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Fiche 1 travail collaboratif special 8 janv 2020. Story cubes: ideas and resources. Do you use story cubes? Here are a few ideas on how to use them — even create your own! Please click the pictures to visit each site. 10 teaching ideas: Circle writing with narrative tenses: A useful worksheet with variations to work on different types of texts: Playing visual thinking skills with story cubes: No story cubes? 1. 2. 3. And how about creating your own story cubes with Google Drawings? Enjoy! Like this: Like Loading...

Activate Games for Learning American English: Board Games.


Comparatif et superlatif. Realia. Here are a few suggestions for activities using realia and to consider why we may want to bring things into the class. Why use realia in class? The main advantage of using real objects in the classroom is to make the learning experience more memorable for the learner. To give a couple of simple examples, if you are going to teach vocabulary of fruit and vegetables it can be much more affective for students if they can touch, smell and see the objects at the same time as hearing the new word.

This would appeal to a wider range of learner styles than a simple flashcard picture of the fruit or vegetable. A second example would be if you are going to teach some functional language for asking for the timetable for a train. You could use a fictitious timetable or you could use a real one from the local train station or the internet. Here is a selection of activities involving realia. Tourist information Gather some city/town maps from the tourist information bureau wherever you are. ESL - English PowerPoints: The spinning wheel comparative and superlative. Comparative and Superlative Adjectives Review Game. 60 Digital exit tickets for teachers - The ultimate exit ticket guide. There is nothing more annoying than a student who doesn’t understand something at the end of your lesson, but doesn’t dare to ask you for clarification. So, how are you supposed to know at what stage your students understand the content given in class?

Exit tickets are the perfect solution to facilitate this step! With exit tickets, you only need 5 minutes at the end of your lesson to get a clear picture about what your students did and didn’t understand. In this blog post, I’ll talk all about using exit tickets. Here’s what you’ll learn: Make sure to go through all the parts of this exit ticket guide mentioned above. You’ll learn how you can use these exit ticket examples in your own classroom. What are exit tickets? An exit ticket - also called exit slip - is a sheet of paper or, in BookWidgets’ case, a digital widget with questions that each student answers individually at the end of the lesson.

Benefits of using exit tickets in the classroom You can discover: Exit slips also: Attention!