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SciRev - Review the scientific review process. Scopus - Welcome to Scopus. Summa Psicológica. TRENDS - Instructions to authors. Types of articles accepted 1) Editorials: Critical and thorough comments written by the editors and/or invited authors with renowned experience in the topic being addressed. 2) Trends: Articles published in this section present criticism or address controversies in a trendy topic. These articles are generally invited, but interested contributors are encouraged to contact the Editor. 3) Original Articles: These articles present original research data and should contain all the necessary relevant information so as to enable the reader to repeat the experiment and evaluate results and conclusions. Original articles should include the following sections: Introduction, Method, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, and other subtitles, when necessary.

Preparing the manuscript 1. 2. In addition to being accountable for the parts of the work he or she has done, an author should be able to identify which co-authors are responsible for specific other parts of the work. 3. 4. 1) Article title. 5. 6. Scimago Journal & Country Rank. ORCID. Publication Name Index [v.5.10] Scientific Electronic Library Online.

Marcelo Leiva-Bianchi - Citas de Google Académico. Scopus Feedback - Use the Scopus Author Feedback Wizard to collect all your Scopus records in one unique author profile. Sistema de Bibliotecas Universidad de Talca. Home Page | Yale University Library. Editorial SystemTM. Normas de Publicación | Revista de Psiquiatría y Salud Mental. Revista Salud Mental - INPRFM. México. Para las secciones Artículos Originales (de investigación), Actualización por Temas (artículos de revisión) y Casos Clínicos, los artículos deberán contar con un resumen en inglés y otro en español, ambos con una extensión no mayor de 300 palabras, que reflejen claramente el contenido.

Los resúmenes en inglés y en español incluirán un mínimo de tres y un máximo de seis palabras clave (keywords en inglés); no deberán incluir citas bibliográficas. Recordamos basar las palabras clave en el MeSH (Medical Subject Haedings) consultando Los trabajos originales se organizarán de la siguiente manera: Todos los trabajos en que se involucren sujetos humanos o animales deberán ir acompañados de una copia de los dictámenes respectivos de los Comités de Ética y de Invetigación de la Institución correspondiente, de acuerdo con las normas prevalentes de la Secretaría de Salud. Libro: Berman AL.

Blackwell Author Services. Help Readers Find YOU: Optimizing your article for search engines will greatly increase its chance of being viewed and/or cited in another work. Citation indexes already figure in many disciplines as a measure of an article's value; there is evidence that article views/downloads are also beginning to count in the same way.

The crucial area for optimization is your article's abstract and title, which are freely available to all online. We have compiled these guidelines to enable you to maximize the web-friendliness of the most public part of your article. Understanding Search Engines: Each search engine has its own algorithms for ranking a piece of content, such as a journal article. Make it Work for YOU: Step 1: Construct a clear, descriptive title In search engine terms, the title of your article is the most interesting element. Step 2: Reiterate key phrases The next most important field is the text of the abstract itself. Example of Well-Optimized Title/Abstract: Well-Optimized Abstract: Submissions. Online Submissions Already have a Username/Password for Journal of Injury and Violence Research?

Go to Login Need a Username/Password? Go to Registration Registration and login are required to submit items online and to check the status of current submissions. Author Guidelines The editors of JIVR welcome the submission of manuscripts devoted to all types of research in Injury and Violence fields. Each manuscript is considered for publication with the following understandings: A. 1) All persons designated as authors should qualify for authorship. 2) Ghostwriting: It is unacceptable for a person who lends the use of his or her name to a manuscript (whether or not a fee has been paid for the use of that name), when the manuscript has been written by another person/persons who do not identify themselves, their affiliation, or potential or real conflicts of interest. If a manuscript is accepted for publication, the author(s) will be asked to assign copyright to the publisher. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy - Author Guidelines. Author Guidelines For additional tools visit Author Resources - an enhanced suite of online tools for Wiley Online Library journal authors, featuring Article Tracking, E-mail Publication Alerts and Customized Research Tools. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy operates an online submission and peer review system that allows authors to submit articles online and track their progress via a web interface. Please read the remainder of these instructions to authors and then visit and navigate to the Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy online submission site. IMPORTANT: Please check whether you already have an account in the system before trying to create a new one. Pre-submission English-language editing Authors for whom English is a second language may choose to have their manuscript professionally edited before submission to improve the English. All papers must be submitted via the online system. File types. Non-LaTeX users.

