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Amazing Herb Kills 98% Of Cancer Cells In Just 16 Hours. Taking in consideration it is one of the deadliest diseases, scientists constantly try to find a cure and finally put and end to cancer.

Amazing Herb Kills 98% Of Cancer Cells In Just 16 Hours

This herb is one of those cures and it can kill up to 98% of cancer cells in just 16 hours. Namely, according to the researches published in “Life Science”, artemisinin, a “Sweet wormwood” or “Artemisia Annua” derivative, was used in Chinese medicine and it can kill 98% of lung cancer cells in less than 16 hours. The herb used by itself reduces lung cancer cells up to 28%, but in combination with iron, “Artemisia Annua” successfully and completely “erases” cancer, and in the experiment this herb had no impact on healthy lung cells. Artemisinin in past was used as a powerful antimalarial remedy, but now it is proven that this cure is also effective in the fight against cancer.

Iron deposits in cancer cells with special receptors which help in cell division. Credits: Doctor Saputo & Healthy Food House. How America Makes Smart People Stupid. By Emmanuel Goldstein America has an odd way of making smart people stupid.

How America Makes Smart People Stupid

I went to a college full of people who were bright on paper. I was friends with people who were at the top of their classes, in classes chock full of smart people. Yet if you talked to these people about anything beyond their narrow field of expertise, they knew nothing. And not only did they know nothing, they had no desire to know more than nothing; even a subject of wide appeal like human nature wouldn’t get their interest. I came to college hoping to be engaged intellectually, among fellow students.

In an intellectual sense, they were effeminate – they would only want to know something when society would reward them for it – which is the same reason why so few women opt for the thankless job of editing Wikipedia. Among the intelligent in America, the chief object of study is learning to conform You would try to figure out what other people were thinking, and parrot it accordingly. About the Author. 20 Transformational Truths From The Greatest Minds Throughout History. Top 10 Spiritual Truths We Weren’t Taught in School. Bc467gi.jpg (1666×2048) Human Intelligence Is Slowly Declining According To Leading Geneticist.

Share Would you be surprised to hear that the human race is slowly becoming dumber, and dumber?

Human Intelligence Is Slowly Declining According To Leading Geneticist

Despite our advancements over the last tens or even hundreds of years, some ‘experts’ believe that humans are losing cognitive capabilities and becoming more emotionally unstable. One Stanford University researcher and geneticist, Dr. Gerald Crabtree, believes that our intellectual decline as a race has much to do with adverse genetic mutations. But human intelligence is suffering for other reasons as well. According to Crabtree, our cognitive and emotional capabilities are fueled and determined by the combined effort of thousands of genes. “I would wager that if an average citizen from Athens of 1000 BC were to appear suddenly among us, he or she would be among the brightest and most intellectually alive of our colleagues and companions, with a good memory, a broad range of ideas, and a clear-sighted view of important issues.

Pesticides are Diminishing Human Intelligence Source: Natural Society. 22 Sarcastic Zen Phrases. 7 Books That Will Violently Shift Your Perspectives. 20 Transformational Truths From The Greatest Minds Throughout History. A List of GMO Free Food Companies. These brands, at the time of writing, source their ingredients from GMO-free supplies.

A List of GMO Free Food Companies

If you’re concerned about the very real threat that genetically modified organisms pose to our food supply and ultimate health, please purchase from these companies and contact them to let them know that you support and value their decision to use non-gmo soy, corn, canola and other ingredients. Please enjoy this GMO-free food list and share it. If you have a question about a certain product or brand that is not listed here, please call the company and ask or contact us. Remember: one of the best ways to raise awareness among the food corporations is to voice your concerns directly to them and boycott companies who continue to source ingredients from genetically modified sources. Source:Celestial Healing Related: