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Food trucks (cycle 4) - It's English O'Clock! Breakfast Food Trucks in New York City. New York, New York par LACOUR sur Genially. Estelle Lacour New YORK 6. The ultimate quiz index 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. 3. History Iroquois tribe Prior to Europeans arriving in New York, the land was inhabited by Native Americans. Henry Hudson In 1609, English explorer Henry Hudson found New York Bay and the Hudson River while exploring for the Dutch. The first Dutch settlement was Fort Nassau established in 1614.Soon more settlements were built including Fort Orange in 1624 (which would later become Albany) and Fort Amsterdam in 1625.

In 1664, an English fleet arrived at New Amsterdam. 1. 1. 1. Click on the correct timeline The Statue of Liberty is a large statue that stands on Liberty Island in New York Harbor. The statue represents the freedom and liberty of the United States democracy. SYMBOLs On September 11, 2001 the worst terrorist attack in U.S. history occurred when two hijacked planes were crashed into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York City. The 9/11 attacks Learn the most famous attractions in New York City + info "Pig" Food trucks (cycle 4) - It's English O'Clock! At the food truck (1/2) - Dialogue en anglais - Vidéo Langues vivantes. At the food truck (2/2) - Dialogue en anglais - Vidéo Langues vivantes. The Food Truck Project. What does New York food reveal about the city? Le zoom est accessible dans la version Premium.

Crédits : Carlo Stanga/La Repubblica Carlo Stanga, Manhattan and Brooklyn Food Map, 2013. ✔ talk about your likes and dislikes, ✔ share ideas, ✔ talk about your habits. ✔ discuss your tastes, ✔ make suggestions and recommendations, ✔ use exclamative sentences,get to know multicultural New York. Choose a place to eat Talk about the Vendy Awards.Listen to a conversation.Read a menu. Create a promotional flyer Watch a video about food trucks.Listen to an interview.Write a review. Design and present your food truck to a jury Have an interview with a jury.Create an ad for New York radio.Write a text conversation.

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