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» Trois recettes de biscuits de Noël. Passez de bonnes fêtes ! Etoiles ou bonshommes aux épices Une version sans produits laitiers ni gluten de cette recette. On peut remplacer les farines et la fécule par un mélange de farine de blé/épeautre et de poudre d’amande ou noisette pour une version « avec gluten » (et se passer des graines de lin) .

Pour 30 sablés 75 g de farine de riz complet 50 g de farine de coco 50 g de fécule de pomme de terre 1 pincée de bicarbonate 1 pincée de sel 2 c. à café d’épices à pain d’épice 1 c. à soupe de graines de lin moulues 80 g de sucre de coco 60 g de purée d’amande complète 1 c. à soupe bombée de mélasse 1 œuf 1 c. à soupe d’eau Dans un saladier, mélanger les farines, la fécule, le bicarbonate, le sel, les épices, les graines de lin et le sucre. Sapins de Noël ou cœurs au thé matcha et chocolat On peut remplacer les farines et la crème de riz par un mélange de farine de blé/épeautre et de poudre d’amande pour une version « avec gluten ». Pour 20 pièces Thumbprints noisette framboise. Spekulatius mit Nougat {Speculoos with Gianduia} | seitan is my motor.

Eggless biscotti with almonds and cranberries - Lazy Cat Kitchen. Vegan German Coconut Macarons aka Kokosmakronen. Happy Sunday everyone! If the weather where you live is anything like the classic British drizzle we’re waking up to in London most days at the moment, I’ve got just the treat to brighten up your morning! Vegan German coconut macaroons or Kokosmakronen, as we call them in Germany. And if you wake up to warm glorious sunshine, well then lucky you but trust me you still want to give these macarons a try!

They’re like little festive coconut meringues with a crunchy shell and a perfectly soft and chewy centre. The macaroons are made with aquafaba, the water in a can of chickpeas that you usually just pour down the drain. If you make this recipe at home be sure to tag your photo #myvibrantkitchen on Instagram. Vegan German Coconut Macarons aka Kokosmakronen Ingredients 200 g chickpea water aka aquafaba (reduced to 100 g) 150 g white caster sugar ½ tsp vanilla extract 180 g desiccated coconut 1 tsp cinnamon 50 g icing sugar 200 g dark dairy-free chocolate Instructions. Chocolate Orange Wreath Bread | Occasionally Eggs. It's been a while since I shared a new bread recipe, but what better time than Christmas?

Working with yeasted doughs is my favourite kitchen pastime, especially making sweet breads like this one. I grew up baking bread and started before I hit double digits, using one of my mom's cookbooks (the bread bible? I can't remember and can't seem to find it) and making loaves like basic honey and oat, cinnamon buns, and trying baguettes. When I hit my teens my interest in using whole grains started to grow, and I had some real flops trying to substitute whole wheat flour 1:1 in cookbook recipes. Experimentation was key and while I'm always learning new methods and concepts, I'm pretty confident in working with bread these days. I know that sourdough is healthier and all the rage right now, and we do eat almost exclusively sourdough - I make a version of this recipe with my starter every week. If you're looking for food gifts, or fancy holiday breakfasts, this has you covered.

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