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Portraits research

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Le Collectionneur Moderne. Art. Significance: American art forms, like American music and literature, has been immeasurably enriched by the contributions of artists from every land coming to the United States to add their unique ideas and styles to the artistic tapestry.


Few art forms created in the United States have been completely free of foreign roots. American music, literature, and art have all been shaped from the beginning by artistic trends, figures, and movements from other countries, by artists immigrating to the United States, and by those moving back and forth between the United States and other countries. Scholars consider jazz the unique contribution America has made to the world’s music and wonder what American jazz would be without its African, Caribbean, and Latin elements—the heritage of jazz artists who carried their native musical traditions to the United States. Migration Is Beautiful. A perfect example of how art intervenes playfully and politically, the Migration is Beautiful butterfly proposes a new way to think about migration, rooted in movement, transformation, and captivating grace.

Migration Is Beautiful

From art prints to street art, clothing, and interactive experiences, this viral imagery reaches audiences on emotional and visceral levels, replacing images of fear with visions of shared humanity. Migration is Beautiful began at Opportunity Agenda’s Creative Change retreat in August 2012, where CultureStrike’s Executive Director Favianna Rodriguez led an interactive design session with artists and activists. The butterfly image and tagline quickly emerged as an approachable way to reimagine borders as permeable rather than militarized, reinvigorating a metaphor that many migrants have looked to for generations. CultureStrike quickly started commissioning artworks incorporating the butterfly and made them available for reuse and remixing.

Latest Banksy art in solidarity with migrants. The latest work by controversial street artist Banksy takes a swipe at the French authorities over their handling of the migrant crisis in Calais.

Latest Banksy art in solidarity with migrants

The painting, on a wall opposite the French Embassy in London, shows a girl from the musical ‘Les Miserables’ crying with a CS tear gas canister beside her. The work also includes a quick response code, which when scanned by a mobile phone links to a video showing tear gas and rubber bullets being used in a police raid on one of the refugee camps. The developers of the site have said that they will preserve the artwork. Banksy’s political street-art. Tous migrants ? / Are We All Migrants? Les artistes doivent-il réagir « esthétiquement » aux maux de la société, doivent-ils porter une parole différente de celle des médias, des « politiques » ou doivent-ils se résoudre à n’être qu’une caisse d’enregistrement, conscients de leur impuissance à agir sur les phénomènes globaux qui assaillent régulièrement le monde ?

Tous migrants ? / Are We All Migrants?

La question de la migration ne fait que prolonger ce vieil antagonisme de surface, réveillant le volcan éteint de l’art militant et provoquant des prises de position formelles pas toujours heureuses. Si la question de la « situation » de l’art agite le milieu depuis à peu près un siècle, son enchâssement avec le politique semble avoir été évacué, du moins l’articulation entre art et transformation de la société qui était le moteur des avant-gardes.

Les scories du colonialisme Les deux questions qui agitent le monde des médias en cette fin d’année 2015 sont celle du changement climatique et celle des migrants (ou des réfugiés). Camps de migrants de Calais et Grande Synthe : l'art pour échapper au chaos et la violence. Art for migrants. Migration and Movement. Le street-artiste Banksy rend hommage aux migrants à Calais. VIDÉO - L'artiste britannique a posé dans la ville de Calais trois oeuvres consacrées aux migrants.

Le street-artiste Banksy rend hommage aux migrants à Calais

Et certaines sont déjà dégradées. Digital media and arts connecting with race, migration and global justice. CAMP. Immigrants in their own words: 100 stories. Invisible Portraits of Immigrants. “I am I and my circumstance, and, if I do not save it, I do not save myself.”— José Ortega y Gasset, Meditations on Quixote Spanish artist Oscar Parasiego illustrates the transformation of cultural identity in his ongoing series Diaspora.

Invisible Portraits of Immigrants

Inspired from his own move to the UK, Parasiego uses the notion of “photography as truth” to blur the complex osmosis of the many thousands of immigrants looking for a better life abroad. Each portrait is altered to be a silhouetted reflection of the environment around them, the person present but unknown when thrust into the alien world of a different country. Histoires singulières. A series of portraits of immigrants, inspired by iconic paintings. Xenophobia, and especially islamophobia, is on the rise in many European countries.

A series of portraits of immigrants, inspired by iconic paintings

In my native Netherlands, as well as in Italy, Austria, Denmark and Hungary for example, anti-immigration parties are involved in the national governments. In others such as France, Sweden, Poland and the Czech Republic, similar parties are represented in national parliaments. These anti-immigration parties have thrived on resentment, anti-globalism, rising inequalities, the economic crisis and the resulting uncertainties, and are scapegoating non-western immigrants. Histoires Singulières - Portraits. The Past Is Prologue. Crossing the BLVD: strangers,neighbors, aliens in a new America. Winner 2004 Brendan Gill Prize “A celebratory chronicle of the immigrant experience in New York, Crossing the BLVD is a Whitmanesque book that reveals a staggering array of humanity… [It] chronicles life in Gotham in both its despair and boundless promise.

Crossing the BLVD: strangers,neighbors, aliens in a new America

The first-person narratives are drawn from audio interviews, while the book’s ever-changing graphics and typefaces mirror the rich pastiche of religion, language and tradition that coexists in the borough… chosen for its ability to convey the inspired resiliency of the myriad communities that contribute to the city’s dynamism.”

Immigrant Portraits. 33 Beautiful Vintage Portraits Of America’s Immigrant Past From Ellis Island. Italian American Visions: Portraits of 20th Century Immigration. Mediterranean migrants: Portraits of people who have crossed from Libya to Italy by boat [Photo report] A surge in the number of migrants attempting to cross the Mediterranean is putting a severe strain on the holding centre on the southern Sicilian island of Lampedusa.

Mediterranean migrants: Portraits of people who have crossed from Libya to Italy by boat [Photo report]

Thousands of people fleeing turmoil in Africa have ended up in a small shelter meant for 250 people. Italy's regional authorities are growing more frustrated as the ability to house new arrivals becomes increasingly difficult. Rescue services are trying to spread the arrivals between different areas of southern Italy but there are growing concerns space to hold the migrants will soon run out. Getty Images photographer Dan Kitwood travelled to Lampedusa to photograph and talk to some of the recent arrivals. Jimmy Nelson: Gorgeous portraits of the world's vanishing people. Sans titre. L'artiste JR fait entrer le peuple au Panthéon - Culture. …avec des milliers de portraits d'anonymes.

L'artiste JR fait entrer le peuple au Panthéon - Culture

Une installation artistique qui s'ouvre ce mercredi 4 juin au grand public. Des images dans et sur ce monument où sont inhumées les grandes personnalités françaises, au coeur de Paris. C'est le Centre des monuments nationaux qui a invité JR à profiter du chantier de restauration en cours au Panthéon et des bâches qui en recouvrent le dôme pour laisser libre cours à son imagination. « Oui, ça fait drôle de se voir au Panthéon ! C’est un lieu un peu sacré en France. . « Il ne faut pas s’y méprendre, remarque l’artiste JR.