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Annette Revel Sheely. Annette Revel Sheely interview by Douglas Eby Annette Revel Sheely, M.A., is a staff member of the Gifted Development Center. Her areas of interest include the emotional and psychological needs of gifted children, adolescents, and adults; the special issues of gifted girls and the highly gifted. . ~ ~ Referring to the Gifted Women Forum and associated message boards on America Online, Sheely says, "the first thing I loved was seeing people discovering the place, and getting excited about it and saying 'Oh, my God, that's me.

I never knew before why I was so different.' "The other thing is seeing certain names over and over again, and beginning to see personalities coming across, who's an ally of who, and who's a little more assertive. "Someone recently wrote in to the loop that they feel that people who are profoundly gifted have more spiritual and psychic sensitivities.

The Gifted Development Center in Denver and Boulder, Colorado, focuses primarily on children. Giftedness : articles. One True Peer - OneWorld Gifted. Puttylike | A Home for Multipotentialites! How to Spot Wild Colts in the Classroom. 138 9Share Synopsis E. Paul Torrance paved the way for us to find and support misunderstood creatives in our classrooms and homes. Recently, a distraught mother from Chicago called me. Indeed, my work with families like Jason’s often leads to the conclusion that the child is a highly creative or divergent thinker, intellectually gifted, or a combination of both. It is disturbing to see the Jasons of the world misunderstood, but on the flipside, when I hear a story like this, I am heartened that there is a positive, effective approach to turn it around. Did you know that in the animal kingdom, colts become evicted from their herds early in life? So, how do we demonstrate to Torrance’s colts that we do, indeed, understand them?

First, begin from a standpoint of creative strengths. Second, provide academic work that allows for these strengths to come forth. But isn’t this Pollyannaish to come from a standpoint of creative strength identification and development? Broadley, M. (1943). » What is Low Latent Inhibition. What exactly is Low Latent Inhibition? Latent inhibition In order to even attempt to explain what low latent inhibition is, I feel it is vital that an understanding of the term “latent inhibition” is reached. Latent inhibition is a term used to explain how our observation of a familiar stimulus (e.g. something we see, hear, smell, feel or taste that we’ve had before) takes longer to acquire meaning than a new stimulus. It’s essentially a mental tool you develop in order to experience the world in a manageable way. You use latent inhibition in your day-to-day interactions with the environment.

For example, consider how you experience a doorknob. Low latent inhibition With low latent inhibition, an individual almost treats familiar stimuli in the same manner as they would new stimuli. Further Details Almost all those who have low latent inhibition are unaware that they are experiencing the world in a totally unique and different way compared to other people. Do I have low latent inhibition? Mon enfant est-il précoce ? - La Maison des Maternelles. Encountering the Gifted Self Again, For the First Time. Encountering the Gifted Self Again, For the First Time By Mary-Elaine Jacobsen, PhD Telltale Signs of Adult Giftedness: There are many confusing notions about what giftedness is and is not. Indeed, in several respects, the life experience of the gifted individual seems paradoxical (e.g., being considered highly successful while secretly feeling like an impostor).

Dabrowski's (1972) theoretical construct of giftedness suggests that the development of gifted individuals is a matter of nature (heredity), nurture (environmental influences), and a dynamic inner force that fuels self-motivation and self-direction. He proposed five developmental levels that encompass the evolution of the personality. Crisis and pain generally act as essential catalysts for this growth, which is frequently the point at which the counselor meets the gifted adult. Gifted clients must be respected and acknowledged for daring to go down the unpredictable road of self-actualization. It can also wear them out. Dr. When Lightning Strikes Twice: Profoundly Gifted, Profoundly Accomplished. Les 10 traits de caractères qui empoisonnent la vie des adultes surdoués. Polymathes ! Il m’est arrivé plus d’une fois de suggérer que l’on remplace le mot surdoué par celui de polymathe.

