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Start [Dmitry Katsubo Personal Pages] Corewars - King of the Hill. Redcode | Java, algorithms, math and more. Printable Puzzles by KrazyDad. Augmented Reality Online Shopping: Not the Right Fit (Yet) Modern women dream of the day when they can buy a super cute dress or practical pair of pants online that will fit perfectly on arrival. That day is not yet here, but two new products from Zugara and FaceCake Marketing, presented at the DEMO Spring conference, combine augmented reality with online shopping, hoping to take womankind one giant visual leap forward. Regrettably, they also fall short of that mission. Swivel, from FaceCake Marketing, taps into Microsoft Kinect's motion-sensing technology to offer a virtual at-home dressing room.

Users grab an item of clothing or accessory, and get to see how it could look in real life. Shoppers can select a background to see how items translate to settings, say a ski slope. In demonstrations, Swivel feels more like a game than a shopping tool. Clothes shopping, more than any most areas of commerce, is a matter of precision. Zugara's solution is the Webcam Social Shopper. Image courtesy of Flickr, doublebug.

Kellyfincham. Using Storify for journalism education · kellyfincham. Geekeries. A Java library for the Twitter API. Retro Programming. | combining crowdsourced geodata. Earth Outreach. Organisation Jane Goodall Institute URL du site Web principal AuteurLilian Pintea, vice-président du département des sciences de la préservation Outils utilisés Google Earth, Google Maps, Open Data Kit * Remarque : Le Jane Goodall Institute ne cautionne en aucun cas le traitement ou le trafic de chimpanzés sauvages. "Les informations collectées par les observateurs forestiers ne sont pas seulement utiles au village.

Elles contribuent à un effort mondial de surveillance des forêts et des ressources naturelles de la planète. " – Lilian Pintea, vice-président du département des sciences de la préservation, JGI L'objectif du Jane Goodall Institute est de protéger les grands singes africains, en particulier les chimpanzés, ainsi que leur habitat. Mode opératoire En 2006, le Jane Goodall Institute a mis en place le Gombe Chimpanzee Blog avec des mises à jour quotidiennes d'Emily Wroblewski, chercheur sur le terrain.

Chronique du blog par la chercheuse Emily Wroblewski. Project VRM. Berkman Center. Kre/Kinetic-Rules-Engine. About. Building applications for each platform–iPhone, Android, Windows and more–requires different frameworks and languages. PhoneGap solves this by using standards-based web technologies to bridge web applications and mobile devices. Since PhoneGap apps are standards compliant, they’re future-proofed to work with browsers as they evolve. Read an in-depth post explaining PhoneGap visually.

PhoneGap has been downloaded millions of times and is being used by hundreds of thousands of developers. The PhoneGap code was contributed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under the name Apache Cordova and graduated to top-level project status in October 2012. Read more about: Nitobi was the original creator and is one of the primary contributors to the PhoneGap framework. There is also vast global community that contributes to the project. CanvasXpress - Contact. The Next Web - International technology news, business & culture. Logiciels libres. Open Source Festival 2012. A head teacher writes... Zotero | Home. Fr:quick_start_guide. Translations of this page: En 1 heure vous pouvez apprendre à utiliser l'essentiel des fonctionnalités de Zotero et commencer à travailler.

La meilleure façon de comprendre ce qu'est Zotero c'est de regarder comment il fonctionne. Réalisé par l'URFIST PACAC, les autres tutoriels Zotero. Qu'est-ce que Zotero ? Zotero est un logiciel de gestion de références bibliographiques libre, gratuit et multiplateforme (Windows, Linux, Mac OS). Download Now Cliquez sur le bouton “Download Now” et choisissez la version que vous voulez installer. Zotero doit être ouvert pour que vous puissiez accéder à vos bibliothèques de références, soit Firefox est ouvert, soit vous avez lancé Zotero Standalone. Dans Firefox, cliquez sur l’icône dans le coin en bas à droite de la fenêtre du navigateur pour ouvrir votre fenêtre Zotero.

La fenêtre principale Le panneau de gauche liste les dossiers et sous-dossiers de votre bibliothèque de références. Collecter une référence Collecter plusieurs références Les collections. Online Validation Service - Pricing. Untitled. Release Code to Maven Central Repository Using Sonatype. Recently, when I decided to make my projects available to the Java Community under Open Source license, I did a lit of things like Hosting my code on Google Code, using Maven to build and test the code and also making sure that I have a project site up and running. However, even after all of this, there was one thing that was missing which was the most essential – “Hosting the project files on a repository so that users who may find these utilities useful may use it”.

