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My polaroid blog. The devil has always the best tunes. Untitled. Emily Shur - PHOTO DONUTS DAILY INSPIRATION PHOTOGRAPHY. OaKoAk. Fuck Yeah Num-Nums :3. TODD ESSICK PHOTOGRAPHS - Portfolio Collections. Mary Robinson. Sophie Mhabille. Le_théatre_des_opérations_(office) ►PM◄: PHOTOGRAPHY /// (Push On F11) | Other. 7 by *johnnyjoker. MICHAEL CASKER. Patrik budenz | photography | post mortem. Post mortem a person's death ends her existence. still, the body remains. until the 19th century, death was so prevalent in everyday life that it couldn't be denied: people nearly always died at home. it was the relatives' task to wash the body and cover it. in the course of industrialization and the development of modern medicine, mortality rates dropped drastically. more and more, elderly people moved to hospitals and nursing homes, long before they died. the thought of death itself increasingly became unbearable for most people. today, death has mostly vanished from public perception. most people die in institutions, and in case someone actually still dies at home, the corpse is immedately taken away by morticians in order to prepare the burial. but what happens with a corpse between the moment it is given into the care of professionals and the burial?

Krizalid. Rollip - Professional Online Photo Effects. Laurent Nivalle - photography - 2009. Last Night People | La vie est courte, les nuits sont longues ... JULIA FULLERTON-BATTEN. Caroline Barbera. Photos de paris.

Inspire me now. Julien Chatelin -- Photographe. Elliott Erwitt.