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StumbleUpon Video. The world’s best booze (and where to drink it) Drinking the local beverage is a sure way to warm the hearts of the locals. Here is a selection of alcoholic drinks that make the effort of travel all the more rewarding. 1. Sake, Japan Pin this image Image by katclay Called nihonshu in Japan, sake is a rice wine with an alcohol content of 15% to 17%. 2.

Pin this image Image by ccharmon It takes 119.5 seconds to pour the perfect pint. 3. Pin this image Image by jonworth-eu Someone once said: ‘beauty is in the eye of the beer holder’; if that’s the case, then Belgium is exquisite. 4. Pin this image Image by plusgood For instant bohemian, just add water. 5. Pin this image Image by Megan Mallen The sought-after wines of Burgundy (Bourgogne) possess particular qualities attributable to the region’s 400 soil types. 6. This simple three-step cocktail is composed of vodka, limes and sugar. 7.

Pin this image Image by nicksieger Only two people know the secret recipe to produce this all-natural liquor (36% alcohol volume). 8. Pin this image 9. Pin this image. The First Zombie-Proof House. Somehow, ritual drunk-conversation concerning team captains for the apocalypse has become a major part of the lives of 20-somethings. Having been matured in the Grandaddy-crowned masterpiece film (put “A.M. 180” on and forget that you have a job) 28 Days Later and the best-selling Zombie Survival Guide, we’re all a little too ready to deal with the 2012 zombie apocalypse of our dreams. “The Safe House,” designed by KWK Promes, starts to get eerily close to something I could work with, if say 200 bludgeoned members of the undead army came over to eat their way into borrowing some sugar. “The most essential item for our clients was acquiring the feeling of maximum security,” begins the designers’ website in the summary of the structure.

Who wouldn’t feel safe in a concrete rectangle that folds in upon itself to become completely sealed? Even the windows are covered with a slab of concrete when the structure is on nap time. What If.. Pictures. Gallery. UberGnome | World Famous Waste of Time. THAT'S LIKE WHOA. Crazy Videos, Funny Video Clips & Movies - Kaotic.

Fullmoonhike.swf (application/x-shockwave-flash-object) 10 theories about Hitler's death - Top 10 Lists. Humanity had and still has many controversial personalities whose lives continue to fascinate us even after their deaths. They remain large in our memories and no matter how many years have passed, some people continue to believe they are still alive and among us. Adolf Hitler is certainly one personality whose death continues to be shrouded in mystery. So vast and so intense was his reign that people always found a place for conspiracy theories and fictional plotlines. Some of the conspiracy theories are quite practical; some are quite romantic, while others are absolutely fantastic. No matter what people believe, these conspiracy theories keep Hitler’s death shrouded in mystery with some saying that he actually escaped and others saying that he died a death worthy of some of the greatest war criminals. 10 Hitler bought the Moon If you ever ask what is common between a conspiracy theorist and a lover, chances are that you will get a very quaint answer – the moon.

The Gray's agenda. 5 Fun Facts. For more fun facts, click HERE. ANIMALS IN THE WOMB. These amazing embryonic animal photographs of dolphins, sharks, dogs, penguins, cats and elephants are from a new National Geographic Documentary called “Extraordinary Animals in the Womb”. The show’s producer, Peter Chinn, used a combination of three-dimensional ultrasound scans, computer graphics and tiny cameras to capture the process from conception to birth. They are the most detailed embryonic animal pictures ever seen. Want to see some more amazing photography if animals?

Check out the Underwater Creatures photos from THIS POST – can you believe these things are real?! Earth. Facebook Symbols, Symbols for Facebook. Guy travels the world and shoots 1 second of footage in each location (Video)