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API. cURL libcurl C Interface Overview There's the tutorial to start with, read the tutorial to get a general in-depth grip of what libcurl programming is all about.


There are some example C source codes you can check out. They're not all-covering or even very extensive, but they might serve as a source of inspiration to start hacking. Dig into the Symbols In Versions document to learn in which libcurl releases symbols were added or removed. Windows developers using Microsoft Visual Studio, might enjoy: The easy interface is a synchronous, efficient, quickly used and... yes, easy interface for file transfers. The multi interface is the asynchronous brother in the family and it also offers multiple transfers using a single thread and more. When using libcurl you init your easy-session and get a handle, which you use as input to the following interface functions you use. You continue by setting all the options you want in the upcoming transfer, most important among them is the URL itself.

An simple R interface to Google Documents. An simple R interface to Google Documents This illustrates how to use the code that we put together quite rapidly to communicate with the Google Documents manager.

An simple R interface to Google Documents

It uses the XML and RCurl packages and illustrates that it is relatively quick and easy to use their primitives to interact with Web services. The first thing to do is login using getGoogleAuth() . Xp pro augmenter la bande passante. R-Function to Read Data from Google Docs Spreadsheets. Maps. R-Function to Source all Functions from a GitHub Repository. R-Function to Source all Functions from a GitHub Repository. Embedding a live plot in your website. Graphics. Interfacer R et MS Excel. Hadoop and R. Hadoop for R’s Data scientist I don’t exactly know where to start.

Hadoop and R

But, after a real pleasant discussion with one of my ex colleague, it seems that there are many thongs around Hadoop ecosystem and R for analyst that should be said by a data scientist, means that, someone who don’t know much more about big data architecture, but who should know the essentials... Read more » How can R and Hadoop be used together? By inspired from this Quora question, I have been started working on how can R and Hadoop integrated to be used together? Read more » Strata + Hadoop World 2013 Recap We're back from NYC after a very busy Strata + Hadoop World 2013 conference.

Read more » Finding R in a Hadoop World by Joseph Rickert The following is a brief report of all things R encountered in my not quite random, but nevertheless far from determined, walk through the O'Reilly Strata / Hadoop World Conference held this week in NYC. Facebook's Social Network Graph. Paul Butler, an intern on Facebook’s data infrastructure engineering team, was interested in visualizing the "locality of friendship".

Facebook's Social Network Graph

Luckily, he has some great data to work with: Facebook's social network of the friendships between its 500 million members. But visualizing that much data can be a challenge in its own right -- it takes skill to draw meaning from what could easily be an incomprehensible mess of data. After drawing a sample of 10 million friend pairs from the Hive interface to Facebook's Hadoop-based database, Paul set to using R to solve this visualization problem. As Paul describes in a post on his Facebook page, initial attempts to visualize the data resulted in a "big white blob" roughly resembling the outline of the continents.

(Click to enlarge, or visit Paul's post to download a super hi-res version.) R graphic used for Facebook IPO. Manipulation de chaînes de caractères avec stringr - Alea. Package stringr. R Programming/Text Processing. This page includes all the material you need to deal with strings in R.

R Programming/Text Processing

The section on regular expressions may be useful to understand the rest of the page, even if it is not necessary if you only need to perform some simple tasks. This page may be useful to : perform statistical text analysis.collect data from an unformatted text with character variables. In this page, we learn how to read a text file and how to use R functions for characters. There are two kind of function for characters, simple functions and regular expressions. = "character", package = "base") However, their name and their syntax is not intuitive to all users. Keywords : text mining, natural language processingSee CRAN Task view on Natural Language Processing[2]See also the following packages tm, tau, languageR, scrapeR. Reading and writing text files[edit] R can read any text file using readLines() or scan(). Character encoding[edit] Example[edit] The following example was run under Windows. Ggplot.

Documentation. GGobi data visualization system.