I started to research on what was possible and after little research I found out that sonatype would allow me to deploy my code to Maven Central Repository. However, after 3 days of trial and error, I have finally been able to release a version of my code to the Central Repo. I am writing this post so that if you ever want to do this, you will not have to go through the same pain as I did. Pre-requisites A domain name which will be your groupId – I used which is used as “com.kapilvirenahuja” Hosting Step 1.

Jing, screenshot and screencast software from TechSmith. F.A.T. Free Universal Connection Kit Equals Ultimate Nerd Dad Triumph | Dadnabbit. When I was a kid, a nerd dad was something to be…well, maybe not ashamed of necessarily, but certainly discussed as rarely as possible, and taken out in public for biannual viewings if you could help it. Dads were supposed to own heavy metal tools and teach you how to use them only after you begged and proved you weren’t actually an idiot, and take you camping, and make you walk the dog. They were only supposed to care about your toys for as long as it took to scream obscenities after accidentally stepping on them. Aside from the occasional Pinewood Derby debacle, they were not supposed to get involved in dorky hobbies.

Things have changed, and the Free Universal Construction Kit offers paradigm-shifting proof. What’s the Free Universal Construction Kit, you ask? I ask you: What kind of dad has a 3D printer lying around the house? I’d write more, but my four-year-old son wants to play Egg Punch on my old iPad 1. The Free Universal Construction Kit from Adapterz on Vimeo. MakerBot Industries.

Blog | LaunchRock | LaunchRock helps you set up a viral launching soon page in minutes. From The Bad Idea File: Installing Spyware on Apple Store Computers as an 'Art Project' TeleHash / JSON + UDP + DHT = Freedom. Nuiton. Riset -  RISET. Data Visualization made Fast, Fun and Easy. - Data Visualization made Fast, Fun and Easy. Resources. Periscopic: Do good with data. Visualize Yahoo! Login | MapBox. Projects. Opening Over 2,000 Development Datasets. Photo courtesy of World Bank Photo Collection. Eric Swanson and Shaida Badiee present on

Opening Over 2,000 World Development Indicators to the Public for Free Strategy, design, and development for Signaling the most aggressive open data push in the international development community to date, World Bank President Robert Zoellick launched in April 2010. The site is really just a display layer on top of the World Bank's API, serving as the browser for the most commonly used data, and is built to let researchers and policy makers filter though the vast data sets and quickly jump to indicators.

We designed, built, and launched the entire site in just over a month. For much of this data, this is the first time that it is available in languages other than English. All the data is highly interactive. Building for performance The data browser was built using all open source tools. الجامعات ترتقي إلى مستوى التحدي | Voices & Views: Middle East & North Africa. المعرفة مهمة كالماء والهواء.فهي تشجع على الابتكار مما يسمح للاقتصادات بالنمو وللبلدان بالازدهار. وكحضانات أولى للمعرفة ومنارات إشعاع لها، تلعب الجامعات دورا اجتماعيا بالغ الأهمية. وينبغي أن تتصدر نظم الإدارة المناسبة للجامعات اهتمامات الحكومات في كل مكان. ومثلما تتداعى باقي أعضاء الجسد إذا اشتكى أحد أعضائه، فإن الفشل في أداء نظام الجامعات له عواقب واسعة النطاق.

وقد أضحى هذا جليا لاسيما في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا التي شهدت زيادة كبيرة في معدلات البطالة بين الشباب، وخاصة بين خريجي الجامعات. ويبدو أن المهارات التي يتعلمونها لاعلاقة لها بالاحتياجات الحالية لأسواق العمل مما يترك موارد بشرية هائلة معطلة. ولا شك أن الإصلاحات الاقتصادية مطلوبة لخلق فرص أكثر وأفضل. وفي هذا الصدد، يعكف فريق تابع للبنك الدولي بمركز التكامل المتوسطي (E)، الذي يتخذ من مارسيليا مقرا له، على قياس الجودة بإدارة الجامعات ومضاهاتها بمزيج من النتائج المنشودة والمعايير العالمية.

