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Test English. Learn English Online through music and lyrics of the song Old Town Road by Little Nas X - Mode QUIZ. Daily Routine – listening comprehension – my CAELab. I’ve found the following listening comprehensions very useful.

Daily Routine – listening comprehension – my CAELab

Most of them are from elllo, the most amazing English listening resources available on the Net and created by Todd Beuckens. Please note: 1 = easy – 9 = very difficult. 1. Listen to an interview with a swimmer twice. Do the interactive exercises and download the transcript. 2. 3. 4. Click on elllo #388 Routine to read the transcript and audio notes. 5. Click on elllo video #1092 What is your daily routine? Listen again with subtitles: click the “CC” buton to view text. 6. 7. Now click on elllo #1092 Daily Routine. 8. Now click on elllo Mixer #25 Morning Routine. 9. Now click on elllo #743 An Actor’s Routine. 10. Now click on elllo #344 Daily Routine and read the vocabulary notes. 11. Listen again and download the transcript with exercises. Download (PDF, Unknown) 12. Now click on elllo #584 Daily Routine. How many did you get right?

Enjoy it! Memory Banda: A warrior’s cry against child marriage. Richard Turere: My invention that made peace with lions. Una mà de contes. 25 Accidental Inventions That Changed The World. Canción Anuncio San Miguel - Mika - Ciudadanos de un lugar llamado mundo 2013. Hace dos años, San Miguel nos sorprendía con un gran e innovador spot con Delafé y Las Flores Azules , el año pasado con Jamie Cullum y este año toma el relevo Mika , interpretando una pegadiza canción que puede que sea la canción del verano. Sobre el anuncio El anuncio esta rodado en Londres, Barcelona y Ciudad del Cabo , en él, aparecen los " ciudadanos de un lugar llamado mundo " en diferentes escenarios de estas ciudades, unos cantando, otros tocando la guitarra, el bajo, la batería, el piano, el violín...

Algunos de estos ciudadanos son muy conocidos como por ejemplo los tres jugadores del Athletic Club de Bilbao, Ander Herrera , Toquero y De Marcos , la actriz Leonor Watling y la cantante Oceana . El año pasado, tanto el protagonista del spot, Jamie Cullum, como la propia marca San Miguel , fueron Trending Topic; este año el hashtag para hablar del anuncio es #LaCancióndeSanMiguel y pronto será TT en Twitter. La compañía afirma: La canción del anuncio ¿Qué te parece? Learn Languages Online For Free Through Music Videos and Song Lyrics: English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Dutch. CBBC Newsround - Home.


849 FREE ESL Songs For Teaching English Worksheets. Music can be a great way to connect with your students.

849 FREE ESL Songs For Teaching English Worksheets

Even students who aren’t fluent in English often know the words of popular songs phonetically, which makes these songs ideal resources for teaching your students certain forms of grammar, as well as vocabulary. Many students are happy to work with the unusual phrasing of song lyrics, because they’re learning new meanings for a piece of music that already has meaning in their lives. You might never have noticed it before, but many songs’ lyrics involve just one single tense - which means that as soon as you find a song that contains the tense you want to teach, you’ve got the makings of an exercise that your students will love.

They’ll get to brag to their non-English-speaking friends that they know exactly what the song’s lyrics say, so they’ll be extra-motivated to stick with you throughout the activity to make sure they learn those meanings correctly. But where should you start your search for the right song? Learn English With Songs - Online Lessons and Exercises.