet is a new application that lets organizers moderate tweets about their event before they hit the big screen. Using Paratweet After signing up for a Paratweet account, you create a new event, set up some keywords or hashtags to monitor, and you can even enter an onscreen question for the audience to respond to, if desired. Why Paratweet? How Executives Should be Using Social Media. CEOs Who Use Twitter: Tweets from the Chiefs. Twitter no Brasil. Twitter search sites: The three best, and all the rest | Webware. To follow what's happening in the real world, you need real-time search. Google doesn't have it (yet). Neither do Bing nor Yahoo. But a number--a large, growing number --of new search services scan Twitter and other sites in nearly real time, and will find for you the absolute latest update from the real-time social Web.

I looked at more than two dozen products that search Twitter (and other sources) to find the best tools for uncovering the beating pulse of whatever topic you may be interested in. To set the stage, let's look at Twitter's own search service. Twitter Search also has an extremely good advanced query builder, and you can subscribe to search results via RSS. The downside to Twitter search is that it's dumb , at least for now. There are three services that do a much better job than Twitter Search, and several others are also worth looking at for special cases. Best three real-time search services Scoopler also scans Digg, Delicious, Flickr, and Indentica. "O Uso do Twitter no Brasil" - 8/6/2009 - Digestivo Cu. Professional management tools for Twitter: HootSuite and CoTweet. What's happening in meetings I've been in here is likely similar to what's happening in other corporations: People are gathering to figure out how to use, exploit, or simply not get their companies embarrassed on Twitter.

But no matter what we agree to in these rooms (which, in my experience, isn't much), one thing is sure: You can't manage a major corporate Twitter presence on itself. Nor, for that matter, can you in one of the popular client apps like Tweetdeck or the current Seesmic Desktop. You need something built for customer service or brand management. New tools are emerging for just that. The two I recommend are Invoke's HootSuite, which is in open beta right now (version 2.0 is in private beta), and CoTweet, which is still closed.

I've tried them both. Common features The products have much in common. Both products let you post from any of your configured Twitter accounts, or all of them together if you like. Both give you stats on links you share from the service. 10 Twitter Tools to Organize Your Tweeps. Welcome to HootSuite, the ultimate Twitter toolbox -... HOW TO: Build Your Personal Brand on Twitter. 25 Twitter Apps to Manage Multiple Accounts. Twtvite :: a simple event manager twitter app. 5 Terrific Twitter Research Tools. 6 Twitter Search Services Compared. Study: Twitter users are mobile, urban, and engaged online - Ars. Find ‘Em On Twitter: 15 Twitter Directories Compared.