Non-LaTeX users. A. B. C. D. E. | Search through over 11 million science, health, medical journal full text articles and books. CIENCIA Y ENFERMERÍA - Editorial Universidad de Concepción. Taylor & Francis Author Services - Promote your article. Skip to navigation We are committed to promoting and increasing the visibility of your article and would like to work with you to promote your paper to potential readers. ...

In the Promote Your Article category, I took the suggestion to add the information to my email signature. " Listed below are some simple and effective methods to promote your paper to reach the widest and most appropriate audiences. Author eprints: Author eprints allow you as an author to quickly and easily give anyone free online access to your article. Reading lists: add your article, or the journal, to your students' reading lists as essential reading.

Book authors: if you have written a book that Routledge has published, you may be interested in how your book is promoted so that it reaches its intended audience, and how you will be supported as an advocate for your book. Was this page helpful? Psychological Assessment® Prior to submission, please carefully read and follow the submission guidelines detailed below.

Manuscripts that do not conform to the submission guidelines may be returned without review. Submission Manuscripts concerned with the development of a new assessment instrument should include a copy of the instrument. In general, manuscripts should be no longer than 35 pages (this includes all elements of the manuscript, with the exception of any supplemental material). Submit manuscripts electronically through the Manuscript Submission Portal. General correspondence may be directed to the Editor's Office. Masked Review This journal has adopted a masked review policy for all submissions. Please ensure that the final version for production includes a byline and full author note for typesetting. Brief Reports Psychological Assessment will review brief reports of research studies in clinical assessment. The brief report should be limited to 19 manuscript pages (1" margins, size 12 font).

Computer Code. ScholarOne Manuscripts. Journal of Loss and Trauma. Country: United Kingdom Subject Area: Psychology Subject Category: Psychology (miscellaneous) Publisher: Routledge. Publication type: Journals. Coverage: 1996-2013 H Index: 17 Scope: In one forum, Journal of Loss and Trauma brings together scholarship on personal losses relating to family, health, and aging [...] In one forum, Journal of Loss and Trauma brings together scholarship on personal losses relating to family, health, and aging issues. In order to broaden the reader"s perspective on loss and bereavement, the journal defines loss as a major reduction in a person"s resources, whether personal, material, or symbolic, to which the person was emotionally attached. Rev. salud p blica - Instrucciones a los autores. Lenguajes: La revista publica artículos en español, portugués e inglés. Reserva de Derechos Si el manuscrito es aceptado para publicación los derechos de reproducción serán de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia-Facultad de Medicina Especificaciones tipográficas Todo el manuscrito, incluyendo referencias y tablas, debe ser elaborado en papel tamaño carta, en tinta negra, por una sola cara de la hoja, a doble espacio y con letras de fuentes no inferiores a 11 puntos.

Los márgenes no deben ser inferiores a 3 cm y las páginas se numerarán consecutivamente incluyendo todo el material. Los componentes del manuscrito y su secuencia deben ser: título y autores, resumen y palabras claves, texto, agradecimientos, referencias, tablas y leyendas, ilustraciones y figuras con sus leyendas. Ayuda adicional para la preparación de manuscritos la encuentra en: International Committee of Medical Journal Editors. Inicio Título y autores 5. 7. Revista de Salud Pública. Acerca de la revista. Envíos. Directrices para autores/as Los manuscritos enviados a la Revista Médica de Chile deberán ajustarse a las siguientes instrucciones, preparadas considerando el estilo y naturaleza de la Revista y los "Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals "URM"", establecidos por el International Committee of Medical Journal Editors, actualizados en el sitio web 1.

El manuscrito debe ser redactado para tamaño carta, dejando un margen de al menos 3 cm en los 4 bordes. Todas las páginas deben ser numeradas en el ángulo superior derecho, empezando por la página del título. Según su naturaleza, los manuscritos son clasificados para una de las Secciones permanentes de la Revista: "Artículos de Investigación", "Casos Clínicos", "Artículos de Revisión", "Artículos Especiales", "Salud Pública", "Educación Médica", "Cartas al Editor" u otras no permanentes. 2. 3. 3.1. La primera página del manuscrito presenta: 6) El número de Tablas y de Figuras que se adjuntan. 3. 2.
