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Thème 3 La mondialisation en fonctionnement

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«SWEATSHOP» ep. 1: - How many will die here every year? From Field to Store: Your T-Shirt's Life Story. A basic cotton T-shirt doesn’t seem quite so basic when you trace its life history. 1.

From Field to Store: Your T-Shirt's Life Story

From the Field Every cotton T-shirt starts life in a cotton field, most likely in China, India or the United States. It takes anywhere from 700 to 2,000 gallons of water to produce about a pound of conventional cotton – enough for a single T-shirt. Cotton grown in the United States uses comparatively less water; however, about a third of a pound of chemical pesticides and fertilizers go into each pound of conventionally-grown American cotton. 2. 3. 4. 5. At the final stage of wet processing, fabric is "finished" in order to make it softer, cleaner, smoother or better able to take on coloring. 6. 7. The finished t-shirt makes its way from the garment factory to a brand name clothing company or to a trading company and from there--on the last leg of its multinational journey--the shirt is neatly stacked on a shelf at your local department store, clothing store, big box retailer or factory outlet. Video on clothing factories in Guatemala.

Les_Flux_dans_la_mondialisation_TS_2012_2013. Mondialisation. La mondialisation consiste en l'extension du champ d'activité des agents économiques (entreprises, banques, Bourse), conduisant à la mise en place d'un marché mondial unifié.


Il s'agit d'un phénomène qui affecte à la fois la sphère réelle de l'économie – c'est-à-dire la production et la consommation des biens et des services – et la sphère financière (monnaies et capitaux). Elle se traduit par une recomposition de l'espace économique mondial, au sein duquel le modèle occidental d'économie de marché s'étend aux pays émergents, et suscite de vives oppositions, qui prennent la forme soit de l'antimondialisation, soit de l'altermondialisation.

Littéralement, le terme de mondialisation désigne un processus, celui de la construction du niveau mondial, d’un niveau de société commun à tous les hommes. Mais, couramment, il en nomme plutôt le résultat qu’il serait plus juste d’appeler tout simplement : le Monde. Le terme n’apparaît dans le vocabulaire courant qu’au début des années 1980. 1. 1.1. Les mouvements de contestation de la mondialisation. Subcontracting in Textile and Clothing Sector in Bangladesh. ABSTRACT This paper is inspired by present compliance issues that have shaken clothing manufacturing industry of Bangladesh, which brings into the light an important player ‘subcontractor’.

Subcontracting in Textile and Clothing Sector in Bangladesh

Subcontracting among numerous players and actors in the clothing sector is very common and an integral part of the textile clothing manufacturing chain. Subcontracting firms in Bangladesh, in most cases, are poorly structured and social and environment compliance are absolutely absent. The aim of this paper is to understand the subcontracting roles and relations in T&C supply chain. Introduction: Textile and Clothing (T&C) manufacturing and trade are truly global and complicated. T&C sector is substantially buyer-driven (i.e. retailing sector) while few parts of the complex supply chain are producer driven (yarn, fabrics, traditional handloom products).

If the trend is same, now total number of subcontracting clothing firms would be 1700 where there would be 2.35 million people working. Conclusion: Globalization in detail and international business. Globalization, Sweatshops, and the Clothes We Wear.