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Alex dragulescu :: dynamic for the people. Aaron Koblin - Work. Transphormetic: Selected works of Paul Prudence. The University of Chicago Magazine: Features. Jason Salavon churns raw data through computer programs to make distinctive art. By Brooke E. O’Neill, AM’04 Photography by Dan Dry “Wow, it’s such a tiny screen,” says Jason Salavon, peering at the old Macintosh he used to create his first digital artwork. It was 1993, and he was a studio-art major at the University of Texas at Austin. With that computer—now shelved in his Hyde Park Art Center studio—and a dot-matrix printer, he produced a 300-page book of repeating black-and-white patterns. Photoshop was still in its infancy, and there were “no real tools” to create this sort of artwork, so Salavon, a computer-science minor, designed his own.

Intrigued by the idea of “having software autonomously aid and produce work almost infinitely,” he programmed his Mac to generate images while he slept. In technology Salavon had found his muse. To realize his visions, Salavon uses C and C++ programming language, 3-D modeling tools, and other self-created software. The Late Night Triad 2003. Lee Byron » Designer. / C.E.B. Reas. Alison. Tim walter. Ben fry.


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