وفي خطوة مهمة للأمام، اتفقت إحدى وأربعون مؤسسة في أربعة بلدان مختلفة بالمنطقة على الخضوع لأول تمرين للقياس المعياري لإدارة الجامعات. Mapbox (MapBox) Developmentseed (Development Seed) Larry Tesler’s Personae. Ex-Apple Designer Creates Teaching UI That "Kills Math" Using Data Viz. We hear a lot of design manifestos around here. But Bret Victor's stuck out: He wants to kill math. He's no Luddite, though -- he thinks mathematics is one of the most powerful, transcendent ways humans have for understanding and changing the world.

What he wants to kill is math's interface: opaque, abstract, unfamiliar, hard. "The power to understand and predict the quantities of the world should not be restricted to those with a freakish knack for manipulating abstract symbols," he writes. Equations and squiggly symbols aren't math at all: They're merely our interface. Victor's key insight is that what we think of as "math" -- equations, numerals, operators, variables, those squiggly symbols filling up millions of blackboards and textbooks -- isn't math at all: it's merely the interface. It may not surprise you, after reading that, to hear that Victor used to be an interface designer at Apple -- a company whose founding mission could be restated as "kill computers. " Bret Victor, beast of burden. Bret Victor, beast of burden.

Rapport annuel | CCIF - Collectif contre l'Islamophobie en France. Flowing Media: Your Data Has Something To Say. FlowingMedia. Wind Map. An invisible, ancient source of energy surrounds us—energy that powered the first explorations of the world, and that may be a key to the future. This map shows you the delicate tracery of wind flowing over the US. The wind map is a personal art project, not associated with any company. We've done our best to make this as accurate as possible, but can't make any guarantees about the correctness of the data or our software.

Please do not use the map or its data to fly a plane, sail a boat, or fight wildfires :-) If the map is missing or seems slow, we recommend the latest Chrome browser. Surface wind data comes from the National Digital Forecast Database. If you're looking for a weather map, or just want more detail on the weather today, see these more traditional maps of temperature and wind. Women vs. Men: Should I Sleep with Him? User account. Custom Made: Furniture - Home Decor - Custom Jewelry - Custom Home Renovations - Made in the USA. Paul Rademacher. Apps. 10/05/09 - 17/05/09. L'époque ou le monde opensource était associé à des universitaires barbus en tongues (et chaussettes, c'est plus confortable) semble loin derrière nous.

Nous sommes quelques un à bien devoir admettre que notre projet à nous, développé en mode "temps libre" a bien du mal à tenir la route face à la concurrence. Archiva est bien joli mais est à la ramasse comparé à Nexus, et la liste de tâche pour le "moderniser" est tellement longue, que je vois mal qui pourrait s'y attaquer. Continuum est tout à fait fonctionnel, mais son ergonomie laisse à désirer comparé à Hudson ou Bamboo, sans parler de la richesse du premier en terme de plugins. D'où un constat simple : depuis que le modèle opensource n'est plus considéré comme opposé au business, de nombreuses boîtes peuvent mettre du monde à plein temps sur un projet ET en tirer du bénéfice (support, consulting, formation, version "pro", etc).

L'opensource du XXIéme sciècle est définitivement professionnel. Revue de Presse Xebia. La revue de presse de l’actualité Java/J2EE hebdomadaire proposée par Xebia. Agilité Le coin de la technique Evènements de notre communauté en France et à l’étranger Sacha Labourey au Paris JUG mardi pour une soirée JBoss Agilité Scrum et XP depuis les tranchées Le livre référence de Henrik Kniberg, disponible sur InfoQ, vient d’être traduit en français (disponible en pdf ici).Guillaume Mathias (Xebia) a participé à cette aventure aux côtés de Bruno Orsier, Emmanuel Etasse et Christophe Bunn. Scrum de scrums Une des questions récurrentes concernant l’adoption des démarches agiles sur une large échelle est celle de la synchronisation de nombreuses personnes.

Problématique technique : adopter une démarche agile, c’est éviter de réaliser des fonctionnalités non nécessaires. C’est pour cela qu’a été pensé le Scrum of Scrums. FlexMonkey 0.5 Lors de l’une de nos revues de presse, nous vous présentions FlexMonkey (framework de tests automatisés OpenSource pour Flex). Sortie de SmartGWT Les moins : Blog Xebia France | Agile Enterprise Java, Cloud / NoSQL, Web Oriented Architectures, Mobile.

