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Produkty - Frajda. Gdynia - Aktualności - Wydarzenia. Wykładamy karty na stół i mówimy, co w trawie piszczy. Od soboty 1 czerwca 2013 r. w gdyńskim Parku Rady Europy będzie można zasiąść do 14-metrowego stołu i zjeść „śniadanie na trawie". To początek nowego szlaku rekreacyjnego „Trawa do Rzeczy" wiodącego przez śródmiejskie skwery i tworzonego przez Centrum Designu Gdynia. Nietypowy stół oprócz tego, że jest bardzo długi, ma aż trzy poziomy: bliżej trawy, klasyczny i na podwyższeniu.

Można przy nim urządzić piknik, ale tez dyskutować, czytać, rysować. To doskonałe miejsce na plenerowe warsztaty i zajęcia organizowane przez muzeum, szkołę, teatr, bibliotekę, ośrodek sportu czy centrum nauki. Stół zaprojektował Przemysław Pachut. W dniu premiery stołu - w sobotę w godz. 12.00-15.00 dzieci wraz z rodzicami będą mogły wziąć udział w warsztatach kulinarnych. Program: 12.00 – Oficjalne otwarcie stołu „Długi Piknik” 12.45 -13.30 Joga na Trawie 13.45-14.30 Warsztaty kulinarne i wspólna konsumpcja przy Długim Pikniku.

Sklep ogrodniczy Warszawa. W branży handlowej na rynku ogrodniczym i szkółkarskim jesteśmy z Państwem od 1998 roku, ale ogrodnictwem zajmujemy się od trzech pokoleń – od zawsze w Kobyłce. Kilkakrotnie powiększaliśmy powierzchnię handlową przeznaczoną na materiał roślinny, ponieważ chcemy właśnie tym asortymentem zwracać szczególną uwagę naszych klientów. Stawiamy na jakość roślin i ich różnorodność, oprócz sprawdzonych przez lata gatunków i odmian stale wyszukujemy nowości. Sprzedawane przez nas rośliny pochodzą od najlepszych polskich producentów, czasem uzupełniamy je poprzez import z krajów UE. Rośliny to życie: sadząc je każdy z nas upiększa swoje najbliższe otoczenie – ogród, działkę, ulicę, park czy skwer. Możemy także cieszyć się własnymi owocami z uprawianych drzewek i krzewów owocowych i wyhodowanymi we własnym warzywniku warzywami.

Zapraszamy do naszego centrum ogrodniczego, w którym każdy znajdzie WSZYSTKO DO SWOJEGO OGRODU! Rośliny Akcesoria ogrodnicze Wyposażenie ogrodu. Sadzenie drzew i krzewów owocowych. Wiata parkingowa, zadaszenie stół + ławki Chojna • Wiata WZ12 | Przyrodnicze Ścieżki Edukacyjne. Tor rolkowy wymiary. Przetw�rcy discovery. 3. A playhouse and props for dramatic play are available on each playground - CCPDI - Outdoor Learning Envirnonment on Pinterest | Playground, Natural Playground and Playground Ideas.

Outdoor Activities on Pinterest | Outdoor Classroom, Outdoor Play and Children Play. Bespoke Mounds Bespoke Mounds - Action & Imagination Playground Equipment. The Natural Playgrounds Company | Outdoor Playground Equipment | Natural Play Environments | Alternative Playgrounds. Outdoor play environments on Pinterest | Children Play, Play Areas and Sensory Garden. Music on Pinterest | Music Wall, Homemade Instruments and Drum Sets. Outdoor Classroom on Pinterest | Outdoor Classroom, Sensory Garden and Outdoor Learning Spaces. Playscapes - All the Best Playgrounds are Here. Imagination Playground - Playgrounds for Schools, Museums & Parks - big blue blocks sets. Imagination Playground's most popular collection is designed for large indoor or outdoor spaces such as playgrounds, schools, gyms, parks, museums, or child care facilities.