Un polymathe, c’est une personne qui a des connaissances approfondies dans des domaines qui n’ont pas de lien apparents (« Math » signifie apprentissage en grec). C’est typiquement un « Homme de la Renaissance », ou un « Homo Universalis », esprit ouvert, curieux de tout. La traduction un peu condescendante de polymathes c’est dilettante ou touche-à-tout. Comme d’habitude, tout est question de contexte : dans une société où pour satisfaire à la productivité et à la concurrence toujours plus exacerbée il importait de se spécialiser, dès lors, les généralistes avaient beaucoup moins la cote. Bonne nouvelle ! La complexité croissante du monde (et sa rapidité) remettent peu à peu les généralistes (aux connaissances approfondies) au goût du jour ! Ci-après, petit tour du monde de quelques polymathes célèbres parmi tous ceux que Wikipédia (versions anglaise et française) a pu lister. Les entrepreneurs, ces surdoués à qui on n'a pas laissé la place d'exister • Le luxe d'être soi.

Les entrepreneurs, ces surdoués à qui on n’a pas laissé la place d’exister « Je marche seul Sans témoin, sans personne Que mes pas qui résonnent, je marche seul Acteur et voyeur » (Jean-Jacques Goldman) J’observe et j’entends depuis quelques mois des entrepreneurs – clients, amis, connaissances – m’annoncer avoir récemment découvert être surdoués / haut potentiel. Soulagés qu’on pose enfin un mot sur leur différence. Aptes à résoudre des problématiques complexes très vite, à accomplir de nombreuses tâches en simultané, et en parallèle se sentir inaptes à une vie « normée » en société. En fait, depuis 5 ans que j’accompagne et côtoie des entrepreneurs, je constate que cela en concerne bien plus qu’on ne le croit. Et pas seulement sur des critères intellectuels. La légitimité de l’entrepreneur : ai-je le droit d’exister pour ce que je suis ? Moi-même on m’a dit il y a 2 ans que j’avais sans doute été une enfant surdouée à l’école. La puissance de l’intelligence émotionnelle Pourquoi ?

Anxiety in Gifted Children: 3 Simple Steps Parents and Educators Can Take | Crushing Tall Poppies. Posted by Celi Trépanier on Wednesday, April 1, 2015 · 22 Comments Gifted children and anxiety often seem to just go hand in hand. Experiencing their world more intensely as well as having a more intuitive understanding of complex connections and interactions in their life and in the physical world can create a plethora of reasons for gifted children to experience anxiety in their lives.

Being so acutely aware of what is going on in their world and what future possibilities can hold, gifted children can naturally develop above-average anxiety. They begin to worry, oftentimes making mountains out of mole hills. In school, fear of failure, perfectionism, and not being able to live up to the expectations many may have for their high potential can leave our gifted children so anxious that they just crumble. Here are three simple steps parents and teachers can take to avoid increasing the worries of a gifted child through our actions and words: “Dr. “High Anxiety” by Ian Byrd. MIGUEL A. FUNES - SUPERDOTACIÓN Y ALTAS CAPACIDADES - ADULTOS / test de screening. Los motivos por los que, siendo ya adultos, decidimos acudir a un especialista para que nos realice una evaluación de nuestras capacidades intelectuales pueden ser tan variados como se quiera. Porque nos ha entrado curiosidad por conocer nuestros límites, por saber hasta dónde podemos llegar... Porque intentamos comprendernos mejor a nosotros mismos...

Porque queremos encontrar una explicación a esa sensación de sentirse diferente a los demás (amigos, compañeros de trabajo, familiares o conocidos)... Porque nos suelen decir que somos muy inteligentes... o por lo contrario; a pesar de las evidencias, no nos reconocen nuestra inteligencia... Porque queremos entrar en una asociación que exige como requisito de admisión tener un determinado nivel intelectual... Porque te has hartado de hacer pruebas por internet... Porque quieres confirmar lo que siempre has sospechado... Porque nadie entiende tus chistes... Todos son igualmente válidos.

No lo pienses más. Great Potential Press | Publisher of Gifted Education Resources. My Child is Gifted and I Can’t Talk About Him | Crushing Tall Poppies. Podcasts for Gifted Learners - Institute for Educational Advancement. Posted in Blog on 07/19/2016 by Nicole LaChance by Morgan Carrion, Assistant to the President “Isn’t it splendid to think of all the things there are to find out about? It just makes me feel glad to be alive…” L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables There are many ways to explore and learn new things. One wonderful medium is the podcast. A podcast is an episodic audio program available via the internet. 60 Second Science Get your daily dose of podcast with these tiny scientific expositions that manage to squeeze anecdotes, interviews, and a satisfying amount of information into two minute episodes.

