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UNIX Tutorial for Beginners. Mozilla Developer Network. JavaScript is a programming language that allows you to implement complex things on web pages.

Mozilla Developer Network

Every time a web page does more than just sit there and display static information for you to look at — displaying timely content updates, or interactive maps, or animated 2D/3D graphics, or scrolling video jukeboxes, and so on — you can bet that JavaScript is probably involved. Learning pathway JavaScript is arguably more difficult to learn than related technologies such as HTML and CSS. Before attempting to learn JavaScript, you are strongly advised to get familiar with at least these two technologies first, and perhaps others as well. Start by working through the following modules: Having previous experience with other programming languages might also help.

S Python Class - Google's Python Class - Google Code. Welcome to Google's Python Class -- this is a free class for people with a little bit of programming experience who want to learn Python.

s Python Class - Google's Python Class - Google Code

The class includes written materials, lecture videos, and lots of code exercises to practice Python coding. These materials are used within Google to introduce Python to people who have just a little programming experience. The first exercises work on basic Python concepts like strings and lists, building up to the later exercises which are full programs dealing with text files, processes, and http connections. Google Hacking Database, GHDB, Google Dorks.

Moving to GNU Emacs. After being a Vim lover for about 4 years, I've switched sides to Emacs.

Moving to GNU Emacs

Before I make this into a personal post about why I think Emacs is great and so forth, a better way to go about this would be an objective view from both sides of the holy-editor war. A bit of history I got introduced to Vim from various discussion sites I visit including Reddit and Slashdot. It always had a mysterious aura about it promising unlimited productivity once you got past the initial learning curve. When I finally did manage to ditch gEdit and Kate, I was not disappointed. I devoured endless tips on becoming more productive with Vim and ended up learning a handful on a lot of things. Somewhere down the line I got interested in the Lisp family of languages, especially Common Lisp, and SLIME was the only development environment which could hold its own against IDE's of other languages.

What made me switch Surprisingly my first true usage of an emacsen was Jasspa Microemacs. Cairo - Windows Shell Alternative - Home. An App That Makes Android Smarter Than Ever. Google's Android operating system may not be as pretty or easy to use as Apple's iOS -- but it is more powerful and customizable. Case in point: the Tasker Android app, which makes your Android phone automatically perform certain tasks based on its environment, its location, even its rotation. Imagine turning off your ringer by just setting your phone on the table face down, automatically texting your wife when you reach the nearest train station without taking the phone out of your pocket, or setting the screen timeout to "never" when the Kindle app is running. You'll have to navigate a deep set of menus, buttons and dropdowns, but if you're willing to brave its bewildering interface, Tasker can do all that and more. Seven apps that work really well in the Windows 7 taskbar.

So you’ve recently installed Windows 7 and become familiarized with the new Jumplist-enabled taksbar.

Seven apps that work really well in the Windows 7 taskbar

If you are looking for Windows7 taskbar-friendly apps then read on; this posting will present 7 interesting (and free) selections that work really well with the Windows 7 taskbar. Here’s the list: (1) Dexpot with SevenDex plugin, (2) Standalone Stack 2, (3) JumpList Launcher, (4) Gmail Notifier Plus, (5) 7Stack, (6) HideDesktop Icons, and (7) MenuApp. Note that not all of the programs presented below are Windows 7 specific; in fact three of them (2,6, and 7) will work on XP and Vista. 1. Using Googles Full Capabilities. « XBOX, XBOX 360, PS2, PS3, PSP, & MORE! – Your source for the latest in console modding.

Well most of you use Google to probably look up porn.

Using Googles Full Capabilities. « XBOX, XBOX 360, PS2, PS3, PSP, & MORE! – Your source for the latest in console modding.

Other just search stuff. Windows Commands: Think You Know It All !? Free Books. A lot of people keep asking about a good list of programming books.

Free Books

Hence, we are building this list to save your time and to spread the knowledge. Some of these books will definitely help us to evolve our coding skills and thought processes for developing better solutions. We will do our best to keep updating this list, hope you find this list useful, here we go. Meta-List Graphics Programming Language Agnostic: NerdDinner Walkthrough Assembly Language: Bash Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide See .NET below Django.


SMS Email Gateways. An SMS gateway allows a computer to send or receive Short Message Service (SMS) transmissions to or from a telecommunications network.

SMS Email Gateways

Most messages are eventually routed into the mobile phone networks. Many SMS gateways support media conversion from email and other formats. Ninite Easy PC Setup - Silent Unattended Install Multiple Programs At Once. Pack 2010: Our List of Essential Windows Downloads.