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Las Manualidades. Crafting a Green World. Recycle This - Creative ideas for reusing and recycling random stuff. Olive Juice Studio. GIVERSLOG. Thompson Family-Life: Eames Hang-It-All Inspired DIY Tutorial. I first saw the Eames Hang-It-All on Abbey Hendrickson's (of Aesthetic Outburst) home tour on Cafe Mom a month or so ago. I think the home tour was posted a while ago, but through blog hopping, i stumbled onto it more recently. I totally fell in love with her Hang-It-All, a reproduction of the original that you can buy lots of places, and promptly looked it up to see where I could find one. (photo from Abbey's home. You must check out her very inspiring flickr stream) - A Community for Crafts and DIY Projects with Free Craft Ideas, Inspiration, Advice and More. CraftStylish - Sewing, Knitting, Crochet, Quilting, Paper Crafts, Embroidery, Jewelry Making and more.