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Kristen Wiigs Best Characters Pictures - Garth and Kat. - StumbleUpon. Midnight in Paris Woody Allen’s latest places starving writer Owen Wilson in Paris with his fiancée, Rachel McAdams. Searching for inspiration for his incomplete novel, Owen begins taking strolls around the city at night where he discovers an unexpected group of people.

I wish I could be more specific, but it would ruin the surprise. Know that it is brilliant, witty and full of mystique. 92% on Rotten Tomatoes (RT). Let the Right One In The best vampire movie ever made in my opinion. Let the Right One In is a truly unique story about a young boy and his new blood-sucking friend from next door. Watch Let the Right One In for FREE on Amazon Instant Video The Man From Earth Holy &#%@ this film’s plot is fascinating!

Garden State This is my absolute favorite film. Waking Life It’s impossible for you to grasp Waking Life without actually watching it, but I’ll do my best to explain it. Watch Waking Life for FREE on Amazon Instant Video Closer Sin Nombre Snatch Spirited Away The Descent Once Boogie Nights. 50 Greatest Chick Flicks of All Time - Here's Looking at You, Kid. Top 10 Colorado Films | Colorado Movies | The Adventurous 500. 1. The Shining (directed by Stanley Kubrick) Our #1 Colorado movie pick is The Shining. Jack Nicholson and the Torrance soon find themselves in a psychological nightmare at the Overlook Hotel—a hotel modeled after Stephen King’s experiences at the Stanley Hotel in Estes Park, Colorado. The intro scenes of the film were shot in beautiful Boulder, but most of the movie was actually shot in Oregon. Regardless of the filming location, this horror movie classic revolves around a harsh winter in the Rockies… 2.

South Park The Movie (directed by Trey Parker) Who could forget the fowl-mouthed animated fourth graders who manage to stop a war between the United States, Canada and Satan. 3. 5. This classic Colorado movie features Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels as they make an epic journey to Aspen, Colorado—where Carrey chases “the love of his life.” 6. 7. 9. 10. Katniss Cannot Be Stopped - Entertainment - The Atlantic Wire. The 50 most controversial movies ever - Film.

Cult films

The 100 club. 2012. Movie series ratings. Movie series ratings Graph mode: absolute | relative | global relative Global relative mode. Bottom = Worst film in all charts, top = Best film in all charts Colour changes denote significant change in cast, director, storyline and/or time. 10 Movies I Wish Were Based on True Stories | Jinni Blog - StumbleUpon. The Men Who Stare at Goats, starring George Clooney, Kevin Spacey, Jeff Bridges and Ewan McGregor, is about a secret, psychic military unit.

Just a few things this unit does: Attempt to kill goats by staring at them and examine the use of Barney the Dinosaur’s theme tune on Iraqi POWs. Oh, and it’s based on a true story. Wait, what? Yes, this is not a mistake, this movie is based on a true story. It does make you think: maybe other movies are also based on true stories. Here are ten movies and TV shows I wish were based on true stories - and maybe they are… 10. Why do I wish it was true? Here, a teenage girl is approached by all sorts of different people - each claiming to be God delivering instructions for her next mission. 9. 12 Monkeys (1995) Why do I wish it was true?

When a man enters a hospital claiming to have journeyed back in time from the future to stop a killer virus from exterminating mankind, a beautiful psychologist decides he might be more than delusional. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 33 Movies To Watch When You're Sad, Glum Or Bummed&160;Out! We all have days that don’t feel quite right. Maybe you’re bored, sick or lethargic. Perhaps you just got some bad news that has left you feeling slack-jawed & useless. Maybe you’re worried about your sister, or fighting with your husband. Perhaps it’s just raining outside, like it is here today! Whatever the case, sometimes you just want to indulge in a little escapism. (Oh, I should warn you… I have dreadful taste in movies!) Enjoy! 10 Things I Hate About You This was my favourite movie when I was an angsty teenager!

“Iwis it is not halfway to her heart. Here. . (500) Days Of Summer Okay, this one stars Joseph Gordon Levitt too! I fell in love with (500) Days Of Summer immediately. It’s a total indie rock love story. It is so wonderful. The Addams Family Firstly, I think this movie is responsible for many, many aspects of my adolescence. If you’re not familiar, The Addams Family started as a cartoon in The New Yorker in the 1930s, & became a television show in the 1960s. P.S. Amélie Burlesque. Top 20 worst movies of 2011. What is Movie Buzz? MovieBuzz rates which movies are trending within the MovieFIX community. You can choose if you "Want to see" or are "Not Interested" in seeing the movie on the Homepage trailer player, or in the Movie Information page. After 20 votes, we tally these scores and create a percentage of how many people "Want to see" that movie.

We then take these scores and display the highest percentages in MovieBuzz. MovieBuzz only features movies from their trailer release to two weeks after they have released in cinemas. You can see the rankings on a 24 hour or a 7 day basis (use the radio buttons near the title to switch views). 10 Dumbest Moments In Movies | Interesting Movies - StumbleUpon. I’ve seen a lot stupid movies in mi life, but some moments are just too stupid. I’m sure it happened to you too. Well, i I have right, take a look, and i am sure that you will recognize some really stupid moments in movies. Take a look, and enjoy Compromised FBI agent, Keanu Reeves, is forced to help in escape of robber, Patrick Swayze. Patrick jumps out of plane with last parachute… And then… Incredible Keanu jumps out too, without parachute and manages to catch bandit in the air. Now we have incredible air ballet and successful landing!!? Code breaker, scientist Scott and his assistant in form of Kate Winslet, grab a part of German code machine, Enigma.

Writer Charlie Kaufman is imprisoned in a swamp by John Laroche and Susan Orlean, subject and author of his adaptation “The Orchid Thief”. You got to admit, pretty good beginning of a movie. Stallone in a pretty good story, on a very unusual place. 7. xXx (2002) Modern version of 007, Vin Diesel is in bad situation. 2010 - The Year In Film | GritFX T-Shirts Magazine. Personally, I thought the first year of the new decade to be rather lacklustre as far as cinema goes. The sheer volume of reckless, morally inept comedies and action films was overwhelming.

Fellow author Adam Fay said it best last year when, in his piece on Christopher Nolan’s Inception stated, “While there is no doubt that this is a standout film, the over-the-top gushing of praise strikes me to be less about the strength of the actual film and more about the pitiful films it shares multiplex space with.” Such a statement could be applied to many preceding years, but never more pertinent in the light of 2010’s bucket of trash.

The Best It’s a short list, this one. Also on the list for the year would be Monsters, a film that divided its audience (those who saw it, anyway) like chocolate and cheese. This is how you’ll look after watching Skyline But the crap didn’t stop with Skyline – the Kevin Smith-directed Cop-Out came a close second. What did you say about my acting, Wadrick? 25 Greatest Unscripted Scenes in Films | The Good, The Better, & The Funny. Classic Movies. 25 Celebrities You Never Knew Were In Classic Movies (And Shows): Pics,... - StumbleUpon. 10 Best Cinematic Mindfucks.