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6 free apps to get you through university. Hands up if you have a smartphone or tablet?

6 free apps to get you through university

We thought you might. Over the last couple of years, they’ve become as intrinsic a part of university life as the compulsory end-of-term all-nighter, or the perennial pile of washing-up in the sink. But did you know that there are apps out there which are guaranteed to enhance your experience at university? For every time-sapping option like Angry Birds, there are thousands of useful free apps – all you have to do is look hard enough. And aren’t you lucky? 1. As well as having an amusingly risqué name, Qwiki is a fantastic addition to any student’s repertoire. It’s great for a basic overview of anything you may need to know information quickly about, condensed into one easily-accessible chunk – quick check on the plot of ‘Bleak House’ because you couldn’t be bothered to read all 800-odd pages?

2. 250000+ Recipes and Grocery List: BigOven 3. 4. Students always go to university with good intentions. 5. We all know the feeling. College Tips, Hacks, and Tricks. The Ultimate Student Resource List. It’s back to school time, yet again.

The Ultimate Student Resource List

In the spirit of the season, I decided to gather together the best tools, websites, and advice I know of to help make you a more effective and relaxed student this semester. Since I know you’re broke, it’s all free! 10 Free Applications Every Student Needs Unless you have money coming out of your ears, you probably won’t want to shell out the cash you’ll need to get Office, Photoshop, Dreamweaver, EndNote, and so on — even with your student discount. These free apps do the job well enough, and sometimes even better than their paid or otherwise limited alternatives. 20 Websites (Also) Specifically Designed for College Students. We've scoured the Internet to find some of the best websites for college students.

20 Websites (Also) Specifically Designed for College Students

Here are 20 more that focus on college life and academic productivity. General Advice 1. CampusGrotto - Known as the 'inside source' for college students, CampusGrotto is a national College News site that focuses on college life. Some of the topics covered include: student finances, college scholarships, career advice and studying. 2. 3. 4. The Best Things To Watch Stoned On Netflix Instant Right Now. You’ve been home for winter break one day and already moms is trying to make you chop wood and clean the gutters. You tell her you’ve been studying, like, really hard for a semester and you just need to chill. Plus, all your over achieving asshole friends picked up internships at a museum or magazine or some artsy shit like that. Don’t worry though, your homies at Four Pins got your back. Sneak into the garage for a holiday J, return stoked that mom is on a baking kick and hit the couch with a few of our favorite altered state Netflix Instant picks.

What? The ultimate drinking game guide. Ultimate drinking game guide contents International drinking game rulesDrinking games for two: Roxanne, Last name gameEasy drinking games: 21s, Fuzzy duck, I have never...Card game drinking games: Ring of Fire, Ride the Bus, F%k the dealer*Team drinking games: Beer pong, Boat race, Flip CupTV drinking games: **Downton Abbey drinking game*, Question Time drinking game Our ultimate guide will tell you everything you’ve ever needed to know about some of the most popular drinking games around.

The ultimate drinking game guide

Study tips: Coursework and productivity - Student Life - Student. It's easy to forget that you're supposed to actually, you know, work, during your time at university.

Study tips: Coursework and productivity - Student Life - Student

In between cooking terrible food, taking part in a crazy university society, frantically trying to save money or even trying to make money, and trying to stay healthy, you actually have to learn. 365 reasons to party. Cheap Easy Food AKA College.

College Ideas

College Tech. College Study Tips - Study Skills - Study Guides and Strategies. Study Techniques, Memory Techniques, College Study Skills. Study Hacks. On Sam Harris and Stephen Fry’s Meditation Debate February 19th, 2019 · 44 comments A few weeks ago, on his podcast, Sam Harris interviewed the actor and comedian Stephen Fry.

Study Hacks

Early in the episode, the conversation took a long detour into the topic of mindfulness meditation. Harris, of course, is a longtime proponent of this practice. He discusses it at length in his book, Waking Up, and now offers an app to help new adherents train the skill (I’ve heard it’s good). What sparked the diversion in the first place is when, early in the conversation, Fry expressed skepticism about meditation. Harris’s response was to compare meditation to reading. Fry, who is currently using and enjoying Harris’s meditation app, conceded, and the discussion shifted toward a new direction. How to Spend College Summers: Summer Plans for College Students, Internships, Work, Travel, Study. Powered by StudentUniverse. Date Night to Overnight, Be Prepared. Ever have an unexpected sleepover? Had a little too much to drink? Bad sushi that left you and the bathroom as best friends?

Or maybe a great date that turned into a great. . .sleepover? Whatever your reason, there comes a time when we all need an emergency overnight bag. Now although there are products that we cannot go a day without, the purpose of an emergency overnight bag is to have products in there that 1) we won’t normally miss and 2) are easy, compact products. Steve Hofstetter, Comedian - Download your free comedy album now! 100 Things You Need To Know For CollegeBy Steve Hofstetter2000 These were excerpts from the first year of Observational Humor.

