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Présentation eco-art numérique

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Le cri, Munch. Prix moyen. Paradoxe. Problématique. Vuk Cosic oeuvre. RIOT Mark Napier browser art. Les villes pixelisés d’eBoy. Propriété? Rafaël Rozendaal websites. Jello time .com by rafaël rozendaal, 2007, collection of sébastien de ganay. GIF MARKET. Storage Memory Christian Boltanski. FreeFall High Score. FREEFALL HIGHSCORE IS A SMARTPHONE APPLICATION THAT UNDERMINES THE VERY THING THAT WE EXPECT APPS TO DO — WORK FOR US. The object of the game is to drop your phone—the multi–hundred–dollar piece of metal and plastic that has become our constant companion, secretary, and babysitter—and drop it as far as you possibly can without breaking it. Freefall Highscore asks you to challenge your own materialism and dependence on technology by risking the destruction of something dear to you.

It's up to you to make sure your phone (and your dignity) survives. This Exquisite Forest. Mementomori, Ken Goldberg.