Aaron’s WorldAaron’s World is a very cute “adventure” podcast from the imagination of a little boy. Brains On A science show for kids, Brains On strives to be engaging and educational. Kids Who Code There are 18 episodes of Kids Who Code. Physics CentralPhysics Central is rich in content and well produced. Short and Curly I like this show because it’s unique. Like this post? Gifted Homeschoolers Forum. It’s A Jungle In There — Explaining Giftedness | Your Rainforest Mind. Flickr, Creative Commons, Shigenobu Sugito It’s embarrassing. You probably don’t tell anyone that you read this blog. You keep it a secret. Right? Embarrassing. I want to be perfectly clear. I’m here because it’s time you realized that what you’re calling ADD or OCD or bipolar or quirky or dorky or geeky or anal retentive or impatient or poor communicator or eccentric or too sensitive or too dramatic or too whatever– may, instead, be a rainforest mind doing what it does.

No one else has to know. Except you. Because when you stop pathologizing your giftedness, then you can create the life you’re meant to create. But, I don’t want to hide it, you say. I understand. How about this: We know people who are like meadows. And making things better. To my bloggEEs: Do you tell people that you have a rainforest mind or that you’re gifted? This post is part of a blog hop with Like this: Like Loading... Author: Paula Prober. Welcome to 2e Newsletter! L'urgence de mieux recruter et accompagner les talents surdoués | Matthieu Lassagne. Surdoué ne veut pas dire malheureux | Sylvain Briant. DOUANCE. Creative people’s brains really do work differently.

Columbia, South Carolina South Carolina, as expected, voted overwhelmingly for Hillary Clinton in the Democratic primary today (Feb. 27). It was a dispiriting end to Bernie Sanders’ mad-dash effort to get South Carolinians to “feel the Bern.” Connecting with the young, black voters he targeted would have made Bernie’s path to nomination at least plausible, but after a 50-point loss his chances are looking slim indeed. Today’s poll data suggest that more than four in five black South Carolinians, who made up a 62% of voters today, voted for Clinton—even more than the 78% that voted for Obama in 2008. Though we won’t know for a while, years even, maybe Sanders’ effort will turn out not to be for naught. Enlisting Killer Mike Bernie Sanders had little time to counter Clinton’s strong reputation in the state.

“Sanders is coming to this [state] late,” Robert Oldendick, political science professor at the University of South Carolina, told Quartz last week. Bernie goes the distance Missed messages. Zebras Crossing : rencontres entre surdoués > LISTE DE SURDOUES. Bonjour Inconnu(e), Allez vite vous inscrire !

Il y a actuellement 5709 ZEBRES ayant accepté de publier leur coordonnées dont 5198 en France métropolitaine, 65 dans les Dom-Tom, et 446 à l'étranger. Lise des zèbres déjà inscrits sur Loire Atlantique : mimibmx , 19 ans (Abbaretz) - Lyzie , 38 ans (Aigrefeuille sur maine) - Amélie , 45 ans (Ancenis) - Dakota , 26 ans (Ancenis) - nevus , 39 ans (Basse-indre) poupshigh , 31 ans (Besn) - Solenne , 22 ans (Bouguenais) - Spycihoney , 43 ans (Bouguenais) - ALAM22 , 32 ans (Bouguenais) - Calimera , 42 ans (Bouguenais) - Den , 30 ans (Bourgneuf en retz) - boulidore , 35 ans (Bouvron) - Pouf , 27 ans (Carquefou) - ginger , 25 ans (Cholet) - JpCouturier9 , 39 ans (Coueron) Nadj , 43 ans (Engis) - Bouli , 48 ans (Fay de bretagne) Lokidor , 30 ans (Fresnay en retz) - leelanzebre , 37 ans (Guerande) - Ac2N , 44 ans (Heric) - Caro , 41 ans (Joue sur erdre) - Caro2leretou , 41 ans (Joue sur erdre) Caro , 41 ans (Jou sur erdre)

