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Misc.ontology.protege.general - Represent Class as instance of another class, using OWL - msg#00151. Website Performance Monitoring I need to specify a class as an instance using OWL.

misc.ontology.protege.general - Represent Class as instance of another class, using OWL - msg#00151

According the the OWL requirements documents, this is supposed to be possible. I can't figure out how to do this using the OWL plugin--does anyone have suggestions? Details: I have collections of terms that are to be used as a values for slots (ObjectProperties). The terminology is hierarchical. ViziQuer - Structured Semantic Data Search Tool. ‪Visualizing SPARQL Query Results‬‏

‪get started with sparql‬‏ ‪SINA: Federated SPARQL Query over Interlinked Data‬‏ AKSW/SINA. ‪SINA: Federated SPARQL Query over Interlinked Data‬‏ ‪Never Write SPARQL Again - Build your Queries Visually‬‏ SemWeb-DotNet. Sparqlite - A SPARQL protocol implementation, designed for robustness and scalability. ARQ - A SPARQL Processor for Jena.

Setup the SPARQL Service. Setting up a SPARQL endpoint using the RDF Graph feature involves creating and deploying a Web Application Archive (WAR) file into a server J2EE container.

Setup the SPARQL Service

The RDF Graph feature supports Apache Jena Joseki, an open source SPARQL server that supports the SPARQL protocol and SPARQL queries to create this web application archive. The following sections explain how to set up a SPARQL service using the bundled web application archive in either Apache Tomcat or Oracle WebLogic Server. The RDF Graph feature's release package includes a bundled web application archive (joseki.war). Details on how to build a web application archive (joseki.war) for a previous release of the Oracle NoSQL Database or for modification purposes can be found in Generating a New SPARQL Service WAR file.