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9 Confessions From A Former Enterprise Rental Salesman. Bad Science. Timothy Garton Ash :: Homepage. Don’t go to art school — I.M.H.O. I’ve had it. I will no longer encourage aspiring artists to attend art school. I just won’t do it. Unless you’re given a full ride scholarship (or have parents with money to burn), attending art school is a waste of your money. I have a diploma from the best public art school in the nation. Prior to that I attended the best private art school in the nation. I’m not some flaky, disgruntled art graduate, either.

I have a quite successful career, thankyouverymuch. But I am saddened and ashamed at art schools and their blatant exploitation of students. This is embarrassing. Artists are neither doctors nor lawyers. Don’t do it. Don’t start your career with debilitating debt. Please. You’ve got other options. You don’t have to go to college to be an artist. There are excellent atelier schools all over the world that offer superior education for a mere fraction of the price. There are more. And then there are the online options.

With all of these options it can be a little daunting. There. The 7 Keynote MBA: How to Save 2 Years and $100,000. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been asked, over the years, if I regretted going to law school. The answer is no. It taught me how to analyze scenarios, options and organize thoughts and deal with tremendous amounts of stress. What it didn’t teach me a whole lot about, though, was the actual practice of being a lawyer. I’ve heard a similar theme from many MBAs. Truth is, the great value in most MBA and JD programs can be boiled down to 5 to 10 talks, presentations, classes and conversations that changed the way you experienced the world. So, I figured, why go through 2 years of B-school, drop $100,000 (that’s $70k on school, $20k on booze and $10k on Red Bull) and give up two years of income, when you can experience your… 7 extraordinary moments with 7 true visionaries…right here, right now… Guy Kawasaki‘s “10 things” list crushes a bunch of start-up myths, shows you where to spend your time, money and energy when starting and growing a business.

Serve! Plain and simple. StickK − Change Starts Now. The Art References - wannabeanimator: Some tips from Directing...