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Workplace innovation

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Diffusion le 24 février à 20h50. « Le Bonheur au travail » est disponible en replay pendant 60 jours, ainsi qu’en VOD et DVD à la demande. Le documentaire a été diffusé le mardi 24 février 2015 à 20h50. La crise économique touche le monde entier, mais dans ce magma de déprime, il existe cependant des entreprises où règne le bonheur. Aujourd’hui, le niveau d’éducation de plus en plus élevé et la révolution numérique changent la donne. Les salariés, formés et informés, ressentent vivement la frustration d’être considérés comme des pions au sein d’organisations qui peinent à s’adapter à une concurrence mondialisée ou dans un service public dont l’orthodoxie budgétaire impose sans cesse de nouvelles réductions d’effectifs.

Qu’y a-t-il de commun entre le Ministère de la Sécurité sociale belge, le géant indien HCL et Chronoflex à Nantes, leader en France du dépannage de flexibles hydrauliques ? Est-ce un rêve ou une réalité ? Ces entreprises qui ont réussi en misant sur le bonheur de leurs salariés. Qui n’a rêvé d’aller travailler avec bonheur? Selon Isaac Getz, professeur de management, c’est le cas de seulement 10% des salariés français, contre 60% venant au travail juste pour toucher leur salaire, et 30% tellement malheureux qu’ils s’y rendent pour afficher leur souffrance: "En Europe, il existe encore des usines où des opérateurs de 40 ans doivent demander l’autorisation pour aller faire pipi ! " Les travailleurs supportent de moins en moins d’être considérés comme de simples pions. Certains patrons audacieux l’ont compris, comme le montre ce film passionnant de Martin Meissonnier diffusé mardi 24 février sur Arte.

Ceux-là ont choisi d’accorder davantage d’autonomie – de responsabilités – à leurs salariés. "Je fais confiance au personnel" En France, le pionnier a été Jean-François Zobrist, un original aux méthodes radicales et au parler-vrai. Deux règles de base pour ce patron de choc : "L’amour du client", slogan affiché partout dans l’usine.

Adieu "l'ego de la hiérarchie" Qu'est-ce que l'économie circulaire ? Le modèle de production et de consommation qui prévaut depuis la révolution industrielle repose sur des ressources naturelles abondantes et un schéma linéaire : Matières premières extraites > production > consommation > déchets. Ce modèle de développement a permis d’accélérer le « progrès » et à des milliards d’individus d’accéder à une certaine prospérité matérielle. Le fondement de la société de consommation trouve aujourd’hui ses limites face aux défis environnementaux, d’emploi et de l’augmentation de la population mondiale qui devrait progresser de 43% entre 2012 et 2100. Nos prélèvements sur les ressources naturelles dépassent déjà largement la biocapacité de la terre, c’est-à-dire sa capacité à régénérer les ressources renouvelables, à fournir des ressources non renouvelables et à absorber les déchets.

La prise de conscience collective a permis d’engager des démarches de réduction des impacts environnementaux qui sont un premier pas indispensable. Is Your Company Ready for the Looming Talent Drought? - Claudio Fernández-Aráoz. The Future of Work: Quantified Employees, Pop-Up Workplaces, And More Telepresence. For many people, especially those working at desk jobs, the workplace is very different than it was 20 years ago: there’s a computer at every desk, telecommuting is fairly common, and the traditional cubicle is giving way to more collaborative spaces. We’ve seen predictions about where we’ll go from here before; now PSFK, a popular blog that also happens to be a thriving consultancy, has come up with its own version of the future of work, described in a new 138-page report.

It’s not as fantastical as many future-forward reports--it’s planted firmly in ideas that are already gaining a lot of traction. Perhaps that makes it more accurate. We’ll find out. Here are our takeaways. Startup Training and Skills Marketplaces PSFK imagines that learning initiatives for young entrepreneurs, such as Enstitute, will become the norm. Office Feedback Culture You know the employee that keeps screwing up and eventually just gets fired without really understanding why? Quantified Workers. Creating Sustainable Performance. Idea in Brief Research has shown that managers can take four measures to help employees thrive at work. All four are necessary to promote a culture of vitality and learning. Provide decision-making discretion.

Facebook employees are encouraged to “move fast and break things”—they have lots of leeway to solve problems on their own. Share information. Workers at Zingerman’s restaurants—right down to the busboys—get up-to-the-minute feedback on every aspect of the business, from customer satisfaction ratings to the number of dirty mugs in the sink. Minimize incivility. Leaders at Caiman Consulting attribute the firm’s 95% retention rate to a culture in which background checks look for a reputation for civility.

Offer performance feedback. The mortgage finance company Quicken Loans has dashboards showing continually updated data on individual and team performance against goals. Artwork: Yue Minjun, Untitled, 2005, watercolor on paper, 140 x 127 cm So what does it mean to be happy in your job? Move over Millennials - it’s time to talk to Gen Z. Born post 1995, this generation are true digital natives. They don’t know of life before Google, Facebook, smart mobile phones or digital TVs. Similarly referred to as the iGeneration, NetGen or Screenagers they have been born into a pervasive digital world where everything and everyone is accessible at the press of a button or click of a mouse.

As such they are used to finding information and education, consuming entertainment, communicating, participating and sharing across multiple digital screens. And they are used to achieving these multiple tasks simultaneously, flitting from one screen to another as they do. For Gen Z, their smartphones are an extension of their body through which they manage their lives, and particularly their social lives. They communicate through them in bite size short messages, at speed, often with images and symbols. Bill Gates interview: How the world will change by 2030.

These Are The Surprising Jobs You'll Be Doing By The 2030s. Future Of Work. Innovation. The Future Of The Workplace. The Future at Work — Trends and Implications. What does the future hold for work in the 21st century? In a new study for the U.S. Department of Labor, RAND researchers Lynn Karoly and Constantijn Panis seek to answer this question. In particular, they examine how three major trends that will shape the future at work in this century — shifting demographic patterns, the pace of technological change, and the path of economic globalization — will evolve over the next 10-15 years.

Then, they consider the implications of these trends for key aspects of the future workforce and workplace, including the size, composition, and skills of the workforce; the nature of work and workplace arrangements; and worker compensation. Their assessment of these underlying structural forces is based on relevant data and research and is intended to help all stakeholders — workers, employers, educators, and policymakers — make informed decisions. Shifting Demographic Patterns The Pace of Technological Change The Path of Economic Globalization.