Steve Hofstetter, Comedian - Download your free comedy album now!

A number of them made it in to the first "Student Body Shots. " How to Adjust to Living in a Big City when You Go to College. Edit Article Edited by Lilpbnjam, Carolyn Barratt, MontyTheSnail, Teresa and 2 others Growing up in a small town certainly has it's hardships, but moving to a large city for college at the age of 16 can really challenge a young girl.

How to Adjust to Living in a Big City when You Go to College

Learn how to make these changes easier. Ad. How Can I Avoid Feeling Homesick? I always used to dream of myself living abroad as i had spent my early childhood years ago abroad. but as my parents had returned back to their native country and there i spent over 30 years until now. but it was always in the back of my mind to live and work abroad as where i come from is a very small country with fewer opportunities, and as they say, the island fever hits you. so with the help of a friend abroad and after some brief visits now and then i finally decided to move over for good. ok i must admit that the first weeks were great and as they rolled into months it was still feeling all happy and merry ok but when it culminated into nearly 9-10 months it all began to crumble and crush down onto me.

How Can I Avoid Feeling Homesick?

For those who don't know how to do laundry

Mine. Dorm/Pack. Letting Out Steam: Managing Stress in College. Stress is a perfectly normal part of college life. Immersing Yourself in the College Experience. The college experience is about more than just living on your own, taking classes and partying. From athletics to student government to fraternities to working in college radio and newspapers, there are a number of ways you can plug into your school socially and intellectually besides just showing up to class.

First, remember that universities aren't just places you go to get a degree so you can get a job. They are also intellectual hubs and centers for research in many different academic spheres. Most universities will give you the opportunity to attend expert discussion forums with your university's faculty on various academic, philosophical and scientific topics. Top College Professionals Every Student Should Get to Know. Getting to know new people and making friends is one of the most rewarding aspects of college. As it can be a very trying and unnerving time for many students, having trusted people to rely upon can be invaluable. There are several key people on college campuses that every student should get to know for various reasons. These people can help point students in the right directions academically, financially and personally. National Student Loan Data System for Students. Getting on Top and Staying There.

It can sometimes seem like an insurmountable obstacle to get where you feel that you need to be. Each day is a new day, and these things take time, so make sure that you take things one day at a time. Fencing, Scuba Diving and Other Out-of-the-Ordinary P.E. Classes. If the more typical P.E. courses such as aerobics and weightlifting don't sound appealing to you, you may want to consider choosing something a little more out-of-the-ordinary to fulfill the physical education requirements at your university. If it fits into your schedule, sign up for one of the more unusual P.E. courses at your college.

The experience might be one of your most memorable yet! Fighting and martial arts courses are a great way to learn a physical discipline. Whether it's an ancient technique (like Tae Kwon Do) or a modern cardio-intensive incarnation of an ancient technique (Tae Bo), these P.E. courses are a great alternative to other P.E. courses. How to Get More Out of Your College Course Readings. One of the toughest tasks that college students face is keeping up with their readings. Distracted Distance Learner: 25 Ways to Break Your Online Procrastination Habit. The Internet is full of all kinds of valuable tools that can make researching, writing, and studying easier than ever.

College Budget Hacks: How to Remove the Temptation of Shopping. Cheap Vacation Ideas for College Students. Even college students need occasional breaks beyond winter and summer vacations. Rigorous academic demands leave your mind and body exhausted, especially if you're in the bad habit of pulling all-nighters. The Ten Most Important Things We've Learned About College. "Attendance and participation are heavily correlated with your final grade.

The Ten Most Important Things We've Learned About College

" correlation =/= causation, you know that. In my experience it's the smarter kids that look for help to push themselves even further up, therefore their passing was never really in jeopardy. It's the ones that need so much help as to have you think they want you to write the paper WITH them that are really the ones that are failed by the system. I very much agree with your last paragraph. I had very similar experience. HackCollege - Student-Powered Lifehacking. Top 25 Strangest College Courses. College is a time for self-expression, freedom from parents, the pursuit of knowledge and exploration of a new career. If Mom and Dad (or the bank) knew what kind of courses their savings were funding, you might be yanked out of your academic bubble and into a much more economical and practical community college.

Read on for more of the 25 strangest college courses. Mail Order Brides: Understanding the Philippines in Southeast Asian Context: If you're an anthropology or women's studies major at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, MD, consider getting your credits with this class, which is designed to "help explain the stereotyping of Filipino women. " Being in the Know: Working in College Newspapers. Why Studying Abroad Is Worth the Expense. 25 Great Graduation Gifts That Graduates Will Actually Use. The Working Student: How to Pick the Right Part-Time Job. How to Use Search & Social Media to Research Smarter & Better. Off to College? Avoid These Financial Pitfalls.

Geek Girls Guide.