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The Father of All Business Models. First, read Dave‘s The Mother of all Business Models. The money grafs: Want to get a message to Dave while he’s on the BART riding under SF? $5. Want to get a message to him while he’s walking the tradeshow at CES? That costs more.If you’re important enough you shouldn’t even pay to use the mobile device. They’re going to make so much money from your attention. This is great stuff: a whole new frame for the sell side. Now let’s look at the buy side, and how to keep the sellers from being horrible moms. We already have some of that power, thanks to protocols, formats and code that (essentially) nobody owns, everybody can use and anybody can improve.

RSS is easy to make yours, personally, as your tool. Now, what else can we create, to help assert our sides of commercial interactions and relationships — which is the central concern of the VRM (Vendor Relationship Management) community? Provide tools for individuals to manage relationships with organizations. Some context: Programming Contests, Software Development, and Employment Servi. Programming Contests, Software Development, and Employment Servi. Get Super Affiliates and CPA Networks to Send YOU Floods of Visi. Leadership styles, executive coaching, employee motivation.

Library 101. Library 101: Introduction David: *singing* “Library 101!” Michael: *screaming off key* “The basics have changed!!” David: “Cut”Michael: “Sorry..I got a little excited there.”David: “No worries, my man, this is pretty exciting stuff. We’ve got the song, the video…”Michael: “The essays from a ton of cool, smart library folks…”David: “The web site, the buttons, the shirts…”Michael: “The Library 101 Project presentation, oh, and the debut of the Project, which is most of this all wrapped into one!” Library 101: Section I – History (Back to top)What happened that made NOW such a critical, rare time for libraries? Libraries have always done important work and returned value to the communities they serve. As technology changed, we did adapt – for example, we learned some basic business skills, like how to type (7), how to handle ourselves during a conference call (8), and how to create an interesting presentation (9).

Library 101: Section II – Present OK – I said we’d need to talk 2.0 tools.