It includes bricks and cylinders, accented with chutes, channels and parts that suggest motion or connectivity. They inspire children to design their own inventions, environments and activities. These modular, rectilinear parts are easy to stack, line up and move around. Children enjoy an endless variety of play patterns including construction, pretend play, role-playing and inventing their own games. Most importantly, they are deeply engaged, active and have hours of fun. Manufactured in the United States out of waterproof foam, the blocks are resistant to mold, mildew, corrosion, and microorganisms. 10 best car tire playgrounds | Playground Ideas - Building playgrounds and helping others do the same. Car tires are a problem. Their contruction has to be Super strong to cope with the demands of years of wear and tear and they have to be soft to grip the road and deal with bumps. Its an unusual combination that turns that problem into a opportunity. Strong and soft materials are perfect for a playground where you have children racing from one thing to the next with little care for their own safety.

As a result car tires have been used for years in playgrounds and we at Playgroundideas couldnt do our work without them. Here are 10 (actually 11) great examples of playgrounds doing creative and amazing things with cartires.... Playgroundideas (formerly called GoPlay) worked with architecture for humanity on a playground design competition For a site in Thailand. and although it didn't win (on the grounds that we had no idea how to build it on a modest budget) it is a beautiful and eye catching design.

Car tire playground ideas And number 10 features some amazing work by Asbjørn Flemmen. Grand Park's New Playground is Cartoony and Awesome - Green Space. 20 Ideas How To Use Old Tires. 5 unique playgrounds you must see. In my own backyard — well, ok, about two miles from my backdoor — lives Berkeley’s Adventure Playground, a place made of scrap wood, discarded tires, and rope, where kids are invited to paint the climbing structures, or nail more wood onto them. A zip line allows kids to fly across a sand pit into a pile of dirt. It’s a place where helicopter parenting has not yet been invented. photos © Nancy Van House This got me thinking, what other innovative playgrounds are out there.

Monster Playground in Southern California photos: waltarrrrr on flickr Alexander Kemp Playground in the Boston Area photos: pzeissig on flickr Silver Tower Playground in New York BUGA Garden Show (exhibition playground) in Munich. AnnMarie van Splunter: Rubbertree. 22 Sep Here’s an interesting concept for reuse of tires in a positive way. Rubbertree, designed by Dutch designer AnnMarie van Splunter, is a proposal for a school playground for refugee children in Thailand. By constructing an oversized sculpture of a rubber tree made of recycled rubber tires, the tires, in a sense, come full circle. Imitating the long and expanding roots of a real rubber tree, this installation would be relatively easy to build requiring only local materials including motorbike tires, bamboo and rope.

No metal parts are necessary. The frame would be made from the bamboo and the tires could safely hug the frame (see small illustration of tire and bamboo above.) From the designer: This tree with long and expanding roots offers an open and inviting landscape on different levels: spaces to roam and explore, for spontaneous play. Nice! Via Open Architecture Network. Mr. PlayGroundology | PlayGroundology. Hi there play aficianado, let me introduce myself and how I came to be writing stories and curating information and images about playgrounds and play. My given name is Alex Smith but just recently I’ve decided to go by an alter ego – Mr. PlayGroundology. I’ve taken to this renaming for a couple of reasons.

First up, Suzanna from over at Pop-Up Adventure Playgrounds has been calling me that for the last little while and it has started to grow on me. Playgrounding with our kids at the Orange Submarine on the Halifax waterfront. Now about the playground thing, my father-in-law Raymond, three young kids in perpetual motion, a delicious 6-month parental leave and the Town of Sorel, Quebec introduced me to the playground trail in 2008. Left to right – Noah, Mr. Not only did Sorel have a lot of hang out, fun playgrounds for us but the town also listed them and provided their civic addresses on the their website. Noah letting go Click through on image for visual story. 16 of the Coolest Playgrounds in the World. The modern playground is, to be honest, sort of boring. The bright-colored, safety-engineered plastic of cookie-cutter prefabricated jungle gyms can’t make up for the thrilling fun of admittedly rickety seesaws, slick metal slides that burned on sunny days, and super-fast merry-go-rounds.

And that’s terrible for kids. Scientists have found that playing is integral to developing a healthy brain and body. One 2011 study from a pair of Norwegian psychologists concluded that taking risks (and overcoming them) during play is an important part of child development, and that preventing children from encountering risks may lead them to develop anxiety. Thus, playgrounds where children can climb high, spin fast, and potentially hurt themselves aren’t just more fun—they’re better for childhood development. A diverse range of playground activities is also important to keep kids active, which improves motor skills [PDF] and combats childhood obesity. 1. 2. Image Credit: Snohetta 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Fitness Fun Zone Program.