Data | The World Bank. Maven Repository Manager Feature Matrix - Maven User. Maven - Nexus Maven Repository Manager Users List | Mailing List Archive. Configuration des Repo dans setting.xml et non pom.xml [MAVEN] - Java - Programmation. Configurer Maven pour utiliser Nexus. Hébergement PHP & MySQL - Ce qui se fait de mieux : 60 + 40 Go, trafic illimité, PHP & MySQL, Joomla, Wordpress, Prestashop, Drupal, spip, typo3, phpbb,vBulletin.

AmazonAwsApiToolsTraining - xebia-france - Discover Amazon Aws API Tools - Xebia France libraries and workshops. Please refer to the emails "Xebia Amazon AWS Workshop Credentials" and "Xebia Amazon AWS Workshop Tools installation procedure" that were sent to you. Download EC2 api tools: download and unzip it under "~/aws-tools/ec2" ("c:\aws-tools\ec2" on Windows), RDS command line tools: download and unzip it under "~/aws-tools/rds" ("c:\aws-tools\rds" on Windows), ElasticLoadBalancing tools: download and unzip it under "~/aws-tools/rds" ("c:\aws-tools\elb" on Windows), Configure on Linux / MacOS X Sample extract from .profile export EC2_HOME=~/aws-tools/ec2export AWS_RDS_HOME=~/aws-tools/rdsexport AWS_ELB_HOME=~/aws-tools/elb export PATH=$PATH:$EC2_HOME/bin:$AWS_RDS_HOME/bin:$AWS_ELB_HOME/bin # EC2_REGION works for rds tools and elb tools but not for ec2 toolsexport EC2_REGION=eu-west-1# for ec2 toolsexport EC2_URL= Configure on Windows Create the followings environment variables: Create a MySQL Database.

Nolio - Application Release Automation for Application Deployment and Devops. Nxbook-pdf.pdf (Objet application/pdf) CloudInit. Summary cloud-init is the Ubuntu package that handles early initialization of a cloud instance. It is installed in the Ubuntu Cloud Images and also in the official Ubuntu images available on EC2. Some of the things it configures are: setting a default locale setting hostname generate ssh private keys adding ssh keys to user's .ssh/authorized_keys so they can log in setting up ephemeral mount points cloud-init's behavior can be configured via user-data. User-data can be given by the user at instance launch time. User Data Input Formats User data that will be acted upon by cloud-init must be in one of the following types: Gzip Compressed Content content found to be gzip compressed will be uncompressed. User-Data Scripts As popularized by, user-data scripts are a convenient way to do something on first boot of a launched instance.

For example: $ cat #! After running the above, you can expect that /root/output.txt will contain the desired text. Cloud Config Syntax Also, notice. L'intégration Continue avec Hudson. Nous allons créer notre premier projet. Considérons que nous disposons d'un projet basé sur Maven 2. Nous choisissons donc l'option " Construire un projet Maven 2 " parmi les possibilités offertes par Hudson lorsque l'on crée un nouveau job. Les autres options sont les suivantes : Construire un projet free-style : créer un projet en choisissant sa propre configuration. Utile si l'on veut gérer un projet basé sur Ant ou si l'on désire exécuter des lignes de commandes batch Windows. Construire un projet multi-configuration : créer un projet pouvant disposer d'une configuration multiple (voir la " matrice de configuration " dans le chapitre sur les fonctionnalités avancées).

Sur cet écran de configuration, voici les options principales à paramétrer : Description : la description du projet ! On notera la présence de l'icône à proximité de la plupart des options, offrant une explication plus approfondie de l'option. Hudson Tutorials. Plugins. A la Poursuite du Code en Rouge - Le blog de Guillaume Rams sur le génie logiciel. Building a software project. VirtualBox Plugin. Basics. Plugins. Comparison of open source configuration management software.

Controltier « the agile admin. ControlTier automates JBoss build and deployment. ControlTier. Basho | makers of the Riak distributed database. Etsy/deployinator. Code as Craft. Wealthfront Engineering. Continuous Deployment at outbrain | Flickr Code. Paris DevOps - Présentation. RunDeck Plugin. Job Workflows.