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Pitted Fruit

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Nectarine brown butter buckle. I have to apologize in advance: this is a cookbook reject.

nectarine brown butter buckle

I know! “A reject?!” You’re probably thinking. “Now why would I want your rejects?” Peach shortbread. Is there an unsaid rule that bar cookies have to be heavy and gooey?

peach shortbread

Two weeks ago, we picked up a cup of coffee on our way to the park so that the little monkey could continue his path of destruction outside our apartment, and I fell for something in the bakery case called peach shortbread, cut into bars. But instead of being thick and intense, it was delicate, light and barely sweet — a thin layer of shortbread, even thinner slices of peach and the faintest sprinkling of streusel on top.

I knew I had to share it.