ZEBRAS CROSSING, rencontres entre Zèbres. Idea Overload: How To Manage Having Too Many Ideas. Most people constantly search for inspiration, for an idea to get them excited to take action and make something. I am not one of those people – quite the opposite actually. I have too many ideas. Granted, not all of them are great (read: mostly terrible), but finding ideas has never been a problem for me. Too many ideas sounds like a silly thing to struggle with, and while I do believe it’s better than the alternative, it also comes with it’s own challenges. Having too many ideas feels like a curse at times. How do you pick one? It is always better to have no ideas than false ones; to believe nothing, than to believe what is wrong.Thomas Jefferson Here is my personal method of how to navigate exactly this sort of situation. 1.

Before you do anything else, write your idea down. More importantly, writing them down relieves some of the pressure you may initially feel to pursue your idea right away. 2. Does your idea fit within your long-term goals? 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. New is always exciting. Shulamit Widawsky, Consultant for the Gifted. SENG. Hypersensibilité émotionnelle et haut potentiel intellectuel risque psychologique et moyen de l appr. Haut potentiel: ces esprits décalés qui boostent la société. Le cerveau d’un HP est en ébullition permanente. Les IRM effectuées sur ces personnes confirment cette forte activité, avec une multitude de connexions neuronales qui se traduisent par une pensée en arborescence : une idée en entraînant une autre, puis une autre...

Alors que chez les non-HP, seule une zone spécifique du cerveau s’anime par fonction, par exemple celle du langage pour traiter une information. Chez le surdoué, penser, c’est vivre. Il n’a pas le choix. Il ne peut arrêter cette pensée puissante, incessante qui, sans relâche, scrute, analyse, intègre, associe, anticipe, imagine, met en perspective… Aucune pause. Jamais. Penser sur le mode Wikipédia Cette arborescence de la pensée, c’est comme Wikipédia, explique encore la directrice de la Chaise Musicale. Une sensibilité accrue Précurseurs du monde de demain ? En dehors des politiciens ou artistes en tout genre, que deviennent les HP à l’âge adulte et qu’apportent-ils de différent à la société ?

Les HP sont-ils des surdoués ? Séjours pour enfants et développement personnel dans le sud-ouest. Dabrowski’s Theory and Existential Depression in Gifted Children and Adults. Webb, J, Ph.D. When people undergo a great trauma or other unsettling event—they have lost a job or a loved one dies, for example—their understanding of themselves or of their place in the world often disintegrates, and they temporarily "fall apart," experiencing a type of depression referred to as existential depression. It's very hard to keep your spirits up. You've got to keep selling yourself a bill of goods, and some people are better at lying to themselves than others. If you face reality too much, it kills you. ~ Woody Allen When people undergo a great trauma or other unsettling event—they have lost a job or a loved one dies, for example—their understanding of themselves or of their place in the world often disintegrates, and they temporarily "fall apart," experiencing a type of depression referred to as existential depression.

Background But long before I knew about Dabrowski’s theory, I knew about and understood existential depression. Existential Issues and Giftedness Life Meaning. IEA | Connecting bright minds; nurturing intellectual and personal growth. Gifted Articles + The “Me” Behind the Mask: Intellectually Gifted Students and the Search for Identity « SENG. Welcome to SILC. Visual-Spatial Resource. Giftedness is More Than a Function of Education | Crushing Tall Poppies. Visual-Spatial. Gifted Visual-Spatial Learners -- Homeschool Diner -- homeschool website links.

Idvsls.pdf. Visual Thinking. Precocite. Hypersensibles - Surchauffe du bulbe. Leaflets - English | IHBV. Giftedness is more than a function of Education | Crushing Tall Poppies. Enfants précoces, enfants surdoués, enfants à haut potentiel; adultes surdoués; tout sur la douance, la surdouance, le surdouement. Les personnes à haut potentiel ont-elles un fonctionnement hormonal différent ? Planète-Douance. Monique de Kermadec : « Les adultes surdoués souffrent d’un sentiment de décalage » Différence et souffrance de l’adulte surdoué, Cécile BOST. Adulte surdoué : reconnaître et comprendre leur différence - Dossier.